Chapter 33: A Bond Between Mates

Autumn opens her eyes and rolls over to check the clock. It’s only quarter after six, even though it feels like nine. They had gone to bed early the night before, so waking up this early isn’t too much of a surprise. She scoots back over to Blake and tucks herself in close. The night before feels like a dream and she can’t help but wonder if he had really invited her to stay with him.

While Autumn ponders the great questions of life, Blake rolls over and pulls her close to him.

“Did you sleep well?” he asks, his voice deep and groggy from just waking up.

Autumn feels a stirring in her as the simple question wakes up her longing for him. She rolls over to face Blake, closing any space that was left between them. He runs his fingers through her hair, brushing a few loose pieces away from her face.

Autumn stretches up and kisses him on the nose. “I slept hard,” she replies, taking into consideration that she doesn’t remember waking up at all throughout the night.