Chapter 26: Puppy Love

Autumn awakens some time later. She doesn’t know how long she’s been sleeping but the comfort she feels in Blake’s embrace makes her want to doze back off. She lays curled up in his arms a little longer and listens to the muffled sound of Liam and Connie talking on the other side of the curtain. Autumn can’t make out exactly what they’re saying, but the conversation reminds her of a couple in high school.

Liam says something and Connie responds with a giggle. Autumn smiles to herself and snuggles in closer to Blake. She would have fallen asleep again if not for the smell of food drifting over the divider.

Autumn’s stomach cramps and growls. She can’t remember the last time she ate. Even hospital food sounds good, and something to drink would be fantastic. She carefully slides out of bed and covers Blake up with the blanket before poking her head around the curtain.