Alex no demon chapter 58

In the city while sorata and sughi are in mid air, sughi was blasting all sorts of bullets and missiles at sorata while sorata was just dodging them while using destructive energy to slice and blast through them. As this continues, sorata tells sughi that he has a great fighting style and his weaponry skills are good but it's not going to be enough, sughi then tells him that he is really flattered but commending him like that wont work. Sughi then charges towards him as he is throwing bullets and blasting beams at him, but then sorata tries to keep his distance and create purple balls of destructive energy and shoots them at him in order to counter sughi's attacks. As they were blasting each other with attack and flying at the speed faster than sound, sughi tries to calculate sorata's speed and realizes sorata is moving 20 times faster than sound while his attack speed moves 11× faster than sound. Sughi then says that he wasn't expecting a speed feat like this and then he summons a saber. Sorata then looks confused and asks himself what the hell is sughi planning. Sughi then tells him that this sword he is holding is called the "hyper slash saber"and sorata tells him that the name of the sword is dumber than its looks. Sughi then tells sorata that "hyper slash saber" moves at hyper sonic speed and its enough to wipe out half of a city at maximum strength. Sorata then gets bored and tells him to stop the explanations but then before he could finish his, sentence a beam of light flashes by him and was so powerful that it blew up a couple of hills and forest. Sorata was so shocked to the point that his mouth was widely open and his eyes were completely blanked out. Sughi trying to mock sorata asks him if his dumb saber got his interest, sorata then proceeds to blitz him, grab him by the face and starts to use his head to knock down building. He proceeds to punch sughi with a massive amount of destructive energy to the sky, flies above him and blast him with an unbelievable amount of power which caused a massive explosion in the air. Sorata then says that there is no way he will see something so destructive and he'll just stare hoping his ass to get whooped. After the smoke clears, he see's sughi unharmed which left sorata in shock. Sughi tells him that there is no amount of power he is going to use to beat him at this state. Sughi turns his arm into a canon and tells sorata that, he gave him enough time to be able to power up as much energy as he needed. Sughi then charges up a huge amount of energy, and blasts it at sorata in air. This attack hits sorata who wasn't fast enough to react, causing a devastating explosion in the sky, leaving sorata to crash land on countless buildings. Sughi then tells sorata that he should just give up, but then as the smoke was clearing, he finds out that sorata was absorbing the energy from his attack. Sughi is now surprised on seeing how sorata absorbed his attack, sorata then tells him that he is really strong and he looks at him as a formidable fighter, he then tells sughi that he can use his destructive energy to absorb all manners of attacks. He then tells sughi that two can play one game and then he shoots out a very powerful amount of purple destructive energy at him. It was so strong that the explosion coverd the sky everyone, in the city saw the explosion in the sky including kinto who was in the forest. After the smoke clears, sughi's robotic armour is completely destroyed and burned, sughi collapse on the floor after being hit with such devastating attack. Sorata then tells sughi who is lying on the floor that he made a real good challenge and hopes he doesn't die after the attack he threw. Sorata then looks at both of his arms and realizes they are badly burned. He then sighs and says he wished he didn't go all out like that, meanwhile Tomoa is on the floor while he was bleeding on the chest. Zora then tells sorata that he has taken care of Tomoa, sorata then walks up to Tomoa with a smile on his face and kicks him on his bleeding chest. He then insults him by telling him that he was trained by kojin himself and yet he is this weak, tomoa then tells him that none of them are going to get away with the stunt they just pulled. Sorata then gets a funny expression on his face and starts to laugh at him, he tells Tomoa that they haven't even started doing anything flashy at all. He explains to him that this entire event was just something that was planned and that everything went according. Tomoa then asks sorata who the hell is he and why will he do such a thing, sorata then says tells Tomoa his real name and then Tomoa is shocked and says to himself that it can't be possible. Sorata then tells him that this is only the beginning of what is about to go down. Meanwhile in the forest while mori and tenko were fighting at a speed almost as fast as light, the fight was so destructive that it was slicing tree's into piece. As they were fighting, tenko was blasting attacks with her sword while mori was just punching and dodging her attacks away. Tenko who sword was literally pure energy at that point was moving at an incredible speed and was sending huge slashes at mori. Mori was able to keep up with her speed and kept on dodging and countering her attacks. Her two swords then turn into a bow and starts to shoot arrows made out of pure energy, as she was throwing attacks at him, mori gets fed up and starts dodging her attacks. He then jumps up In the air and then prepares a very powerful attack called fierce bizzark in which his hand turns into pure energy. As tenko was throwing her arrows at mori which were made out of pure energy and were moving almost as fast as light, he begins to dodge them. As soon as he gets close enough to tenko, he punches her with his "fierce bizzark"attack which was so powerful to the point that it made a forceful wind that destroyed all the trees at the spot they were fighting. As the smoke was clearing, mori's hands and some parts of his face were filled with cuts, as soon as kinto finds him, he asks him if he is feeling okay and then mori tells him that his body is completely weak and is about to collapse. Kinto then picks him up before he falls down and tells mori that his leg is completely busted because of that wind girl of a bastard, mori then says that he doubts that the others are in good shape at all. Kinto then says that both of them are the only ones who are atleast conscious and that they haven't completed their mission. Kinto tells mori that they should continue to walk forward to save alex before it's to late