Alex no demon chapter 51

As son, deo, mori, kinto and Baraka were in the forest jumping around from tree's in their search for alex, deo was using his robotic googles to look for alex from a far distance. Kinto asks him if he has spotted anything yet and then deo says that he just found alex. Kinto asks him if he is serious and asks him where he is, deo then tells him that the guy who kidnapped him is almost at the end of the forest and is near the valley. Kinto tells everyone to pick up the pace and then mori yells saying everyone should look out, as a missile just flies straught from the sky at them. As the smoke clears,kinto asks if everyone is ok and then all of a sudden, they see a guy who seems slightly older than them standing on a tree looking at them with a smile on his face. Kinto then asks the guy who the hell is he and he then says he is sorry for the intrution, he then says his name is zakia and he is one of lord bara's servants, kinto then asks himself if he is talking about the bara that alex and kazuki killed. Mori then says that he is sensing a massive amount of energy from him and deo says that his watch is picking up strong energy signals from him too. Kinto then asks zakai what he wants and zakai starts to smile and says that he was sent to kill at least one of them. Zakia then asks if one of them should fight him or he should just kill all of them at once and kinto says to himself that if this keeps on going, they wouldn't be able to catch up to alex at all. Zakia then smile and turns his arms to missile launchers and says that if they wont answer, then he will just kill them at once. He shoots out a very powerful missile at them and just as it was about hit them, deo just kicks the missile away causing it to blow up a large number of tree's, deo says to himself that he has trained his body to become very strong, without his robotic watch. He then tells kinto that he will take care of the situation, kinto then asks him if he is crazy and tells him that this guy is in a whole different level. Deo then says he is going to be fine and that the rest of them should go rescue Alex. Kinto then tells deo to be careful and then he tells mori, son and Baraka to follow him. As they go,zakia who look confident asks deo whether if he wants his corpse to be scatter in pieces, or he wants to be obliterated to ashes, deo tells him that he should stop acting confident or else he'll give him a grousome veating. Deo's watch turn his arm into a blaster and deo asks him to come at him with everything he has, zakia just smiled, turns his arms into missile launches and starts to shoot missiles at him. Meanwhile as kinto and the rest were going on ahead, he asks himself If everything would be worth it at the end. Meanwhile in kojin's office, while kojin was staring outside his window, he says to himself that he hopes nothing goes wrong. He asks himself if sending those kids was a bright idea. As kojin was abit shocked, one of the solidiers came rushing into his office and tells kojin that the city is under attack. kojin asks who the attackers are and the soldier says that he doesn't know but it seems that they are from the dark sign. As kenji, sorata and zora were walking out of an explosion they caused, kenji says that something doesn't feel right at all and sorata says that "they" are coming. Out of nowhere, a blue beam flies from the sky headed for sorata, sorata jumps out of the way, he jumps to another building, only for a barrage of beams to send him flying accross buildings. After the smoke clears, he see sughi in mid air with robots hand and legs and with two robotic wings. Sorata then tells kenji to be careful and stick to the plan. sughi then tells sorata saying that he must be part of the dark sign organisation and sorata asks him why it matters. Sughi then tells him that he is his opponent and then turns his robots arm into a blaster and starts to shoot beams at sorata. Meanwhile as deo was fighting zakia in the forest, they both were moving at an incredible speed while throwing all sorts of attacks at each other, destroying the forest around them as they were causing huge explosions. Zakia was just blasting out missiles at deo while deo was just dodging them and blasting out beams to counter them. As they both were fighting while moving so fast, they both were just punching and kicking each other and smashing themselves on tree's. Zakia then begins to shoot out all manner of beams and in the process, he tells deo that no one has ever been able to keep up with him at all and then commends deo by telling him he is strong. Deo while moving at a high speed and dodging all of zakia's attacks tells him that he isn't bad himself and as they both were about to hit each other, they both clash their fist together. They clashed their fist together so hard that it wiped out hundreds of tree's around them. Deo and zakia then get a wicked grin on their faces as they start to throw a barrage of punches non stop. Meanwhile as sughi kept in blasting beams at sorata from the sky, sorata starts to dodge them as fasts as possible while using destructive energy to slap the beams away, causing alot of buildings to explain. Sorata then launches a huge ball made out of his purple destructive energy, but tomoa from a far distance throws a magic circle at sorata's attack in order to defecate it. Sorata then looks at his arm and finds out its smoking hot with smoke coming out of it. Tomoa who is standing on a building then tells sorata that if he were smart, he should know that it's not wise to fight in a condition were your abilities kill you. Sorata then looks at Tomoa standing on a building with a disapointed look and insults him by asking him why he doesn't take shame in his existence. Tomoa then asks sughi if he is okay and sughi says he is perfectly fine. Tomoa then prepares to open up a large number of magic circles and start to shoot destructiv orbs at sorata, while sughi proceeds to shoot out beams at sorata at rapid fire. sorata then sighs and says that he just wants to end this whole mission in ease and then blasts out a massive amount of destruction energy to counter their attacks. As their was a massive smoke screen everywhere due to the explosion caused by their attacks colliding, sorata jumps out of the smoke with a large amount of destructuve energy flowing through his body and with a speed of sound, he kicks sughi through a number of building and then punches Tomoa to a near by building with a huge amount of destructive energy. As sorata was on mid air with a massive amount of purple destructive energy overflowing on his body, he gets a grin on his face and tells both Tomoa and sughi that even if they were to go full power, he will obliterate them and turn them to ash. Sughi and Tomoa both jump in mid air charging towards him as they were ready to attack.