Chapter 44: A Meeting of the Families

The feast was indeed over, and the crowds had started to move locations. As such, the hallways were mostly empty and Klaeris force-marched Imogen and myself to the newly constructed amphitheater.

I was holding Imogen's hand still and I gave it a tug to pull us closer together. We bumped shoulders.

"You alright?" I mumbled. "Circumstances being what they are?"

"You mean my heart being outside my body? Or the imminent loss of my magic?" Imogen asked.

I shook my head. "Yeah, dumb question, sorry."

"I'm alright, actually." Imogen said, surprising me.


"Really." She said. "It's terrible, don't get me wrong, but... My life hasn't been great for a while now. When you were gone, all I could feel was this emptiness in me. Like a piece of me was missing."

"A dull ache?" I offered. "I know that feeling."