This was not my best plan. I have had better ideas. Like that time I punched a guy without knowing how I would get out of the situation. Or when I challenged a Matriarch to a magical duel. Or when I jumped out of a tree without being able to see the ground. Or that other time I challenged a Matriarch to a duel.
The point is, I'm not very good at doing the right thing. Or maybe, I'm very good at doing what FEELS like the right thing, even if it isn't the most tactful, effective solution. Unsurprisingly, this problem is compounded if you put me in a room full of witches and try to force me into a deal I want nothing to do with.
"You all suck." I told the assembled witches. "Every one of you is terrible, and I hate your guts."
In retrospect, I think the pure audacity of what I was doing saved me. No one said anything. Mouths hung open in surprise, witches leaned forward in their seat, not quite certain if they had heard me correctly.