Alex no demon chapter 61

In the soliders base while Kirihai had literally killed all the soldiers there, she walks up to one of the surviving soldiers who was terrified after seeing how she killed everyone. She then asks him with a smile on her face if he is very strong and formidable, the solider out if fear begs her not to kill him and then she starts to laugh at him. She then brings out her sword ready to kill him. Levi then appears and punches her away from the soldier. He then tells the soldier that he should run while he can, Kirihai is abit surprised and tells Levi she has heard alot about him and asks him if he's the same guy she met at the bridge. Levi tells her that he is the head of the soldier department of the city and tells her that he is indeed the guy she met before. Kirihai gets excited and says that she finally is about to fight someone strong. As mirio was watching this, he sighs and tells Kirihai that its better if they just leave since they've done what they needed to do. Kirihai then tells mirio to calm down and that she hasn't had a good fight it a while, she then puts her sword in the case and brings out a kunai ready to fight levi. Levi then sighs and says that he rather fight her outside. Within a matter of seconds, both Kirihai and levi jump out of the base and start to fight on the roof top. They both were fighting at the speed of sound and destroying buildings as they were fighting. Levi turns his hands into machine guns and starts to blast an unbelievable amount of bullets at Kirihai, but Kirihai was dodging and using her kunai's to slice the bullets. As they both were moving at the speed of sound, mirio was just watching levi and Kirihai fight, he then sighs and says that things would have been better if they had just left without a fight. Kirihai then begins to bring out needles from her pockets, imbued's them with energy and starts throwing them at levi. Levi realized that Kirihai's needles were approaching him almost at the speed of light and starts dodging them. He then used a move called infinite chaos in which bullets imbued with energy starts falling out of the sky. Kirihai smiles and begins to do backflips in order to dodge them, she then jumps in air and summons two giant claws and then throws it at Levi, causing huge damage on building. Levi then shape shifts his hand into a rocket launcher and blast a missile at Kirihai's attacks which caused an explosion. As the smoke was clearing, Kirihai tells Levi that she is having fun but then she says that its better if the fight is more intense. She draws out her sword and then just drawing out her swords alone was so powerful that it destroyed countless sky scrapers, levi then gets a shocked expression on his face while mirio who was just watching says that he is starting to feel bad for levi. Kirihai launches herself at levi and swings her sword at him, causing the building they were fighting on too split apart. Kirihai then kicks him so hard that he crashed through countless buildings. As levi was still in the air, kirihai starts releasing slashes with her sword.Levi managed to dodge a few of them but still got hit by one of them which made him crash into a few other buildings. As levi was about to get up, he realizes that Kirihai's strength has increased rapidly and then as she charges towards him, Levi's arm shape shifts into a robotic arm and then with a massive amount of energy he punches Kirihai into a building which caused the building to collapse. Kirihai comes out of the rubble unharmed and says that she feels like going one more round but then kenji tells her that she should just relax. He opens up a portal and tells her to get in. Mirio sighs in relief and says that Kirihai was so insane that he started feeling bad for her opponent, Kirihai then says that she wants to go one more round and mirio just pushes her into the portal and tells her to go get some rest. Meanwhile in the other side of the city were sorata and zora were, a portal opens and Kenji walks out of it. Sorata then asks him if everyone has gotten in safe and kenji tells him that shinki wasn't able to carry out the kidnapping at the end. Sorata then sighs and as he and zora were about to enter the portal together, kojin just flies out of nowhere and punches zora with an enormous amount of destructive energy (Black) into a large number of buildings. As soon as kojin appeared, sorata gets an evil but excited look on his face and yells at kojin telling him that he has been waiting for him. kojin then see's Tomoa on the floor badly injured and then in anger he asks sorata what he did to Tomoa. Sorata then says that he only kept him to sleep and shouldn't wake up until a few weeks, kojin then powers up a massive amount of destructive energy and then yells sorata's name telling him he going to pay. Sorata's hair then turns purple and then tells kojin to stop acting so rude, he tells him that his real name is saito the "disgrace of a son" and tells kojin that the name should ring a bell since he always called him that while growing up. Immediately kojin hears this, he gets a shocked expression on his face and then realizes that sorata is his son "saito" who he threw out of the house 6 years ago. Kojin who is still in shock says that there is no way he can be saito at all, sorata/saito then laughs at him and asks him if he is stupid or what. He reminds kojin that its only their family that can use destructive energy and even if other people were able to use destructive energy, then it will either be in another form or a really rare thing. Kenji then sigh and tells sorata that they need to be going or else they might be caught. Sorata then tells him that they have plenty of time but because of the plan, he will round it up. As sorata and kenji enter the portal, sorata gives kojin a terrifying smile and then uses his destructive energy to form a spear and blasts it at kojin which caused a massive explosion. The portal closes and kenji and sorata are in their hide out, kenji then asks sorata what they are going to do now that zora has been captured and then sorata says that something like that was bound to happen either way, he then looks up to the ceiling with a smile on his face and says to himself that he is going to obliterate kojin the next time they meet.