He finished his warm up mile nearly a lap ahead of the others and Bethany cheered for him once again, reminding me that he was now taken. I took a deep breath and blinked back my tears.
“Hey, Tessa, I have to catch a ride back to the castle with Trent. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Alright. Meet you at first period.”
She gave me a hug and I hurried to wash up and change in the locker room. I climbed into the car with Trent and other than the initial greeting, we remained quiet for the trip home. When the car parked, I could feel my emotions begin to boil over. I didn’t want Trent to see me cry.
I hurried out of the car and ran to the castle.
“Kayleigh, wait…”
Trent called after me, but I ignored him. I was halfway up the stairs and on the way to shut myself in my room when he caught up to me. He turned me towards him to see my face wet with tears. It took a moment for me to meet his gaze. His eyes were full of concern and compassion.