Chapter 29: The Missing Luna

Autumn’s heart sinks as she follows a rushed Blake into the house. None of the other pack members come in as Jazz leads the way. They head up the stairs and down a long hallway that leads to an open sitting room.

Jazz fills them in as the three hurry along. “I came up to the house last night. I wanted to talk with her about what happened and see where you had gone. The front door was open, and the house was empty. I thought she had just gone for a walk,” Jazz says as they all come to a stop in the room.

Autumn notes that there are two tea cups on the table. One of the chairs is overturned along with some of the potted plants.

“I came back this morning, figuring I would catch her before she started her daily routine. She still wasn’t here, and this room was a mess. I also found this,” she says, handing Blake a small glass vile that still has some liquid in it. “There was also some blood in the bathroom down the hall,” Jazz adds, panic rising in her voice.