Alex no demon chapter 52

As kojin was in his office trying to process the situation at hand, he send an order to the soliders at their base telling them the city has been invaded and they should attend to the situation. As the soliders hear this, they all get up with their weapons and then out of nowhere, a giant sword made out if chains just comes flying and taking out a large number of them. As one of the soldiers asks were that attack came from, Kirihai then gets their attention and tells them that she is sorry for intruding but she needs them to stay put. One of the soliders gets a gun and began to shoot at her but before hand the bullets could touch her, she just dodges it,draws out a kunai and slices the soliders head off. The rest of them get intimidated and starts to attack Kirihai and then she just smiles and brings out some Kunai's out of her pockets. Meanwhile as sughi and Tomoa were fighting sorata in mid air while they were moving at highest speeds, Tomoa was just throwing destructive orbs at sorata at rapid fire while sughi turns his robotic arm into a machine gun and was shooting bullets at him. Sorata while flying at an incredible speed was just dodging both of their attacks. Sorata begins to shoots out an insane amount of purple destructive energy at them at rapid fire but then as they were dodging his attacks, they both were finding it hard to keep up with him. Sorata then flies towards them faster than he was moving and blasts him with an insane amount of destructive energy, taking out a large portion of the city. Sorata then insults him by telling Tomoa that if that is his true strength then he is embarrassed to call him kojin's adopted son. Zora then throws a light arrow at Tomoa but luckily for him, he was able to dodge it. Zora then tells Tomoa that he is facing him now so he better get ready. Meanwhile as deo was busy fighting zakia, he began to find it difficult to keep up with him. As ,zakia kept on throwing missiles at him, deo was just moving as fast as possible to dodge him. zakia appears before him with a smirk on his face andkicks him through a bunch of tree's and starts to punch deo with a speed he couldn't keep up with. Zakia then punches deo to the ground and starts to blast a massive number of missiles at him, deo then turns his his robotic arm into a blaster and with a massive amount of power, he blast the missile away. Deo's blaster then turns back into a watch, but then deo realizes his watch is smoking hot to the point it's emitting smoke. Zakia then asks deo if that is all he can do, deo gets up the floor and says he is just getting started. Deo's watch then begins to release a massive amount of blue energy and deo's body gets covered with a crazy amount of blue energy. He then asks himself if his watch will be able to keep up in the rate he was using it and then zakia smile and tells deo that without that watch he is basically unless. Deo then tells Zakai not to underestimated him and then with a speed almost as fast as light, he starts to attack him. Meanwhile as kinto and the rest were on their way to rescue Alex, mori senses a vile presence and tells kinto,Baraka and son to hold up. As mori was sensing his environment, a lazer beam comes from above about to hit mori, but then son gathers a large amount of flames on his hand releases a large amount of fire power in order to counter the beam. Son then says he recognizes that attack anywhere and Jason flies out of nowhere and punches son so hard he flew into a few tree's. Jason then tells son that it's been too long since he saw him, kinto then turns back and asks son if he is okay and son gets up with his nose bleeding and says he is fine. Mori then says he will handle him and son tells him to stand back or else he will be badly hurt, he tells mori that he maybe the strongest among them, but he has fought Jason before and knows how strong he is. Jason with an evil smile on his face tells son that it is so nice of him to remember him and son tells Jason that he must be part of the guys sent by the dark sign. Kinto then asks son if he can take it from there and son tells him that he is going to be just fine. As kinto along with mori and Baraka go on without son, mori says he has a bad feeling and Baraka says he feels the same.Kinto then begins to hope that alex is ok. But meanwhile in the valley close to the outskirts of the city, alex is flash stepping around shinki while throwing flash fists around him with all his strength. As alex was doing this, shinki was just dodging all of alex attacks effortlessly and asks alex if he is done yet. Alex then jumps behind him, ready to hit him with his blade of death but then shinki uses his finger to hold it while alex was using all his power to make sure his blade of death hit him. Shinki then tells alex that if this is how strong he is,then he doesn't even know whether to even hold back or just pitty him. Shinki then uses his other hand to slap alex blade of death away and punches alex to the walls of the valley and starts dragging his head on the walls. He throws alex accross a few hills causing him to crash on the ground, shinki then tells Alex that if he is done lying down,the he should just get back up. He walks closer to alex who is lying on the floor and he realizes it was a doll. To his surprise, alex jumps out of the ground with blade of death that seemed stronger than before and then tries using it to hit shinki. Shinki then uses his hand to hold it but then Alex says he isn't done yet. As he was struggling with shinki with his blade of death, shinki realizes that alex blade of death is changing colour from red to orange. Shinki tells Alex that he is impressed, but he should just stop before he gets hurt. Shinki explains to alex that his blade of death seems to be changing colour from red to orange because he is adding more power to it and the more it changes colour the stronger it gets. Alex then says he is calling this blade of death "Ultra blade of death" and then as alex was adding more power to his attack, shinki just slap it away like its nothing. Shinki uses a move called spirit spear and uses It to blast a hole on alex chest. He walks up to Alex lying on the ground and tells alex he didn't kill him, at least not yet. As he was just about to picks alex up, alex body starts to overflow with a crazy amount of thick black and red energy. His eyes starts to change black, his teeth starts to get sharper along with his nails. The energy flowing on his body then increases to the point the entire valley was shacking. shinki then sighs and asks himself why kids these days are always so out of control.