The White Devil Organization

The whole room went dead silent.

Miss Erika was looking down in stillness, and Eden was glaring at her, waiting for her to reply.

"I can't… answer that."

Ultimately, Miss Erika replied and raised her head, commenting,

"I have my reasons to be quiet about it. What I was…doesn't matter since I have no divinity, nor do I have any connections with the Land of Honour. Also…"

She lowered her gaze again, adding,

"I don't have the memories of my life at the Land of Honour."


Eden was left jaw-dropped by her testimony, but then, calming himself, he asked,

"Then…how do you know that I'm an angel? How do you know that there's a place called the Land of Honour?"

He started to get suspicious of her.

"Ah, my bad. I mean, I had some memories, while I lost some."

Miss Erika waved her hands, adding,

"Like, I know that I was exiled from the Land of Honour at the age of 1276. So, I think I do have the memory of around 300 years or something. But other than that, well, I don't remember anything. I even don't know why I got exiled, to begin with."

"Oh…selective amnesia, I see."

Eden nodded as he felt the significance of her words.


Then he let out a sigh, saying,

"Fine. I won't force you then."

For Eden, as long as Miss Erika wasn't dangerous, his plan for revenge would work just fine.

"If you're done with asking questions, I want to ask you one now."

As a serious look formed on Miss Erika's face, she walked towards Eden, asking,

"Why did you say that you'd slaughter everyone in the Land of Honour?"

Her crimson eyes were glinting, representing her seriousness.

"Heh," Seeing her seriousness, Eden couldn't help but smirk, and soon after, he started laughing menacingly while covering his face.

"W-What's so funny about it?"

A bewildered look shaped her face after glimpsing Eden's laughter.

Shortly, Eden stopped laughing and glared at Miss Erika with his piercing crimson eyes, and asked in a cold yet terrifying voice.

"Do you want to know the reason? Do you insist on knowing what pushed me to my limits to make such a malevolent proclamation? Fine, then hear me out! Prepare yourself for your heart to be ripped asunder and torn to shreds!"

Declaring this, Eden began to explain what the gods had done to him and the torture he had gone through during his days in prison.

With every word Eden spoke, Miss Erika was just left gobsmacked, and after knowing the struggle Eden had gone through, tears started appearing in her eyes.

Though Eden hadn't revealed his real name, assuming that she might already know it.


"...I see…"

Miss Erika responded in a solemn voice. The tears continued streaming down after hearing Eden's story.

"I'm…sorry for asking…about all this."

Later on, she apologized, believing that she might have reopened the deep wound in Eden's heart.

"It's fine."

Eden sighed and rested back on the bed.

"So, Lady Celestia…is no longer with us, huh?"

She commented while wiping her tears.

Eden just nodded and glanced at Emilie, but he didn't feel like telling Miss Erika about it.

After all, he was still uncertain since he knew that Miss Erika was connected with demons. Despite what Miss Erika said, he was afraid of demons for some reason. So, he didn't reveal Emilie's identity to Miss Erika.


With a deep sigh, Miss Erika sat on a chair beside Emilie's, commenting,

"That's a whole lot of a mess in there."

Then, her gaze shifted to Eden, and she asked,

"I get your point. But still, if you aim for the culprit behind my lady's death, it should be fine. But aiming to slaughter everyone in there…isn't it too much?"


With a roar, Eden's crimson eyes gleamed in anger as he shifted them at Miss Erika, warning her,

"It's not too much…it's something they all deserve. My life was a living hell there! Why would I save anyone there? Where were they when I was in desperate need of justice?"

"Where were they when I was suffering? Where were they when I was screaming at the top of my lungs?! Screaming that I hadn't done anything! I didn't kill my lady! WHERE WERE THEY THEN?!"


Miss Erika was left solemn after witnessing Eden's inevitable desire for revenge.


Eden tried to calm himself as he placed his right palm over his face, adding,

"I won't forgive them…I will demolish the Land of Honour one day, and also give the miserable death to the real culprit behind my lady's death, and no one can stop me."

Then his piercing gaze shifted to Miss Erika, and he declared,

"Absolutely no one can stop me…"

"You're not thinking rationally due to your desire to kill the culprit and everyone in the Land of Honour."

Miss Erika replied in a solemn voice, adding,

"But I get it."

Then, she nodded and got up from her chair just to sit on the bed beside Eden, saying,

"I understand. So, please calm down."

