Chapter 34: Moving Forward

Autumn and Connie both look at him as if he has two heads.

“Do you mean like a soulmate?” Connie asks confused.

Roy thinks about it for a minute before answering. “You could put it that way. It’s a bit more than a soulmate though. Being mated to a shifter is a very serious thing, at least it is for the shifter. I’ve heard rumors that if some shifters can’t be with their mate they actually die. I don’t know if this is true, not enough shifters exist to test the theory.”

“What?” Autumn says louder than she intends to. After composing herself she looks back at Roy. “So if Blake and Liam can’t be with us they will die?”

“Not necessarily, I would imagine those are the extreme cases,” Roy says calmly. “I just wanted to let you know that what you’re feeling is perfectly normal for a mated couple.”