Alex no demon chapter 53

Shinki uses a technique called spirit spear in which he creates an arrow with a massive amount of energy and with the speed of light, he blast it through alex chest. Alex then falls to the ground unconscious with a whole in his chest. Shinki then walks up to alex and tells him not to worry that he isn't going to kill him at least not yet. Meanwhile Alex sees himself floating around a dark void and asks himself why he cant move, as he was floating around, he asks if he is dead or he is just unconscious. As he was asking himself questions, a giant demon appears before him and tells him to accept the pain and dispear, he tells alex to take all his hate and anger out and then he alex eyes just changes colour. As shinki was about to grab Alex, a massive amount of black energy burst out of his body. As Alex slowly gets up with the hole in his chest regenerating,along with his nails getting longer and his teeth getting Sharper. Alex then yells saying that he isn't going to die until he has fulfilled his dream. The power that was flowing all over his body was so powerful that the valley was shaking. Shinki then sighs and tells him that no matter whatever stunt he wants to pull off, it wont be enough to beat him. Meanwhile son was and Jason were just throwing fire balls and lazer beams at each other at rapid fire, which was causing huge explosions in the forest. Son keeps blasting a large amount of fire attacks but Jason is just jumping around in order to dodge them. Jason then uses his lasers abilities to form a sword and charges towards son at an insane speed. Son then creates a wall of fire to block the attack but Jason slices through it and kicks son through some of trees. As Jason charges towards son, he asks son if he has grown weak over the past few months since they fought. As he keeps blasting laser beams attacks at him, son quickly gets up with flames on his arm and punches Jason's attacks away. Son then tells him that it seems he could say the same for him. Son then gathers a massive amount of flames on his body and tells Jason to get prepared, Jason then does the same with his lazers and tells son that he has been waiting for his get back since they last fought. Meanwhile as zakia and deo were still fighting, deo who was overwhelmed with a powerful amount of blue energy just keeps throwing attacks at rapid fire while zakia just keeps dodging them without effort at all. As deo tries to throw one more attack, zakia then kicks him in mid air, flies up to deo and punches him back to the ground. Deo then struggles to get up and turns his robotic arm to a machine gun and begins to shoot bullets at rapid fire without stopping. After the smoke clears, zakia doesn't even have a single scratch on him and then he asks deo if he is done. Deo is extremely shocked with the energy on his body fade off, he asks him how he could survive that attack and zakia tells him it's because attacks like that are useless against him. Zakia then prepares a powerful attack called hellish blaze and then he blasts a huge amount of energy it at deo at full power causing a powerful explosion that cleared a large amount of trees in the forest. After the smoke clears, deo is on the floor with burns all over his body, his nano tech watch starts to spark. Zakia then tells deo that he would like to spear his life but his order were to kill, he then tells deo he is grateful to have found an equal for an opponent, deo's watch kept on sparking with red energy crackling over it. As he blast the same attack he used earlier at deo, deo slowly gets up and blocks the attack with one hand, as he then throws it away. Zakia was in shock and asks deo how he is still able to stand, deo's watch then begins to overflow with a powerful red aura which begins to spread around his body. He then notices a red aura flowing around deo and deo tells zakia that he is sorry, but with the way he is right now, he doesn't have any intentions to talk, all he wants is to kill. Zakia then proceeded to keep on shooting hellish bladez at him at rapid fire but then the aura round deo takes a massive increase to the point that it blasted zakia's attacks away. Deo then starts to move at the speed of light and starts kicking zakia around the forest, deo kept on moving at the speed of light and starts to bash zakia around tree's and then proceeds to throw all manners of attacks at him. Deo was so fast for zakia to the point that zakia could only see red light flashing around him. Deo then starts to throw a barrage of punches at zakia, zakia then realizes that if he keeps up with this, he is going to die. Deo then releases a punch so hard at zakia that it didn't only affect him but, it blasted a large part of the forest to ashes. As zakia was in the ground trying to stand up, he see's deo standing in front if him with a murderous looking on his eyes. Deo then prepares the same hellish blaze attack that Zakia previously used and points it to him. He then tells zakia that he is sorry, but he had no choice and then deo blasts the attack at zakia 10× times stronger. The attack was so powerful to the point that it cleared almost literally the entirity of the forest surrounding them to ashes. After the smoke clears, zakia is on the ground totally burned to ashes and then the powerful red aura around deo disappeared. Deo is on the ground with smoke coming out if his body, he then asks himself if he managed to do it, his watch then starts to fuze with his arm. Meanwhile, son and Jason were just moving with an incredible speed with flames all over sons body while jason was using his lazers to propel himself in order to move faster. They both are just throwing all sorts of attacks at each other non stop as they punch and throw each with across tree's, creating explosions around the place. Jason then blasts a very large laser beam attack at son while son tries to block it with all his strength but ended up being blasted by the attack. As he was lying on the ground while trying to get up, Jason walks up to him with another lazer beam attack in his hands and tells son that he isnt done yet.