Assaulting The Monsters

[Category:- Rummin werewolves.

Rank:- E-rank

Speciality:- Hauling waves. They can form shockwaves through their hauls.

Weakness:- Their head or neck.

Quantity:- Ten.]

Hearing the system's information about the monsters' rank, Eden rapidly asked,

"What's my current rank then? I hope it won't be a Wood Rank!"

[Remember, you don't need to be a high-rank human if you want to defeat high-rank monsters; as long as you have enough skills, you could even behead SSS-rank monsters.]

[Monsters' ranks can vary from weak to strong, from E rank to SSS rank, just as any ordinary ranking system has.]

[Anyways, you shouldn't need to worry; you're a bronze-rank human, A.K.A., C-rank human. There's no way you'd be a F-ranked human; you were once an angel of protection, after all.]

After hearing the system's reassuring words, Eden smirked and tightened his blade, exclaiming,

"Then, let the show begin!!"

"Grrrr!! Rawr!!!!"

Seeing Eden's confidence, one of the werewolves flashed towards him and flashed his right claw at Eden, but Eden just swirled his blade, cutting the arm of the werewolf along with his claw.


The werewolf screamed as the blood splattered around the ground.

Seeing his gang member get wounded, the other werewolf dashed toward Eden with the utmost speed.

Luckily, Eden just slammed his legs against the ground, hopped above, and immediately picked up five arrows from his back and shot at the werewolves.

The screams of agony filled the area as the arrows pierced through their heads, killing them on the spot.

Now there were only five of them left with one already injured.


Perhaps intentionally, the four of them flashed at Eden, with two of them jumping over him. On the other hand, two of them were flashing at him from the ground.

Meanwhile, Eden sighed after seeing their callow attempt.

Promptly, Eden took the yield of his spear and swung it turbulently, ending up cutting not only werewolves' heads but also every part of their bodies with the blood splattered around the garden, creating a bloody valley.

"Hmm, good thing that I had accepted the weapons training at my training age. It's beneficial today."



Unfortunately, the remaining injured werewolf used his hauling waves, making Eden paralyzed for a few seconds.


Finally getting the chance, the werewolf ambushed Eden from behind with his left claws.

In the nick of time, Eden managed to duck it despite being particularly weak at the moment. Regardless, his sweatshirt ended up getting ripped from the front.


Eden called out, removing his palms from his ears as his voice went cold.

"You damn creature…"

With his ice-cold voice, his piercing gaze fell towards the werewolf with boiling rage. He called out,

"I've taken a liking to this cloth, you know? But thanks to you, it's turned into this mess."

His eyes were emitting fury that even shivered the werewolf as all the hairs on his body stood to their ends and with the sharp pain searing through his right arm, he dragged himself backward.

"You'll pay…"

Eden mumbled whilst clutching tight to his spear. He hurled it toward the werewolf, raving.

"How dare you rip my sweatshirt!!"


The spear pierced through the werewolf's head, and his body fell to the ground motionlessly.


[Congratulations, host! You've cleared the 'Wolf Garden' within ten minutes!]

[Since you've killed a total of ten werewolves, you'll get 100 points each, making it a total of 1,000 points! Congratulations again!]

"1,000 points? Great!!"

Eden's eyes glimmered after hearing about the points. He raised his gaze at the system, asking,

"Then, can I also train in a white room? Of course, not now, but after this is done!"

[Sure! You can also buy new equipment if you desire.]

System responded.

"Well, I'll think about it later."

Saying this, Eden grabbed his half-ripped sweatshirt from the shoulder, instantly ripped his top off, and threw it on the ground.

"Much better now."

Now, with his top showing his abs and muscles, he tightened his blade again and dashed towards the exam hall.

He felt as if he were being pulled by an invisible threat towards the exam hall.

Upon arriving at the exam hall, he smirked, remarking,

"Aha! I knew it!"

He noticed the different varieties of monsters inside the oversized exam hall.


[You have arrived in the monsters' valley. It has monsters from rank E to rank D. Do you want to enter or fight the weakest monsters first?]

