Alex no demon chapter 59

In the valley, kazuki and shinki were fighting each other while kazuki was shooting spiritual explosions at shinki at rapid fire. Shinki was just dodging all of kazuki's attacks and was also slicing through them. As shinki was dodging all of kazuki's attacks, he realizes that he cant use his full strength because of the restrained mark on his hand. Kazuki then jumps out of nowhere and attempts to punch him, but shinki dodges it and kicks him into a hill, alex(still in his demonic state with red hair, sharp nails and teeth) yells kazuki's name and charges towards shinki at full speed. Kazuki then tells alex that he shouldn't rush in like that, alex then begins to create a massive amount of flash fist(This "flash fist" technique is energy taking the shape of fist and being shot at an intense speed) and starts to blast it at shinki at rapid fire. Shinki then begins to dodge the flash fist which were moving at an incredible speed while alex was flash stepping around shinki with his energy fist(plus 20) trying to hit him. Shinki just kept dodging him without effort. Shinki was weaving alex who was flash stepping from different angles as well as his flash fist. He tells alex that his power has really grown since he entered his demonic state but still even if he were to activate all his demonic transformations, he wont win. As this fight was going on, kazuki was amazed on seeing how fast and strong alex was . He then punches the ground and monologues, saying that if alex can still be fighting in a situation like this, then he has no right to just be looking useless since he came to save him. As alex was just moving, leaving only wind with his movements and trying to hit shinki, kazuki just jumps in mid air and start shooting spiritual shuriken's at shinki. Alex jumps out of the way while shinki was just dodging the attacks. Alex and kazuki then begin to simultaneously fight shinki as kazuki was throwing attacks at him and alex. They began to fight at close combat with shinki. As Shinki was fighting both alex and kazuki, he starts shooting beams at them but alex was just dodging them as fast as possible while kazuki was using spiritual explosions to counter them which caused even bigger explosions. As the smoke screen was still everywhere, shinki see's spiritual shuriken's about to hit him and then he jump out of the smoke only to see a large amount of flash fists heading to him at a crazy speed. Shinki then uses a technique called "one tap slash" to slice all of the flash fists away. Alex and kazuki then jump out from different directions, alex was holding a blade of death which was packed with insane energy while kazuki was holding his purple flames which seemed to look stronger than it usually. As they were approaching shinki with a great speed, shinki realizes that there speed has increased and then uses his hands to block their incoming attack. As soon as they hit shinki with all their might, shinki was using all his strength to block their blade of death and purple flames and then he says to himself that he has to get this restraining mark off his hand or else he wont be able to go all out. Shinki monologues to himself saying that he can easily kill them without just a flick of his sword, but with the mark on his palm, his strength has decreased drastically, to a point were his strength is just on C- rank level. Shinki couldn't hold alex and kazuki anymore which made them blast him through a large number of hills. After the smoke clears, alex comes back to his regular state while kazuki who was looking extremely tired and worn out smiles at alex and tells him they did it. Alex then smiles and thanks kazuki for helping him. But then shinki asks them why they are celebrating when the fight isn't over yet. Alex and kazuki are shocked to see shinki standing in front of them with a smile on his face. Alex then asks how he is able to still stand while being hit by the blade of death and purple flames at the same time, shinki then tells them they are beginning to piss him of and then a large amount of red energy bursts out of shinki's body. Kazuki is shocked to see this amount of energy overflowing through shinki and says to himself that no one Is supposed to have that much energy while having a restraining mark on them and with an amazing speed, shinki kicks kazuki across 9 hills and then as alex was about to help him kazuki, shinki just stabs alex with his sword . As soon as kazuki opens his eyes, he see's shinki's sword through Alex's chest with blood gushing out of Alex's chest. Kazuki who was extremely terrified screams Alex's name. Shinki then pulls off his sword from alex and throws his body aside, he then sighs and says that he Hope's he isn't dead so that all of these efforts in kidnapping him won't go to waste. He then pointed his sword toward kazuki and starts to prepare an attack, he tells kazuki that if he manages to survive, then he should just give up so that he wont experience such pain again. As shinki just blast his attack at him, kazuki tries getting up but then realizes his legs are broken. As he was just about to get hit by shinki's God spear attack, he blanks out and says he gives up. He then has a flashback of how he was maltreated as a kid and being beat up while growing up in the orphanage. In the flash back the head master in the orphanage tells shinki that he is useless and wont even cut it out as the lowest rank assassin, he also remembers how a bunch of kids his age bullied him and called him weak. As soon as kazuki remembered all this, he wakes up from the flashback and slaps shinki's attack away and then the dots of his spirit mark change from two to three dots.A huge amount of energy burst out of his hands, kazuki then realized that he was holding one dagger made from his purple flames and another one made out of purple lightling. He then says to himself that there is no way in hell that he is going to give up at all, shinki then realizes that kazuki's spirit mark has changed and then gets a proud smile on his face for a few seconds and then yells at him in excitement, telling him that if he seriously wants to beat him, then he should come at him with all his anger.