Alex no demon chapter 55

As kinto, baraka and mori were on the move to rescue alex, Baraka looked back and says he doesn't have a good feeling about this. Mori then says that he feels that son and deo might need help. Kinto then says that son and deo are going to be fine and they shouldn't worry themselves at all, kinto then asks how much further are they to Alex location. Mori uses his fingers to form a triangle around his head and then an eye appears on his forehead. As mori was using the eye to search for Alex, he see's alex in the valley. Mori then tells kinto that alex is at the valley not far from the entrance of the forest, kinto then smiles and says that it's a relief they found him but then mori picks up a strange feeling and then yells that something dangerous is heading their way. Our of nowhere, slashes made out of red energy fly straight from the forest nearly hitting them and causing a powerful explosion. After the smoke clears, Baraka was seen to have created an earth wall to protect them from being hit. Kinto then tells Baraka that he can pull down the earth wall. As oon as he does so, they see three people standing on a tree branch. A girl with red hair holding two swords overflowing with red energy, a buff guy with metal fist who seems to be at his teens and another girl with long grey hair. The guy with metal fist says his name is takashi, the girl with two sword and red hair introduces herself as rik while the other girl says her name is tenko. Kinto then asks them what are they looking for and rika says that they were sent here on a mission to stop them, mori then says that he wasn't really expecting anything else but that. Kinto then tells mori and Baraka that they need to split up in order to fight these guys, mori then says that the girl with long grey hair seems to have a massive amount of energy and skill so he will take her on, Baraka then says he wanted to be the one to fight her instead. Kinto then tells Baraka that mori is right, he explained that most of these guys are really strong especially the girl with the two sabers. He then tells mori not to get himself killed, mori then smirks and says that he has gotten more stronger than the last time they saw him fight. Baraka then says he will take care of the iron fist guy while kinto says that if that is the case then he'll take the girl with the grey hair. Rika then enlongates her sword in order to attack them and tells them that they have names and should stop referring to them with what they look. Kinto and Baraka then split up to different directions and then tenko tells rika and takashi too follow them. As soon as they all split up, mori appears behind rika ready to attack her with a dagger but then she quickly turns back and uses her sword to block it. As rika blocks it, she kicks mori making him fly through a couple of tree branches and then jumps toward him to attack him. Mori then throws some bombs at her causing an explosion but then rika jumps out of the smoke and then kicks mori to the ground. Rika tells mori that she has heard so much about him, mori then gets up with a smirk and asks her what she heard. Rika tells him that she heard that he is the strongest young assassin the city has. Mori giggles abit and says that the spot has been taken away by someone else, in fact two other people. Mori then activates his sword slash technique in which red energy start to overflow on his palms and forms the shape of a sharp edge, rika then smiles and then her two sword then starts to overflowing with energy around them. Rika then tells mori that she isn't holding back and mori say that its fine by him. Meanwhile while in the other side of the forest were Baraka was fighting takashi in which Baraka is clashing with takashi's iron fist, Baraka start to harden his fist into rocks and starts to fight takashi in close combat. While they were fighting by punching each other around the forest, takashi tells Baraka that there isn't really anyone who has beaten him in the terms of strength. Baraka then smiles and tells him to think again and then he kicks takashi on the face. Baraka then punches the ground and then giant spikes starts to rush at takashi. Takashi then start to block and punch those attacks away. Baraka jumps behind him with his giant rock solid fist about to punch him, but then takashi just dodges the attack with ease and then slaps Baraka through a number of tree's. Baraka tries to stand up and then as takashi was walking towards him, he asks Baraka if that was all it took to take him down. Baraka then gets up and charges toward him and they both begind to trade blows with a crazy amount of speed and force that was wiping out trees. Meanwhile at the other side of the forest tenko was blasting wind slashes at kinto while kinto was just swinging from different tree's in order to dodge her attacks. As he was doing so, tenko kept throwing wind slashes at him at rapid fire and tells him that if he wants to surrender, he should do it already, so his death will be painless. kinto while he was displaying incredible skills by dodging her attacks says there is no way he's losing, to a girl for that matter. He then throws a bunch of explosive at her and then uses a technique called multiplying caster I'm which his explosives starts to multiply into more explosives and blows up, causing the tree's in the area to be destroyed. Kinto then jumps down to the ground and tells rika that he knows she avoided the attack and she should stop pretending to be dead. Before the smoke clears, slashes of wind hits him on the chest and blasts him into some tree's. Kinto then gets up and says that he wasn't expecting this fight to be easy, he then smiles and monologues to himself saying everything is going as planned.