Alex no demon chapter 60

Kazuki charges towards shinki with his speed increased, he was so fast that he was moving as fast as lightnig. Kazuki was about to use his lightning dagger to slice shinko's head of but then shink uses his sword to block it. As soon as shinki blocks his attack,he smiles at kazuki and tells him they should take this fight abit higher and then they both begin to fight at a speed so fast that they were moving like beams of light. As they were fighting at an insane speed, kazuki was just shooting out spiritual explosions at rapid fire towards shinki but shinki was just dodging them as fast as he could. As kazuki was throwing spiritual explosions at rapid fire, he realizes that his strength has grown rapidly and he tells himself that no matter what, he will get stronger. He then uses a technique called "flash out" in which he starts to shoot out purple lightning arrows, as kazuki was shooting his "flash out" technique at him, shinki starts to shoot lightning attacks In order to counter kazuki's attacks. Their fight was so intense that they were destroying the valley with the speed they were moving at and the attacks they were throwing. Manwhile as Alex was lying down on the floor with his bleeding chest, he see's himself in a dark space with a massive black aura around the place. The black aura then begins to take the shape of demon, the demon looks at Alex and begins to laugh. He tells Alex (who is still unconscious) that if not for the immense power he possesses as a demon,he will most likely not be alive. The demon then tells alex that as long as he doesn't give up and hold what's dear to him. then he suppose that he isn't a complete mess. Alex wakes up and massive amount of demonic energy just bursts out of his body accompanied with him screaming in anger. As alex demonic energy was overflowing all over his body, he develops two big wings with black marks all over his body along with sharp teeth and claws and his hair colour changes from white to red. As kazuki was throwing attacks with his lightning and purple flame at shinki, he senses a deadly presence coming to his direction. As shinki charges towards kazuki about to hit him, he tells him to put his mind in the game but then alex comes out of nowhere with a crazy speed and punches shinki so hard that it didn't only affect shinki, but the impact of the punch destroyed a large number of hills and made big crator. Kazuki is shocked to see alex in his demonic state and asks alex if he is okay, but then alex was just growling in anger. As shinki stands up and realizes Alex is in his "demon form stage one", shinki then sighs and says he was expecting something like this to happen, he tells alex and kazuki that if they actually hope to beat him then they should come at him with all theyve got. Alex moving 10 times faster than before, charges towards shinki and starts throwing fire balls at him at rapid fire. Shinki then begins to charge towards alex at an incredible speed and starts to dodge all of alex attack as they were coming his direction. Each and every attack and movement alex did was just so strong that it was destroying the valley, alex then shape shifts his hand into an hammer and slaps shinki across a bunch of hill. He starts to shoot spikes at him but then shinki just keeps dodging them and then tells alex that if he wants to beat him, he has to do more than that but out of nowhere, kazuki's lightning dagger flies out straight to shinki and starts hitting shinki around the place. As kazuki's lightning dagger blasts shinki to the air, kazuki appears above him, creates purple flame and punches shinki down. Before shinki could hit the ground, alex just started shooting fire balls at him at rapid fire which was just causing crazy explosions. As alex kept shooting fire ball attacks at him, shinki jumps out if the smoke and then he and alex begin to fight with an insane amount of power and speed, in which they were moving around and causing shock waves around the valley. Their fight was so destructive and powerful that each attack was causing multiple explosions in the valley. Kazuki starts to launch lightning arrows at shinki. Shinki then uses his sword to slice through kazuki's attacks and then he throws his gods spear attack at him which caused an explosion and made kazuki crash on through the walls of the valley. Shinki charges towards him, shinki keeps throwing his "God spear" attack at him at rapid fire but then alex flies out of the skh and uses a powerful scream to deflect it back at shinki, shinki just slices through it like its nothing. Kazuki then gets up from the ground and thanks for Alex for helping him, he then realizes that at the rate they are going they wont beat shinki. Shinki then points his sword towards them and tells kazuki that if not for the restraining mark he put in him, then they both would be dead by now. He then gets a wicked smile on his face and yells at them saying that they shouldn't underestimate him, shinki then creates a giant attack called "Judgement" in which a giant magic circle opens up, he then tells alex and kazuki that "judgement" is an ability that allows its user to combine all the attacks and power the opponents threw at them. Kazuki is shocked and realizes that the judgments doesn't only throw back attacks but it multiplies it 100 times than the original and then shinki uses his judgement to blasts out a giant attack at alex and kazuki at the speed of light which caused a giant explosion that blew up the entire valley. The explosion was so intense that mori and kinto saw the explosion from the forest, kinto who was in shock then asks mori what the hell happened and mori says that he doesn't know but he doesn't feel its good. As the smoke clears, shinki see's that kazuki created a force field to protect himself and Alex from the attack. Kazuki then removes the force field, shink tells him that he is a stubborn one. Kazuki then mumbles telling alex to follow the plan. Shinki then realizes that there is a crazy amount of flash fist above him with multiple blade of death and then they start to come at him at a speed he couldn't keep up with, shinki then uses his sword to block Alex's flash fist and blade of death. He then realizes that at this rate, he will get defeated and then he smiles and monologues kazuki's name and says to himself that as an elder brother, he is proud of him. The attacks causes a giant explosion that obliterated the valley completely. As the smoke was clearing, kenji was using a lightning shield to protect shinki from being killed by the flash fists and blade of death. While shinki was lying unconscious on Kenji's shoulder, kenji then sighs and says that he wasn't really in the mood to make an entrance. He then opens a portal and enters it with shinki. Meanwhile after the smoke was clearing, alex was on the floor in his normal state while kazuki was also lying unconscious with his hand bleeding. Mori and kinto then appear in the valley and see Alex and kazuki unconscious lying on the ground. Kinto then tells mori to assist kazuki while he helps alex up.