Chapter 21: Luna Academy Moon Party

Victor St. James had staff clean and dress the entire dorm room for us as a gift. All we had to do was approve the colors we wanted for our separate rooms and bathrooms and then we were free to go pajama shopping.

I didn’t even know that shopping for pajamas was a thing. However, the mall was crammed with girls looking for playful pajamas to wear to the Moon Party that would be held on the campus’ back lawn. Tessa and I survived the madness early and went back to our dorm to rest.

I was surprised to see a bundle of white lilies waiting by our door when we returned. I was quite certain they would be for Tessa, so I went to retrieve them and handed them over.

“These have your name on them,” she informed me and pointed to the attached envelope. I was nearly dumbstruck as I took them inside and opened the card.

‘Just being neighborly,’ the note read and it was signed by Blake Greyson with his room number.

I dragged Tessa against her will to go and pay him a visit.