The Celestial Conquest System!

The Cosmic Asura Reikeji, the one who was known for his ruthlessness towards mankind, the one who didn't show a hint of mercy to anything.

He could destroy any galaxies, planets, or stars that he desired. He was a psychopath who loved destruction.

"Why…. Why him of all people…?"

Eden mumbled as he felt the tightness in his chest, his legs trembling, but he was trying to keep a calm expression on his face.


While seeing Eden's facial expression, Reikeji smirked, questioning,

"To think that you'll still try to stay calm! Man! I like it!"

Then, his crimson glare got locked on Eden, he added.

"But I hate nuisance; you know what I mean, right?"


Even his words were enough to freeze Eden in his spot. He bit his lips, pondering,

'What should I do? My power is already fading; even if I had my full power, fighting against a battle maniac like Reikeji is an impossible task! Dang it, what now?!'

"I was just going to the Celestial Realm, you know, Requaniel? But to think I'll find you here, on one of the planets that my subordinate created. How unfortunate of you."

Reikeji's words made Eden frustrated; he felt like everything was planned. He felt as if his father had intentionally sent Reikeji to kill him.

"Hey, you!!"


Fortunately, hearing a shrill roar shifted Reikeji's attention to his left as he noticed the village chief holding a spear in his hand while pointing it at Reikeji, challenging,

"If you want a fight, then come here! Why are you scaring the visitor, you coward!"

"Coward? Me?"

Chief's words piqued Reikeji's interest as a dark grin shaped his face. He replied,

"Oh, sure, sure. If you want a fight…"

Unaware of the chief, Reikeji appeared behind the chief, completing his words,

"...then, be my guest."



Chief's eyes dilated as he noticed a void around his belly. Looking down, he noticed a hole made by Reikeji that became obvious to him.


The Chief mumbled while coughing blood.

"What is it, old man? Don't you want a fight? Oh, my bad. I forgot to attack from the front. But it's fine, no? After all…"

Reikeji scorned him as he yanked his arm, adding,

"...ain't I a coward, Oldie?"


An uproar occurred as the crew started running away, while some ran to attack Reikeji with their varieties of weapons but met miserable ends.

Shortly after their battle, the whole village turned into an inferno.

'Should I attack him? No, the probability of winning is equal to zero. Should I run? But where? Wait, at least I can hide somewhere! But what about the villagers? Dang it! They're suffering because of me! Alright, don't be sentimental! Be practical! If I die now, no one could take my revenge!'

Contemplating to himself, Eden silently walked away since his wings were fragile; the only thing he could do was run!

'Yes, I finally made it out.'

Smiling inwardly, Eden got to the other side without any problem.

"Oh my~"

As if heaven had put a curse on him for a miserable end, Reikeji caught Eden in the end.


Eden noticed Reikeji as he increased his speed.

But Reikeji, while snickering, raised his right finger towards Eden, commanding,

"Divine end."


His dark beam penetrated through Eden's right shoulder.


While cursing Reikeji, Eden knelt on the ground, realizing that it was do or die for him.

Upon realizing that, he clenched his right fist as a blade appeared on his palm.

He slowly raised it towards his face, and in an instant, he swung it towards Reikeji with a massive shockwave emitting towards him.

"Hmph, tiring."

With an uninterested look, Reikeji flicked his fingers, and the waves vanished.

"What the?!"

Eden was left stunned since it was like a first and last attack from him.

"My turn~"

Nevertheless, without any warning, mercilessly, Reikeji launched another deadly beam that pierced through Eden's chest whilst making him cough blood.

Eden fell to the ground, clutching his chest since his whole body was writhing in agony.

"Time to put an end to it, Requaniel."

Reikeji said while pointing his right index finger towards Eden.


Eden clicked his tongue, and in the next moment, a deadly beam darted at Eden, yet suddenly, it vanished.


Both Reikeji and Eden were left astounded after noticing this phenomenon.

"Don't you dare hurt him!"

Soon, a silhouette appeared in front of Eden, with the red spear of the village chief guarding him.


Eden called out in a stunned voice, noticing Lily trying her best to protect him.


Witnessing the little girl trying to protect Eden, Reikeji couldn't help but snicker, saying,

"Interesting. Now, you've fallen this low to take the help of a little girl, eh?"

Then finally, beckoning Lily, he added,

"Come brat!"


Lily clicked her tongue and charged forward to attack Reikeji.

While Lily was constantly striking at Reikeji with her spear, Reikeji continued dodging it as if it were nothing.


