The Beginning After The End


[It looks like the Angelic power of the host is completely drained, which results in a change in the host's appearance.]

The system explained to Eden while he was still gazing at the water at his new appearance.

"This look…"

He caressed his eyes and hair, and shortly a smile shaped on his face. He added,

"It's not bad compared to my real appearance. I guess no one could ever find me either since my Angelic power is gone for now."

He had already anticipated the reason why Reikeji could find him.


Then, he shifted his gaze to the system, anticipating,

"...I hope you'll help to gain power much stronger than what it was before. Also, I don't want to recover my previous strength because it might alert angels or deities about my presence. Instead, I desire a greater level of power that shouldn't be divine!"

[No worries, host. I care as much as you do. I assure you that you'll succeed as long as you follow my guidelines. However, right now, what do you think about learning a little about this world?]

The system replied.

"Oh, you have a point. It is necessary to know about this world since I'm going to live here."

Eden nodded with a serious look on his face.

[Then, here you go!!]

Suddenly, the system made a shrill noise as some blue crystal particles started erupting from the screen and started dashing towards Eden.

"What are you–?!"

Eden reacted, but before he could even react to it, the particles penetrated inside his head.


Eden's eyes glinted as millions of pictures flashed in front of his eyes.

"Ah…I see…huh? Wait, what?" Eden mumbled but suddenly got perplexed as he began to comprehend something unusual about the human world.

"Hey, system. Why...why do the humans of this world have superpowers? Aren't they supposed to be powerless when it comes to mana and aura?"

Eden seemed to be surprised after realizing that the human world was a lot different than he had imagined.


[It's because this world is different from the one you heard about. It has one exception and that is, the humans in this world possess supernatural powers.]

[I intently teleported you here since the environment helps you nurture your growth. You shouldn't worry as I'm here to help you in need.]

"I see, but could you please explain to me about this ranking of the humans that I just witnessed in these flashes of memories?"


The system dinged and began explaining the rank of humans.

[Humans in this world possess a mana core within their bodies that helps them grow stronger the more they train. Their ranking is classified into 8 types.

F Rank – Wood Rank Human. This category of humans usually stays the weakest; they usually stay unemployed all their lives and live a life of hunger or destitution. Because they're weak, no one wants them and their deaths stay miserable. They're the epitome of trash.

E Rank – Stone Rank Humans. This category of humans usually stays mediocre; they can usually find jobs as farmers, labourers, or other low-class jobs. They're weak, but have at least a basic level of knowledge of things and hence, can at least make their living despite being trash.

D Rank – Iron Rank Humans. This category can be a jack of all trades or sometimes the master of none, they can either be a low-key warrior or an adventurer.

C Rank – Bronze Rank Humans. This category includes Nobles, Politicians, A-rank Warriors and even A-rank adventurers.

B Rank – Silver Rank Humans. This category includes Ultimate Warriors, S-rank adventurers, and the entity that could be strong enough to destroy a city.

A Rank – Gold Rank Humans. They could be strong enough to destroy a planet or two. Their strength stays almost at the pinnacle of mortal strength. They could be as strong as Cosmic Asura Reikeji.

S Rank – Platinum Rank Humans. This category is the jack of all trades and master of all! They can do anything they desire and can even control galaxies at will! They're the limit breakers, their strength knows no limit!

SSS Rank or Z Rank – Diamond Rank Humans, the monstrous rank that only less than 10 people in the whole history could ever achieve. The category of humans that are the gods themselves, and can be known as Human Gods. They can create and destroy anything at will! Even if it means a universe!]

[This is one of the reasons why the land of honour couldn't make contact with this planet, it's because the humans here could be on par with them.]

[In this world, the strongest dominates everything, and that's why I'll make you the strongest, host!]

Eden just nodded after hearing System's explanation and stepped outside the seashore.


Gazing around the area, it appeared to be a beach, and fortunately, no one was there at that moment.

"Aside from that, according to my appearance, I might be just like a university student, no? Then, what if I join one?"

Eden mumbled while wondering if it was a good option or not.

He indeed wanted revenge, but he couldn't just hide forever, could he?

That's why he decided to adapt to the life of a university student; that way, no one would be suspicious of him, and he could make his new living and even learn some things.

[If the host desires, there's a university that is accepting new students. This University is a prestigious university in this country.]

