Alex no demon chapter 63 (volume 1 final chapter)

Few days ago in the waste lands filled with giant mountains, diablo and ukina were flying at the speed of light. While fighting, ukina was throwing lightning speed attacks which were destroying mountains at diablo. Diablo moving at light speed was just weaving all of ukina's attacks, as ukina was throwing attacks at diablo, she tells him that he is pretty strong and that she hasn't fought anyone like him before. Ukina then begins to open up magic circles which starts to throw giant spears made out of light at him, diablo then begins to dodge all of ukina's giant light spear attacks and then tells her that if she is going to keep attacking him like that, she should atleast try harder than that. Diablo then starts to shoot out red beams at rapid fire to ukina. Ukina begins to dodge and counter them with her light spear attacks, she then creates over a thousand giant shuriken covered with energy and starts throwing them at him. Diablo who was still flying at light speed, kept weaving them and then copied ukina's light spear attacks. As ukina kept on throwing her multiple giant shuriken attacks, diablo throws his light spear attack her in order to counter her attacks which caused a devastating explosion that took out a large part of the wastelands. As they were fighting at light speed and throwing light speed attacks at each other, they were blowing up countless mountains and giant waste lands and were also causing an intense explosion and thunderstorms. After the smoke clears, ukina prepares an attack called lightning bolt of death and throws it at diablo, diablo then sighs and deflects the attack into a mountain which caused a giant explosion. Ukina then tells diablo that she needs people like him to join her group, she also tells him that it's crazy how he is at 20 percent of his power and still this strong. Diablo then says that he has no reason to join her group of villains and criminals. Ukina then smiles and tells diablo to suit himself, she then opens a portal and tells diablo that they will meet again but in the meantime, he and his allies should stay away from the dark sign and then she enters the portal and it closes. In the present day, diablo was on a clif enjoying the view of the city, he then sighs and says that alot of things are going to happen after the period of 3 years. Kazuki then walks behind him and tells diablo he wants to talk to him for a while. Kazuki tells diablo that they have only three years before they start their C rank missions, diablo then tells him that he know about it. Kazuki tells diablo that he wants to train with him for those three years before their missions starts, diablo then smiles and tells him that he had a feeling he'd say something like that. Diablo tells kazuki to try activating his spiritual mark, kazuki activates it and at that point diablo realizes that his spirit mark has three dot on the triangle instead of just two. He smiles and tells kazuki that his spirit mark has evolved, kazuki then says he wasn't sure about it but he speculated something like that. Diablo asks him if he has noticed anything new and kazuki tells him that he noticed that his energy level and speed increases and he could also use new abilities like a force field and lightning as well as fire attacks. He then tells diablo that he had two daggers with him, one made out of his purple flames and the other one made out of purple lightning, diablo then smiles and tells kazuki that when their training starts, he will teach him how to use those new abilities he has. Kazuki then tells diablo that Alex also awakened a demon like form were he had wings, black Mark's and sharp nails with a crazy amount of energy. Diablo then says that Alex is also getting stronger as well, he tells kazuki that if both him and Alex keep on training and working hard to their fullest, its only a Matter of time before they surpass everyone. Meanwhile as Alex was playing some video games, he remembers when he met a demon like creature in his mind and asks himself what the hell he saw, he also remembered how he entered his demon form and the crazy power he was using to fight shinki. Alex then smiles and says that he doesn't know the kind of power he had at that moment, but it felt like he was on top of the world, he then says to himself that he cant wait to tell grandpa Rambo about this, alex then hears a knocks on his door. As alex walks up to the door, he see's a note saying that he should come to the bridge near the river . As alex goes to the bridge, he see's his Rambo waiting for him. Alex then yells his name in excitement and asks him were he has been the whole time. Rambo then tells him that its nice to see him again, alex then tells him that he has been working on the blade of death since he left. Rambo tells him that he will show him later when he has settled down, he then notices a bandage on alex neck and asks him what happened to him. Alex tells him that alot of things happened but he is alright, few hours later after alex had explained everything to rambo, he tells him that he cant wait to start training for three years. Rambo then smiles at alex and tells him that in these three years he has, is going to train him to become stronger. Alex then gets an excited look on his face and says that he cant wait. Meanwhile in kojin's office while kojin was working with some paper work, Tomoa walks in and asks kojin how he is doing, kojin then tells him that its good to see him. He asks Tomoa how levi is doing, tomoa then says that they recovered quickly and are discharged. Kojin then smiles and thanks God that no one died. Son then walks in and refers to Tomoa as "big bro" and asks if he can train him for a few years with him. kojin then