The assembled families were a sight to behold. Save for when I was standing directly beneath one of the trees, I had never seen so much magic in one place. Familiars were everywhere. Some floated in little spheres of water, others curled up in their witches' laps, while still more perched in the rafters of the newly-constructed amphitheater. There were reptiles and insects, rodents and fish, birds and cats. Olezhka wasn't the biggest Familiar in the room--that honor belonged to a massive eel-like fish swimming through the air above the rafters; it must have been twenty feet long or more--but he certainly was close to it.
And then their were the witches themselves. Hailing from countries all across the world, they were a diverse group of eclectic individuals. Some wore classically witchy attire--floppy hats, long dark robes, corsets that looked more painful than functional--though many more seemed to prefer modern styles--a medley of formal wear blended into more casual urban looks.