The Boss Of The White Room


Inside the white room, there was nothing more than white light as far as one's eyes could perceive, yet there was a dead silence.

"Just as the name sounds, it's white everywhere."

Eden gazed around and noticed the endlessness of the room.

However, there was a single problem that was making Eden worry.

"Where are the monsters?"

It had been ten minutes, but no monsters had made their appearance.


Abruptly, Eden's eyes dilated as he finally sensed a deadly glare from behind.

"Hehe," A grin shaped over his face, he tightened his blade, adding,

"I genuinely…"

Before turning around, he swirled his blade turbulently and instantly hopped up, exclaiming,

"...hate those who hide like cowards!"


Instantly slashing the hand of a black monster, Eden snorted.

The monster, on the contrary, wailed and vanished into thin air. It appeared that monsters could appear from anywhere in the white room.

It means that Eden should stay alert for every second, or else he might lose his life.

"Say, you didn't report me about that ambush."

Eden complained to the system.

[Yes, my apologies for not telling you before, but I'm restricted from informing you about any monster's rank, detail, or anything related to this in the white room.]

[Though, at the very least, I'll inform you when an army appears, but I won't alert you for solo monsters; you have to grow up on your own inside this white room.]

"Tch. I guess I have to fight those wimps until the boss appears, correct?"

Feeling a sense of annoyance, Eden commented.


The system responded.


Eden's eyes were darting around in attentiveness since he realized that the three hours in the white room would be lethal for him.



Hearing the whining of the flying monsters, Eden grabbed his blade with both his palms and twisted his right body backwards.

"Poison Claws!!"

A green light surrounded his blade, then he heaved it towards the monsters, which ended up wounding them enough to make them vanish into thin air.

"I see. So even a little wound would be enough to kill them, huh?"

Glancing at the system's screen to the left, Eden commented, waiting to hear its response.

[That's right. Since it's your first time training here, I've made it easier for you. But remember, it won't be easy every time.]

"Yeah, yeah. I know it very well."

Eden wiped the sweat from his chin and glared around in alertness.

Before raising his right arm again with another blade materializing on his palm.

After using poison claws for the first time, Eden felt a little exhausted.

'Does using skills really exhaust me this much? It'll be troublesome if it continues.'

Contemplating his skills, he stepped forward and thrust his blade against the ground.

"It's annoying if no monster comes into sight, you know?"

Eden got slightly more irked as if the room were testing his patience.

"Seriously! Come out, alr—?!"

Unexpectedly, before he could finish his testimony, out of the blue, a claw flickered towards Eden.

Luckily, in a nick of time, Eden managed to dodge it by leaping backwards.

But it gave him a large laceration on his right cheek, with a gush of blood flowing out of it. It was a black bear that had attacked him.

"You bastard!!"

Eden bellowed with a face livid with rage and his eyes became like hot coals.

He swiveled his blade as a golden light surrounded it.

"Golden Strike!!"

Eden raved while launching his blade towards the black bear, and in the next second, the golden light from his blade charred the bear even more black than he actually was, and soon, the black bear vanished as well.

"Hah! That's…getting tiring…"

Eden panted heavily while bending down with his hands on his knees.

[Host, in front of you!]


Eden raised his gaze and noticed another black bear, several times smaller than the last one.

"Hehe," Eden snickered after seeing it, but his smile faded away as another scrape came off his left cheek.


Eden was left flummoxed after the sensation of a cut ran down his cheek, several times more painful than before.


Eden's crimson gaze glinted as he gazed at the bear, mumbling,

"Mind Control."


The bear's red eyes changed to pink as if it were subdued by Eden.

Realizing that his skill worked perfectly, Eden twisted his blade as its tip landed straight at the gap between his feet.

"Have you ever heard about spiral dancing?"

Eden asked, maddened by the scrape on his cheek, as he added,

"Let me show you!"

Finishing off his words, Eden meandered around his blade.

Shortly thereafter, he increased his speed, and in a blink of an eye, jumped straight at the bear and fortunately ended up landing a hard kick at his belly.

The black bear groaned and knelt in agony and shortly vanished.


"Sometimes emotions get the better of me."

After realizing his wrath a moment ago, Eden sighed, placing his left palm on his face.

"But I won't let it happen again."