[It could provide the host with free hostel services and even take care of every expense made by the host. So, does the host wish to apply there?]

Immediately after hearing the system's report, Eden called out,

"Obviously! If it gives this much of a privilege, then there's no doubt that I'll apply there."


[Notification has been sent. Oh, great! It appears like you can take the examination now, so what's the wait for? Let's go!]

"Wait, go? Like this–!"

Yet, again, before he could even react, the system teleported him in front of the university entrance, luckily with new attire, a combination of a black sweatshirt and blue trousers.

"You damn system…"

He sighed, but then his gaze fell on the university, and he walked in.

He noticed an enormous collection of beautiful buildings surrounding an extensive courtyard, its walls and gardens covered in vines and flowers.

The architecture resembled that of an Italian villa, with its white stone structures creating a pristine picture of the landscape.

The centre of the courtyard houses a gorgeous marble fountain, the sound of its water falling gracefully through the air. A few trees line the edges of the court, providing shade for the visitors as they walk through. The sound of birds and bees fills the air, bringing a touch of nature into the academic's paradise.

This prestigious University was named 'The Scholar's Court.'


Eden let out a small chuckle, smiling as if he was captivated by the university's beauty.

Shortly, he walked around in search of the exam hall.

After finding the exam hall, he walked towards his seat like any 'ordinary' student did and sat there.

Soon, the exams started, and Eden's focus shifted to the paper in his hand.


He called out.

"...isn't this paper…isn't it…a little too easy?"

He was astounded by the fact that the question paper appeared to be way easier than he had anticipated.

Not so long had it been since he solved the question paper and left the exam hall.

While strolling around the garden, Eden asked,

"Say, System. The exam result will take at least a week, right? So, where should I stay till then?"

[Fret not, host. The written exam results will be announced soon. Oh, right! There's something you need as a modern citizen here!]

Shortly, a smartphone materialized in front of Eden; luckily, no one was there to catch sight of this.

Eden held the smartphone, calling out,

"So this is a communication device called a smartphone, hmm? I heard that today's citizens get easily addicted to it. Is it that addictive?"

[Yes, it's true. But again, it depends on the user whether to make the smartphone his slave or be the slave of the smartphone.]

"Good point."

Eden nodded and started surfing the apps.


Suddenly, the system made a call.

[Instead of using your smartphone, what about trying the dungeon?]


Eden's eyes sparkled as he heard about the dungeon; his eyes shifted to the left at the system, he asked,

"Can I? I don't have any points at the moment, you know?"

[It's fine! Training in the white room requires points, but training in the dungeon is completely free!]

Hearing this, a dark grin shaped Eden's face.

[So, does the host desire–]

"I do!!"

This time, before the system could finish his testimony, Eden yelled with an eager voice.

After all, the faster he got stronger, the better it would be for him.


[Very well, then!]

In the next moment, the surroundings started darkening, as if the area had been replaced by another dimension.

Eden's gaze sharpened as he looked around, realizing the alteration in his surroundings.

[Choose your weapons, host!

A Blade (D-tier)

A Spear (E-tier)

A bow and arrow (E-tier)

Throwing knives (F-tier)

Dragger (E-tier)

Also, the host can choose up to three weapons!]

Seeing the weapons, Eden pondered for some minutes, then spoke.

"I'll choose a blade, a bow and arrow, and a spear. Yep, the trio of these three suits me well."

[Well then!]

The system dinged, and the weapons appeared in front of Eden as he placed the spear and arrows at his back while clutching to the blade and hanging the bow around his right shoulder.

"Now, I'm ready."

[After the written test, you'll have to take the test to know your abilities and mana capacity. That's why it's a great opportunity to increase your abilities, right? Well then, let's begin the training!]


Soon enough, some werewolves appeared from the bushes while glaring towards Eden.

"Hmm? Wait, I thought I'd train in the dungeon. But…why's the monsters started appearing here?"

[Host, this whole university has become your virtual dungeon. You can train all you want until you kill the boss. The monsters are around the university.]

[Killing each monster will give you 100 points with a boost in agility and intellect as well as an increase in level. Not only that, but you can also gain new skills when you kill the boss or rare monsters. So, all in all, do your worst!]

Heeding the system's explanation, a serious look shaped on Eden's face, he responded,

"It will be a bloody mess here soon!"