"I'm entering!!"

Eden shouted.

The monsters got alerted as they caught a glimpse of Eden's presence.

Meanwhile, Eden just continued to glare at the monsters upon entering the exam hall, exclaiming,

"You all seem to be in turmoil. Well then, let me deliver you…your death!"

Completing his words, Eden jumped onto the monsters, killing them as if cutting vegetables.

Of course, he got hurt by them as well. Regardless, ignoring his injury, he continued fighting and killing them since the only thing he desired the most at that moment was to be the strongest!

[Congratulations, you've gained 10,000 points!]

The system reported after Eden killed every monster in the exam hall.

Soon after,


With a sigh, Eden sat on a bench, resting his arms against the wooden texture and looked towards the ceiling, mumbling,

"Sometimes this desire to be the strongest almost changes my behaviour. I feel as if I'm becoming a completely different person. *chuckles* I wonder how Lady Celestia would react to my current behaviour…"

But suddenly his smile faded away as the mention of Lady Celestia opened the wound in his heart.

His expression was saddened, with little pearls of tears appearing in his eyes. He was desperate to see her, yet all he could do was sigh…a deep and tiring sigh.

"Say, system."

Eden called out after an idea popped up in his mind.

[Yes, host.]

"Can I be…Can I be strong enough to even revive the divine beings?"

Eden asked as if inkling at a particular person.

[It's possible, host.]


Eden's eyes shimmered with joy after hearing the report that sent him flying over the moon.

[Yes, but unfortunately, not in Lady Celestia's case.]


All of his joy turned to dust with the heart-wrenching statement of the system.


He raged while his crimson eyes started glinting in outrage.

[Calm down, host. I know you care a lot for her, but try to understand. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but right now, we're uncertain whether the fragments of her soul are still safe or not.]


Eden lowered his gaze as he tried to calm himself, but his heart felt so weighty as if it were burdened again with the grief of failing her.

"If humans die, they'll be reborn or return to heaven, but if a god dies, then what? Will he be reborn, too? Or just vanish into nothingness. I don't know…"

Eden mumbled in a grievous voice with empty eyes, facing the ceiling.

Despite being an angel of protection for 669 years, Eden never came to know the real answer as to what would happen if a God died. Will he get reborn in some other world or just vanish into nothingness?

That's the question that always amazed Eden, but even in the land of honour, no angels or deities knew the exact answer. He wasn't very connected with Cosmic Asuras and Ancient Gods, so he didn't intend to even ask them.

Even if he asked this question to his beloved Goddess Celestia, she'd just smile and reply,

'Things like this would better stay a mystery because not everything should be known to my dear cute little Requaniel; it might taint your ears.'


Eden let out another sigh, remembering all this as he closed his eyes, ruminating over this question again.



Eden's eyes burst open as he heard a booming noise from the right.

"Another monster, huh?"

His gaze sharpened as he tightened his fist and stood upright against his right.


Abruptly, the walls cracked, and with a monstrous roar, a golden creature made his appearance.

"A…golden werewolf?"

Eden was baffled, his left eyebrow rising.


[What a great luck you've got, host! Instead of finding the boss, the boss himself finds his way to you. Amazing!]

"The boss, huh?"

Eden's eyes sharpened as his unblinking eyes focused on the golden werewolf.

[Category:- Golden Werewolf.

Rank:- A-rank.

Speciality:- Destructive roar, Poison claws, paralyzing eyes.

Weakness:- Not found.

Quantity:- One]

Hearing the system's report, a wry smile shaped Eden's face. He added,

"Well, I'm sure it's going to be a hell of a lot more difficult than I've anticipated."

"Say, system. What will happen if I die here? Will I die for real?"

Questioning with a cautious look, Eden tried to step backwards.

[No. Since it's a virtual dungeon, you won't die in the real world, you're safe to try fighting strong monsters if you want. But remember, the case will be different in a white room. Once you die there, you'll die for sure.]

Hearing the system's report, Eden smiled and swirled his blade, exclaiming,

"Then, it's worth a try!!"