Blake stands over the package while Autumn pokes her head inside the door. “You guys need to get out here,” she hollers. “Dustin left another gift for us.”
Everyone floods out the door with Duncan stepping out last. He has on his new clothing and Autumn notices he stands taller and prouder than before. She marvels at how some new clothing can instill confidence into a person.
Duncan makes a face from the doorway, covering his nose. “It’s from him,” he says while turning away.
“Duncan, you can go back inside,” Liam replies. “We don’t need this package to mess with your sense of smell.”
The big man doesn’t need to be told twice as he scurries back through the door. Autumn feels bad that they have to put him through this. It’s clear that the scent nearly makes Duncan sick every time he smells it. It must be uncomfortable having to deal with overpowering smells all the time.
Connie steps forward toward the suspicious package. “I don’t see blood this time. Should we open it?”