The White Room Is Cleared!


But for some reason, Eden's smile vanished as he knelt on the ground, panting utterly rapidly.

'What's this? My heart…it feels like tearing apart.'

Placing his left palm on his chest, Eden dilated his eyes in pain.


Suddenly, he shifted his gaze to his front, noticing the monster staring at him.

'Paralyzing Eyes?!'

Realizing the skill of the monster, Eden clenched his teeth in frustration, trying to stand up but failing miserably each time.

'This skill…don't tell me…'

Understanding who the boss monster would be, Eden slammed his blade against the ground, and with the help of his blade, he finally stood up.


He raved as a flash of red lightning surrounded him, making him free from the effect of paralyzing eyes.

It seemed to be the effect of the red spiritual core.

"System, you can't tell me who the monster is, but you can say yes or no to my guessing, right?"

[Yes, I can do this, at the very least.]

The system responded, and upon hearing its response, Eden asked.

"It's the Golden Werewolf, right?"


[You're right!]

The system responded with a rather cheering sound.


But Eden just clicked his tongue and, in response, raised his blade horizontally and twisted its handle as two more golden blades emerged beside the main blade.

"I won't die! Definitely won't by the hand of someone that I've already defeated!"

Eden spouted and widened his eyes, commanding,

"Mind Control–ARGH!"

But for some reason, this skill showed no effect on the monster; instead, it injured Eden's eyes as the blood started streaming down his eyes like tears.

"You monster!"

Eden raged as the veins began to bulk up on his forehead.

He moved his blades towards his face, and the blades covered his face, leaving only his bloody, crimson eyes to be seen.

"Golden Strike of Poison Claws."

In a deep voice, Eden commanded as a combination of golden and green light surrounded his blades.

He seemed to be combining two of his skills.

"Now, begone!!"

Eden yelled to the top of his lungs as he swirled his blades and hurled them towards the boss monster.


The monster groaned and unexpectedly vanished from his spot.

"Ah, figured."

Eden smirked as he noticed a colossal shadow appearing in front of him.

He turned his head, noticing the monster behind him.

"Do you think I never planned that?"

Eden asked in a sarcastic yet furious tone.


The monster gritted its teeth and lunged at Eden with primal fury. Its razor-sharp claws sliced the air, almost about to cut Eden in half.


But before the monster could even harm him, Eden snapped his fingers and his blades, which were levitating on the left side, gyrated towards the monster, and ended up cutting his left arm with the blood splattered around the area.

Its left hand fell to the ground and vanished.

The boss monster squealed in agony and stepped backwards.

But it hadn't vanished like other monsters did.

"How naive."

Eden commented with a cold look while opening his palm, and his blade arrived back on his palm.

"Well then,"

He called out as his crimson eyes turned blue, and his sclera was now red.


Abruptly, the system clangoured, reporting,

[The Angel Revolutionary has been activated!]

Disregarding the system's notification, Eden flashed towards the monster and heaped above, just in front of the monster's face, and swung his blade so turbulently that it sliced the monster's body in half.


Its body fell to the ground with a booming noise, and shortly afterwards, it vanished.


Eden landed on the ground, standing still as if nothing had happened to him.



The blade that Eden was holding fell to the ground.

"Uh…I won't…die…"

As the lifeless body of Eden began to dwindle in strength along with his blurry eyes, he just repeated his line, and with his body staggering and twitching, he tried to move forward.


Unfortunately, he fell as his face slammed straight onto the ground with truly no energy left as his pupilless eyes faded into obscurity.

In the next moment, some foam started drooling out of his mouth.

It appeared that the last attack had a detrimental effect on his body.

However, after that, the room went dead silent again.


The system finally made some noise during its appearance, as it announced.

[The first training in the White Room is complete!]

[100,000 points have been rewarded!]

[Skill:- Golden Strike of Poison Claws is available for use now.]

