Chapter 25: A Fresh Slate

Autumn flies up out of her chair and rushes to Blake’s rescue. “What are you doing?” she screams, pulling Liam away from him.

The choking doesn’t stop, and she notices Blake’s face is turning blue.

“I don’t know what’s happening,” Liam stutters in his defense. “I woke up to him gasping.”

“I need an Epi!” Autumn screams out into the hallway.

Blake’s tongue is swollen and he’s having a difficult time breathing. Autumn knows right away that he’s having an allergic reaction to the vaccine. It doesn’t happen often, but she’s seen it before.

An attendee hurries in with an Epi-Pen and Autumn doesn’t hesitate to thrust it into Blake’s thigh. She holds it there for ten seconds before removing it. A few moments later, Blake takes a deep breath.

Autumn tries to hold back tears. “I need an IV and some antihistamines and cortisone to help reduce the inflammation,” she orders the clinic staff. Once the attendee leaves the room, Autumn takes Blake into her arms.