Alex no demon chapter 54

In the valley while alex was still in his demonic state(Red hair, black eyes with a redish dark energy crackling over his body)he was throwing flash fist at shinki while moving incredibly fast. As shinki was dodging his attacks effortlessly, he tells Alex that it doesn't matter how fast or strong he is at the moment, as long as their is a gap between them, then he cant win. Alex then flash steps behind him, grabs shinki's head and starts dragging him through hills. As alex was doing this,he then throws shinki up in mid air, flash steps to him and with his energy fist(The regular one) he punches him to the ground with full strength. After the smoke clears, shinki see a multiple amount of blade of death heading towards him, shinki then uses a strike of his sword to deflect all of them. Alex appears behind him with another blade of death about to attack shinki with it, but shinki without even looking dodges alex attack and slams him through countless hills. Alex is then on the ground in the rubble struggling to get up while shinki walks up to him and tells him that he has been playing with him all this time. He then asks dusts the dust off his body and tells alex that he was told not too fight seriously so that he won't kill him, he further explains to alex that the only reason why he could hit him, was just to see what he was capable off. Alex then tells him that he knows that he and his dumb ass organisation are after his demonic powers, he tells shinki that he did abit of research and found out that the demon clan was wiped out and he is the only survivor. He then looks at shinki with a smile on his face and tells him that if he is the last surviving member then why would he ever give up when he can make something great out of himself. Shinki then explains to alex that it doesn't matter what motive he has it, will all end in agony for him. Alex then asks him if he is sure about that and out of nowhere, shinki senses a strange vibe in his head. Shinki then starts to groan in pain and then he sees a mark on his hand, kazuki who was running at an incredible speed from a far distance appeared behins shinki and then blasts a massive amount of purple flames at him. Alex then jumps out of the smoke with a smile on his face and tells kazuki that it was about damn time he came to the rescue while kazuki also with a smile in his face tells Alex that he is sorry for being late. Meanwhile son with crazy amount of flames all over his body while fighting Jason was just blasting all sorts of fire balls at him with rapid fire at the same time moving at an incredible speed, Jason then creates a sword out of his lazers and starts to counter son's attacks as fast as he could. But then while doing so, son managed to speed blitz him, as he starts to hit Jason with fist made out of flames. As he was attacking Jason, son then blast a fire attack so powerful to the point that it incinerated a large number of tree's. Son then starts to breathe heavily and says he cant believe he won, but then Jason then appears behind him and tells son that he couldn't believe it either. Jason blasted an insane amount of laser beams through his stomach which caused even more damage to the area. Son then collapses on the floor with a whole on his stomach and Jason starts to laugh at him. Jason yells in excitement saying he finally won. Jason then asks him how it feels like to be on the ground on the verge of death, he tells son that it was nice playing with him but it's to sad they don't get to play again. Jason then uses his lazers to creat a giant spear, he tell son that this is his ultimate move and he will be the first person he will try this on. As son was lying on the ground on the verge of death, he remembers when kojin(his dad) told him when he was still a kid to never look weak no matter the situation, he remembers kojin telling him that even if he is about to die on the spot, he should at least look strong and terrify his opponents. As son was struggling to get up with a massive whole in his stomach, he says that he wont go down easily. Son then remember his elder brother saito(a boy with purple hair and purple eyes who was 13 at the time)who use to tell him that both of them will be extremely strong one day. Son then gets up the ground with a crazy amount of flames bursting out of his body forming an armour. Jason then tells him that it's no use trying to fight back and then he throws his giant laser beam attack at son. As it was approaching son at maximum speed, son just effortlessly punches the attack away like it was nothing, Jason gets shocked and asks son how he was able to counter his ultimate attack. Son then tells Jason that he is going to burn him so bad to the point not even ashes are left of him. Jason starts to blast lazer beams at son and tells him that he is going to be the one to do that first. Son then launches himself at a powerful speed that burns the ground just by moving in order to dodge Jason's attacks. As he was dodging them, jason tells him not to get so cocky and then blasts an incredible laser beam attack. Son then uses his flames to create a fist in his arm and punches through Jason's attack. As Jason was shocked by son's performance, son punches Jason with an incredible amount of power and heat to the point that the attack not only affected Jason but destroyed literally everything around him to ashes. Jason is on the floor with his chest burnt while son just floats in mid air, creates a giant fire ball and compresses it into a small ball of fire. Son then says that he is calling this move "Drop bomb" and then he just drops it at Jason and then the attack blows up. The drop bomb was so strong that after the explosion it caused, made a giant whole on the ground incinerating almost the entirety of the forests leaving Jason completely burned. The flaming armour around son then disappears and son collapses on the ground with his body over heated and a the whole still in his chest