Eden finally got up, still staggering and feeling kind of embarrassed after getting saved by a little girl. He tightened his blade, commanding,

"Angel Of Protection: The Strike of Devastation…"

Upon his command, some white mana started collecting around his blade as if getting ready to attack him with his full power.

"Get lost!"

Meanwhile, Reikeji launched a kick at Lily's belly, making her fly backwards while coughing blood.


Suddenly, his attention shifted towards Eden, and the moment Eden noticed Reikeji's gaze, with a full-powered roar, he swung his blade, shouting,


With a speed equivalent to light, the shockwave darted at Reikeji, and before he could even react, an explosion transpired, covering up the left side of the village.


Meanwhile, Eden knelt on the ground while panting heavily.

"Are you okay?"

A soft voice was heard from his left, and Eden noticed Lily patting his back.

"What about you, Lily? You're hurt, aren't you?"

With a concerned look, Eden commented.

"No, I'm fine."

While wiping the blood from the corner of her lips, Lily faked a smile.

"Sorry," Eden said, lowering his gaze, feeling guilty for the villagers' deaths.

"No need to apologize, big brother. It's not your fault. It's–?!"

Lily tried to console Eden, but her voice trailed off as her eyes widened in fear.


Eden noticed Lily's silence and looked to the left, but he got petrified as well.

On the left, as the smoke vanished, Reikeji was seen standing with an emotionless face.

He slowly placed his left palm on his left cheek and noticed blood flowing from there.


He called out in an ice-cold voice.

Then his eyes shifted to Eden and Lily. He narrowed his eyes and raised his left palm towards the sky, commenting,

"I had enough of it."


He commanded as his voice echoed through the air, piercing the very fabric of the air in the sky. Shortly after, hundreds of dark beams ricocheted towards Eden and Lily.


Eden realized the beams, but before he could react to them, the beams landed on the ground, devastating every particle into dust.

"Heh, that's nice."

Reikeji finally smirked as he shot up into space and raised his left palm as the devastating cosmic ball of death emerged above him. He pointed the ball towards the planet, and at his command, the ball started hauling forward.

"Hmph, I wasn't mistaken, after all. That bastard of an angel sent this brat here; if it wasn't for my divine sensor skill, I might have missed the chance of killing this sinner."

Folding his arms, Reikeji snorted, still glaring at the cosmic ball of energy that was slowly hauling towards the planet.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Eden was heavily battered as if every bone of his body were broken. He tried to drag forward but was unable to do so.

"It's so annoying…"

He mumbled in a low voice.

"You deities are really a pain in the ass."

He cursed the deities. Heaven was cruel to him from the very start; they never let him live a peaceful life as long as he was in the land of honour, even after he got exiled.

"Heh, so this is it, huh? My end...I think...I can meet you now, my lady."

His silver hair, which was covered in blood, started losing its shine, and his eyes started to latch up.


Eden raised his eyebrows after noticing a soft, trembling hand on his forehead.

"Don't…say this."

A weak yet soft voice was heard as she patted his head. She smiled at him.


Eden called out in a low voice.


Nevertheless, in the next moment, he gasped with a flabbergasted look after noticing something horrible.

"Strange…big brother. I…I'm not feeling…my legs anymore…"

With a vulnerable look, Lily murmured.

Seeing her in this condition, remorse overcame Eden as he bit his lips in anger at his letdown.

"Don't…worry, big brother."

Trying to console him, Lily smiled a little.

"It's fine…You know, my mother…used to tell me about…the tale of Angel of Protection, Requaniel."


Eden's frozen after hearing her testimony.

With a smile, Lily continued,

"If it wasn't you who saved our village from demon attacks…I might haven't even been born...that's why….thank you."

"But I…"

Lilly placed her fingers on Eden's lips, restraining him from saying anything further while she said,

"Don't blame yourself…for anything. You've done…what you could…hehe."

Then she gently caressed his head with her last ounce of strength, saying,

"It was nice…meeting you, my angel…Requaniel."

Completing her sentence, she leaned closer to Eden's face and gently kissed his forehead. With a smile on her bloody face, she closed her eyes and never opened them again.

"L-Lily….? Hey, say something….Lily!!"

Eden wailed, but there was no response; Lily…had died.


Eden's throat got dry again. He gradually closed his eyes, trying to control the tears, but they started streaming out of his eyes this time.


Suddenly, his eyes burst open as he caught a glimpse of the cosmic death ball of energy reaching towards the planet's land.

