
I want to thank you all for the views and I hope you really enjoyed the first volume of "Alex no demon" I want to turn this web novel into a manga soon and hopefully some day I can make it an anime, i just pray God helps me tho. Well just incase you are wondering how i came up with this idea i had the idea from naruto and my hero academia which led me to create this book and along with few other anime's. I really hope it gets more viewers than this tho and I will be writing a new volume soon which may be a little shorter than the first one but it's still going to be the same. In the next volume of is going to be a time skip of three years and I will have the opportunity to write and explain some other things that I didn't do in the first volume. Once again thanks for reading and please help me get more viewers, and by the way let me know what you think about my book by commenting.