Sooner, he added, as his crimson-glinting eyes glared around in search of new monsters.


Eden jolted as he noticed an army of black monsters—around 5,000 of them—looming towards Eden.

After noticing these nightmares, he was left jaw dropped, but with a sudden change in expression and a dark grin shaped over his face, he raised his left arm against the top, commanding,

"Shadow Clones—Max Limit!"

Upon hearing his command, ten of the Shadow clones emerged around him as if they were the black apparitions of Eden.


Seeing their appearance, Eden cracked up and snapped his fingers, adding,

"Get 'em, boys!"

Upon hearing his command, the shadow clones flashed forward and started massacring the monster, while Eden just stood outside the mess with his arms folded.

"Easy peasy. This skill is truly awesome. I think with this, I don't need to fight all the time."


[But the points you'll get won't be the same if your shadow clones fight instead of you. You'll get half of it, you know?]


Eden's peace ended with the system's words.

He sighed and gazed forward before jumping into the mess and he requested,

"I'm taking back what I just said! Lemme kill some monsters, too!"

Hence, after a short period of time, the blood of the monsters vanished, and the room turned back to being white again.

"Hah~ It's tiring yet amazing. This feeling…it's so wonderful."

The amount of adrenaline running through his veins had increased, making him feel the preternatural joy of killing the monsters.

Eden wiped the sweat from his cheek, but suddenly, a "heh?" response came out of his mouth as he noticed the laceration on his cheek.

"Wh-What?! My cheeks haven't healed at all!"

Making a shrill cry, Eden jumped up with a petrified expression on his face.

Back in the virtual dungeon, his wounds were healed after he killed the monsters that caused them, but in the white room, the case was different.

He remembered that once he died in the white room, he would die in the real world.

But didn't that also reflect that once he got an injury in the white room, it wouldn't get healed like it did in the virtual dungeon?

"System! Would you mind explaining this to me?"


Hearing Eden's cry, the system clangored, responding,

[Yes, it's true that your wound won't heal on its own, as it did in the virtual dungeon. However, where's light, there's hope, correct?]

[So, let's say if you manage to kill the boss alone, you will be able to heal yourself. Perhaps you'll get a healing ability; who knows?]

The system's words have an inkling of something.

"Oh, so you're playing this way now, huh?"

Eden quickly got a grasp of what the system was trying to reflect on, as he snapped his fingers and his shadow clones vanished into thin air.


[Reward extracting from clones in the process.]


[Extraction complete!]

[50,000 points are earned!]

[LVL 2—> LVL 10]

[Health:- 43/100]

[Mana:- 999]

[Strength:- 64/100]

[Intelligence:- 73/100]

[Vitality:- 45/100]

[Agility:- 50/100]

[Dexterity:- 60/100]

[Stats points:- 60,000+50,000 = 110,000]

[Congratulations! The host has finally achieved the title of "The Monster Slayer!"]

"Monster Slayer, eh? Not bad, I guess."

Eden tittered and cracked his knuckles, adding,

"How much time left, system?"

[1 hour and 23 minutes]

The system reported.

"Oh, I see. Say, system. I'm just asking this hypothetically: What will happen if I don't manage to kill the boss and time runs out?"

[Well, kiss your chance to be with Emilie goodbye then.]

"Where's the boss?! Hurry! Show your damn self, you coward!"

System's words were enough to make Eden behave hastily because he realized that his laceration wouldn't disappear if he didn't kill the boss, and he didn't want to tarnish his handsome appearance just for the sake of training.



Eden gazed around as he heard a booming noise from his right side.

His gaze fixated on a gigantic figure that was moving slowly yet surely towards the left.


Eden's face shaped a bewildered expression as he noticed a black figure surrounded by fog, making it hard to recognize what his actual look was. But the glinting yellow eyes of that monster were conspicuous.


As he noticed Eden's presence, he roared to the top of his lungs. Eden felt as if his eardrums were about to be torn apart by that monster's deafening roar.


Eden clicked his tongue while covering his eyes.

Shortly, the monster stopped roaring and glared at Eden with his glinting gaze.

Eden removed the palms from his ears and glared back at the monster. Their eyes were locked. Soon, a little grin shaped Eden's face, he replied.

"Let's start our play, shall we?"