asks him how many times has he told him to knock before coming in. Son then smiles and says he is sorry for that and calls kojin "dad" asking him if they both can talk. Kojin and son are at the veranda of the office, he asks son what was so important that he had to talk about. Son then asks him what happened to saito his elder brother and asks him if it's true that he is working with the dark sign. Kojin then tells son he is sorry and that it is his fault that saito turned out to be the insane villain he is today. He explains to son that it was all because he failed to understand how saito felt and how hard he was working to become stronger, son with a depressed look on his face then says that if that's the case, he is going to work hard to bring saito back. Kojin then says that saito isn't the same elder brother he was before and remember when sorata said "I'm your son, saito. The disgrace of a son". Son then sighs and says it doesn't Matter at all. As they both were looking down at the city with the breeze blowing , son tells kojin that he might as well hate him for turning saito to the monster he is today. A pink beam of light just blasts through the roof and obliterated kojin's office entirely. Kojin rushes to his office and see's all his paper work along with everything else burnt to a crisp. As the smoke clears, a woman in a revealing vigilante clothing appears and then she takes off her mask. In excitement, she says hello to kojin and tells him it's nice to see him, kojin doesn't seem to be to surprised and refers to the lady as veronica and asks her why she had to appear un expected. Son then asks kojin who the woman is and kojin tells him that her name is veronica, the most powerful female soliders on the planet, the only woman who has reached S-rank. Later in the day as diablo was walking on the road carrying some groceries, he remembered when ukina said "In the meantime you and your allies shouldn't interfere with the dark signs", diablo then sighs and says that whether she likes it or not, she and her stupid group wont win. As diablo enters his house, he senses a sharp presence. Veronica jumps behind him in excitement, huging him while pressing her boobs on his head telling him that she is back and missed him so much. Diablo who doesn't seem to be surprised says that it was no wonder he had a sharp feeling. Few minutes later, diablo was serving her some drinks and snacks and tells her its abit of a surprise that she came and asks her why she decided to drop by, veronica then tells him that she is training a group of young assassins and she just had to be looking for another kid who seems competent and formidable enough to join. Diablo then tells her that he can think of two, but one of them has more of the qualities she mentioned, and the other one is the son to kazuma sensei. Veronica then gets excited and says she can't wait to meet the kid. Few hours later, veronica was toying around with alex and kazuki's face saying that they look so cute and that she wants to hug them so tight. Alex then asks kazuki why a woman with a revealing vigilante costume with big boobs is calling them cute and kazuki says has no clue. Diablo then introduces alex and kazuki to veronica and tells them that she was his team mate back then, veronica in excitement then asks which of them would like to be her student. Alex and kazuki get a confused look on their faces and says that they are confused. Alex then says that he'd like too, but then he has someone else training him, veronica then asks kazuki if he'd like to be her student but kazuki says he doesn't intend to. Diablo then tells kazuki to be nice, veronica tells him that he looks strong and doesn't seem to be training with anyone. Kazuki then says diablo will be training him for a few years and diablo tells him that he has a better chance of being stronger if he trains with her than him. Kazuki then says that if he joins her, he knows he'll have to endure some teasing and some kind of wierd training, diablo then flashbacks to the horrible teasing veronica put him through while they were teenagers. Diablo with a wired expression on his face then tells kazuki that he doesn't want to go through that, veronica then tells kazuki that she has a bunch of other students who are like him and she wants to form a group with them. She then tells kazuki that with someone who is as strong as he is, the group she is making will have a better chance in completing missions. Kazuki then says he'll join her and her group if it means being stronger, alex then tells kazuki that he looks like he would have fun. Alex was leaving and kazuki tells alex to wait abit, he tells alex that they both should have a fight sometime just to know who is stronger and then alex smiles and says he has no problem with having a fight with him at all.

As alex was going home, he tells himself that he is going to use the three years he has wisely and train with grandpa day in and out. Raquel then hugs him from behind and says if that's the case, then she might as well help him and train as hard as she can as well. Kazuki was who has packed his bags looks at the city as he was going out and then smiles, veronica then asks him if he's ready and kazuki says that he is beyond ready. As he was walking out, diablo tell kazuki that he will be coming to see how he's doing once in a while, kazuki then tell diablo that he is cool with that and that they both should have a sparing match in that once in a while. As kazuki was walking out of the city with veronica, he says to himself that he is going to be as strong as possible and surpass Alex and as Alex was walking home he pounds his fist and says that he will train harder than kazuki and surpass all manners of power so he can become a lord.