Chapter 35: The Concerned Pack

Autumn and Blake make it out the door first, followed closely by the others. Jazz is standing at the bottom of the porch steps with her hand over her mouth. Her eyes are wide and the color has washed out of her face. She looks up and removes her hand to point at a box sitting on the top step.

Autumn looks down at it and her heart catches in her throat.

“Is that blood?” she stammers while visually studying the small brown box. The bottom of the container looks wet, and the top has moist red fingerprints all over it. There is no shipping label or return address, it’s just a box that’s been sealed with clear packaging tape.

Jazz nods as she tries to compose herself. “It’s not Mother’s. I thought it might be, but her scent wasn’t on it. Sorry I screamed, It really caught me off guard.”

Connie steps forward. “Don’t be sorry, Jazz, you didn’t know. Anyone would have screamed seeing something like this,” she says as she lifts the box up and hands it to Blake.