Chapter 30: Hidden Messages

Autumn doesn’t say much on the ride back to the sanctuary. She’s trying to put everything together in her head. Why would Dustin be doing this? What could he hope to gain from taking Lana? Is it revenge for Blake interrupting his earlier attempt to take Autumn? Every question she thinks of leads back to her. It’s her fault Lana is missing. If she had just left after Dustin showed up there would have been no reason for him to stay.

She doesn’t know how she’s going to tell Blake the reason his mom is missing. The anxiety she feels right now is debilitating and Autumn is drained. They pull back into the sanctuary and Roy parks at the house. The others aren’t back yet, and Autumn wonders how long they will be gone.

Roy turns the truck off and looks over at her. “What’s going through your head, miss? You were awfully quiet on the ride home,” he asks calmly.