A faint smile shaped his face. He uttered,

"How troublesome…"

His eyes eventually shut down, and the only thing he remembered was Lady Celestia's face, even though it was a chance for him to survive and find a way to avenge her beloved Goddess' murderer. But it all ended before it even began.

"Finally, some real rest, I guess."

The last thing Eden uttered in his weak voice while he was about to lose consciousness, But!


A shrill voice screeched inside Eden's mind, making him open his eyes wide.

[The host has been selected!]

[Welcome to the Celestial Conquest System!]


In a low voice, he called out.

[Welcome to the system that you yearned for! The only system that will help you achieve your end goal!]

[Would the host like to accept the system? The host can even regain his lost powers if he manages to earn some specific amount of points.]

[The system will also help the host summon dungeons or white rooms to train and help the host get stronger than he was before; he can even rewind time or just regress in time, but it requires some specific points, as mentioned before, but they can be earned if you train in the white room.]

[So, would the host accept the system's help?]

Eden didn't know whether to trust it or not, but the time was elapsing fast, and with every second, the cosmic ball got closer to the land.

[Would the host accept the system or not? Yes? Or not?]

For the first time in his life, every cell in his body seemed to be screaming "Yes!"

Unfortunately, the cosmic ball approached Eden.

Realizing that there was no coming back, Eden gritted his teeth, and with every ounce of energy he had left, he roared at the top of his lungs.



[Requested Accepted!]

The system notified Eden, and at the next moment,


An enormous explosion transpired, scattering every fabric of the planet into the vacuum, and soon it was dead silent as if nothing was there to begin with.




'Hey, are you listening?'

A familiar voice rang in Eden's head, with a familiar face displaying itself in front of him.

"My lady…Celestia…"

Whether it's a reality or a dream, Eden's only wish was to make it eternal. In a sense, that can make him stay forever with his goddess.

"If only I could…"

He paced towards the Goddess, smiling as he said,

"I would've been with you forever, my lady…my life."

However, while he was in a peak state at the moment, something snatched his consciousness away.



His consciousness returned as he slowly opened his eyes, noticing the contrast in his surroundings.

Upon looking around, he found himself at the corner of the seashore.

[Good morning, Host!]

The voice of the system shrilled inside his mind, with a blue screen appearing in front of him.


He nervously smiled and then looked around, wondering,

'Where am I? Is it some other realm?'

[If, by chance, the host was worried about the surroundings, then fret not! Because this place is the safest one for the host! This planet is called Earth. A habitable planet for mortals called humans.]

"Earth? Humans?"

The words rang a bell in Eden's mind as he started to recollect the memory of this planet.

"Ah…I remember. The only habitable planet in the solar system of the dark era. I see."

Remembering this, he shifted his gaze at the system, asking,

"System, could you tell me what the current era–I mean, the year is?"

[Yes! It's the year 2023 of the mortal calendar, also known as the year 5,124 of the dark era!]

"I see."

Eden responded as he narrowed his gaze, pondering,

'That's it then; this world hadn't made any contact with any angels or deities since no one dared to enter the world in which the dark era had already started.'

Then he noticed what happened back there in the village.


A serious yet irate expression shaped his face. He commented,

"Reikeji…I swear by the name of Lady Celestia that I'll definitely make your death millions of times worse than you've ever thought of."


He called out afterwards.

[Yes, host.]

"Find a place for me to live, and since you said it before, tell me, how are you going to help me get my revenge?"

[As said before, the system will help the host regain his lost powers if he manages to earn a specific amount of points.]

[The system will also help the host summon dungeons or white rooms to train and help the host get stronger than he was before, he can even rewind time or just regress in time, but it requires some specific points, which, as mentioned before, can be earned if you train in the white room.]

"Hmmm…I get it, but wait, what's this white room?"

[The White Room was a space with endless space; wherever you look at it, you'll only notice the white light, but this room has some specialities. Different from dungeons, it can summon monsters to train you; it can even summon the apparition of the opponent that you've defeated!]

"That's nice!"

Eden finally smiled, slowly rose from the ground, and mumbled,

"It's time then…their reverse counting starts now."

Standing upright, Eden's gaze sharpened as he glared towards the sky with a cold look, saying,

"Just you wait…I'll be back for your heads for sure!"

Saying this, he turned around to walk inside the human world, but suddenly, something piqued his interest.

He noticed something in the water. As he looked closely, his eyes dilated as he commented,

"What is the…meaning of this?"

He noticed that his silver hair color had turned jet black and his crystal blue eyes had turned bloody red.

Noticing the change in his appearance, Eden frowned, questioning,

"Is that…me?"