Alex no demon chapter 57

In the city, as Tomoa and zora were fighting, zora is throwing light arrows (Arrows made of light)at Tomoa while Tomoa is shooting out destructive orbs at zora's attack in order to counter them. As this goes on, Tomoa is struggling to keep up with the speed in which zora is throwing his light arrow attack, zora then tells Tomoa that he feels really jealous for the fact that he can open magic circles in order to blast out destructive orbs. He tells Tomoa that his magic circles serves as censor to detect attacks 2 to 3 seconds before the attack happens, tomoa then tells him that he should stop explaining his own abilities to him. Meanwhile in air sughi with his robot armour was blasting all sorts of attacks at sorata who's body was overflowing with a powerful amount of his purple destructive energy, while sorata was just flying at top speed as he was effectively dodging them. Sughi then realizes that sorata is way to fast for him and then asks himself how he can keep up with him, sorata trying to mock sughi asks him what the matter is and asks him if he is to strong for him. Sughi tells him it is quit the opposite and was only thinking of a better way to keep up. Sorata then grins and blast a massive amount of destructive energy at sughi, sughi manages to dodge, but then sorata and sughi begin to fly incredibly fast as they were throwing powerfull attacks at each other, with sorata's destructive energy, and sughi's beams, destroying the city with their fight. Sughi's robotic armour then begins to burst out a massively amount of energy as it starts to change form. Sorata who is looking abit intimidated asks him if this new transformation is supposed to stop him, sughi then asks him why he is on the side of the villains. Sorata then gets a confused expression and then asks sughi why it matters. Sughi then tells him that he only wants to know why he seems so spiteful before he polvarise's him. Sorata then smiles and tells him that he reminds him of someone he hates so badly, sughi's robotic armour then begins to point create huge guns, ready to fire at him. Sorata then smiles and monologues to himself that this fight seems to be more of a fun challenge. Meanwhile in the forest while kinto and rika were fighting, kinto was just jumping around tree's as he was dodging her wind attacks. She was throwing wind attacks at kinto which were so fast, but luckily, he was dodging them without difficulty. He then jumps up in the air and starts to throw explosives at her but rika just smiles and then blasts a massive amount of wind at the explosives which made an explosion and destroyed some tree's around them. As the smoke was clearing, kinto jumps out of nowhere with his dagger and tries to stab rika with it. Rika realizes this and uses her wind ability to push him away. She tells him that no matter how tactical he plans his steps, there is no way he would even be able to win. She then mocks him by telling him a guy Like him with no special ability is worthless and shouldn't even be alive at the first place. Kinto seems to be triggered by this. Kinto doesnt seem to be bothered and then charges towards her, she then starts to blast a gust of wind at kinto which smaked him through some tree's. He then gets up without saying anything and then rika begins to laugh at him and call him pathetic,she begins to blast wind attacks at him but kinto didn't seem to move or have any facial expressions. She then begins to create sharp needles of wind and launches them at him causing an explosion, she then tells him that before he dies, she will like him to accept the fact that he's useless. Kinto doesn't seem to respond as his face had an irritated look on his face. Rika then begins to laugh and says that the fight was very boring, and then before the smoke could clear, she hears kinto's voice saying that he heard all the bullshit she was saying and decided to keep quiet. Kinto then walks out of smoke with a serious look on his face, she then gets abit annoyed and prepares a wind attack ready to throw at him. She realizes that there are explosives attached to her hands and body, as they all start to blow up. As she screams in pain, kinto is slowly walking towards her and tells her that its his turn. He tells her that one of the reasons he hates girls is the fact that they act to cocky a d underestimate people, especially when they realise the person is powerless against them. He then starts to scratch his head as he says that there should be a rule stating that people like look down on others should die. Kinto explains to her that if she moves, then the explosives will detonate and if she makes a sound, another explosive will detonate. Rika gets angry and tries to blast a wind attack at kinto but then the explosives on her leg blows up as well as other explosives on her body parts. As they begin to blow up while she was in pain, she starts screaming and bleeding. Kinto then walks up to her while her body was being blown apart and tells her that he may not have energy and special abilities, but at least he has the highest IQ than any fighter. He states that be it assassin or solider, he doesn't need strength to win. As long as he has the brains, he controls the battle field. A bright red mark then appears on his hand with an eye shaped on his palm as it starts to stretch out to his eye. He then points his hand to her face and tells her that he hopes her body gets blasted to a billion pieces so that when her allies come looking for her, they won't find her or recognizes her corpse. The bright red mark on his arm then glows even brighter and then he tells her to"Blow up and be gone" and then her body starts to burn up as it begins to glows. Rika then begs kinto not to kill her but kinto calls her a stupid bitch and tells her that when she goes to hell, she should tell the devil that she crossed with the wrong guy. Kinto then tells her that he doesn't underestimate people so he doesn't expect to be underestimated and then rika turns into a shiny yellow ball of energy and blows up, causing the forest area to blow up as well. Her explosion was so incredible that mori could see it from the other side of the forest. After the smoke clears,kinto says to himself that he may not be able to use energy or have special abilities, but at least he made it this far. He begins to wonder how mori is doing and the others are doing. Kinto then looks around and finds out how destructive the fight with rika was with tree's burned to the ground.