She gently patted his head with a little smile.


Eden nodded a little and just closed his eyes.

'It…it feels so good for some reason.'

Eden smiled since her headsets were making him feel relieved.

'Requaniel, that's really a nice picture you have drawn, hehe. There, there, my little child.'


Eden's eyes widened as the flow of memories of his childhood crossed his mind.

The remembrance of his mother brought some tears to his eyes as he bites his lips, trying to hold them back, but it wasn't easy.

"Hm? Eden? Why are you crying?"

Miss Erika asked as she observed tears flowing from Eden's eyes.

"Nothing…it just feels so good. So good that it reminds me of my late mother."

Eden lowered his gaze, trying to hide the tears.

"I see."

Miss Erika smiled gently, and after that, she gently embraced him.


Eden jolted after getting a surprise yet gentle hug from his teacher.

"Miss Erika…?"

He called out in a confused voice.

"It's okay to cry. You've gone through a lot, Eden. But it's fine; everything will be alright from now on."

While patting his head like her mother, Miss Erika smiled gently at him.


Those words hit so hard that even after trying his best not to cry, he ended up crying silently.

Miss Erika caressed his hair and tried to make Eden feel secure.

'Poor child.'

She said inwardly as she looked outside the window, wondering,

'How could heaven be so cruel to him? He doesn't look like a bad guy to me. I wonder what even the people there were thinking.'


Meanwhile, in the owner's office of the Scholer's Courts, someone knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in."

Oscar commented while penning something.


The door opened, and a man in a black hood entered his cabin.

Oscar raised his eyes and noticed the man. He smiled at him, commenting,

"Oh, Raven. What's up? You're so early today. Is there something special?"

He acted amicably with the man, as if he were an old friend of his.

The man didn't reply but stood still.

"Hmm? Is something wrong?"

Oscar asked while tilting his head.

"Ah, I see. I get it. You need a coffee before our discussion, correct? Well then, I'll order one–"

"They started making their moves."

Raven spoke in a grave tone while cutting off Oscar's comment.


Oscar's smile faded away, and a blank expression shaped his face.

"I see."

His tone became serious as he rested his head on his right palm, adding,

"Alert the forces."

"They already know this. They're just waiting for your order."

Raven replied in a toneless voice.

"Heh," Oscar smirked after hearing this and closed his eyes.

"Then tell them…"

He called out and suddenly opened his eyes as his sclera turned red. He added,

" massacre every single human that tries to harm our school, no matter who he would be."


Raven nodded and surprisingly vanished within the silhouette, while Oscar just smirked, commenting,

"You're being so sly, aren't you, White Devil Organization?"

"They indeed are."

A voice was heard from behind Oscar as an old man walked towards the light.

"Ah, Vincent. At least let me know when you're arriving."

Oscar smirked, realizing the headmaster had appeared from the silhouette.

"It's not the time to joke around, Oscar. Even if you're telling the force to destroy them, it's not easy since they're recruiting newcomers now. Their forces are growing rapidly. If this goes on, it will be impossible to handle them."

The headmaster showed his concern and sat on a chair on the right.

"Hmmm…good point."

Oscar nodded, and then, with a serious look, he glanced at Vincent, replying,

"But we can't reveal anything about them to the new students just yet. They might get baffled, or maybe even hysterical."

"No, the students aren't weaklings. They are the students of our university. The student of the Scholer's Courts, who never knew when to give up!"

With a sharp look in his eyes, Vicent encouraged Oscar, adding,

"I'm not telling you to tell it to everyone, but just like last year, it will be better if new students also create a group that will work on eliminating the White Devil Organization."

Hearing Vincent's testimony, a grin formed on Oscar's face. He smirked and gazed towards his desk, replying,

"If that's the case, then I guess I know a situation leader for this group, and I'm sure he will handle things well."

"Are you referring to…"

"Yes," Interjecting Vincent's words, Oscar nodded, replying,

"I'm talking about the 'Unrivalled' one, Eden White."

"Also," Oscar lowered his gaze with a dishearted look, adding,

"Am I some kind of side character? Why hasn't that brat come to my office yet?"

Hearing Oscar's testimony, a poker looked shaped on Vicent as he added,

"It looks like you were ignored by him."


Vicent sighed and gazed outside the window, commanding,

"Let's have this operation commence."