[New Skill:- Ashen Reborn has been unlocked! It's a skill that will enhance the MAX power within you for the last five seconds of your battle.]

[However, as a side effect, your other skills will be on cooldown for ten minutes. You can use this skill ONLY once in a battle.]

[Congratulations! You've achieved the title of "Lord Of Monster Killers"!]

The system continued to clang and then a red aura surrounded Eden as the wounds from his body began to recover.


Finally, Eden's eyes reappeared, shining with new vigour, as he gradually started to get up.


[A new data set-up has been created!]

The system clangor again, reporting,

[Name:- Eden White (Requaniel)]

[Age:- 20 (669)]

[Race:- Superhuman (Divine Angel)]

[Rank:- CC-rank human, Bronze-ranked human.]

[LVL:- 80]

[Health:- 98/100]

[Mana:- 999]

[Strength:- 100/100]

[Intelligence:- 79/100]

[Vitality:- 56/100]

[Agility:- 68/100]

[Dexterity:- 70/100]

[Stats points:- 210,000]

[Special Ability:- Angel Evolutionary]

[Skills:- Poison Claws, Golden Sword Art, Shadow Clones, Mind Control, Crimson Eyes, Golden Strike of Poison Claws, Ashen Reborn.]


Eden coughed as he sat on the white ground, feeling the surge of energy flowing within him.

He caressed his cheeks and noticed that the lacerations were gone.


His gaze shifted towards the sky, and he beamed.

"I won!"

[Congratulations! It appears like you're growing up more rapidly than I thought.]

The system commented.

"Thanks to you."

Eden replied and got up, saying,

"That's all for now; I'll train again someday."

[No problem!]

Shortly, he came outside the white room, and as he left, the white door vanished into nothingness, and Eden found himself in the garden again.

He stretched his arms and murmured,

"I'm feeling sleepy now."

Letting out a yawn, he started returning to his room.

Upon arriving, he grabbed the knob, but suddenly a thought ran through his mind.

He stepped backwards with a bewildered expression on his face.

"What should I do now…?"

He remembered how he ended up frightening Emilie back then, but now, how could he reassure her that he wasn't in his right mind?

She would definitely think of him as a dangerous person and might request a room shift.

'Damn you, system!'

Eden grumbled while grabbing his head in distress.

[I've already apologized! Have some leniency, will you?]

"Ah, quiet already!"

Eden shot back and sighed deeply before grasping the knob once again, deciding,

"Whatever will happen, I'll face it. I'll face it like I usually do all these years."


He revolved the knob, and the door opened with a creak!

Cautiously, Eden took a step inside and then gazed around, then took another step and gazed around again.

He continued doing so until he reached his bed, but no one was there. The room was quite empty.

"She's not here…"

Realizing the absence of Emilie, Eden sighed and sat on his bed.


He started gawking at the ceiling with a train of thoughts running through his mind.

'I need a break.'

He wished and rested on his bed, adding,

'This is happening so fast that I didn't even think clearly about how I should even start killing those bastards.'

'Can power alone help me win this fight? Perhaps, but something is missing. It's strange but something is off.'

He felt as if some pieces of the puzzle were still missing.

'I'm being hasty…'

He contemplated his revenge, adding,

'I swore to kill everyone there because of the torture they made me go through during my lifetime there.'

'Another reason is that I have an inkling that the real culprit behind my lady's death is hiding in that realm.'

'But…What if what Miss Erika said turns out to be true?'

He remembered that Miss Erika told him that he wasn't thinking rationally; her words did raise doubts within Eden's mind.

'What if I end up making the worst decision due to my bitterness towards them?'

'What if I fail to find the real culprit? What will I do then?'

He was feeling drowsy, but his train of thought was running rapidly, with new questions popping out every moment.

"What do you think about it, system?"

Eden asked, knowing that the system was listening to his thoughts.

[If you want some advice, then I will recommend that you better stop thinking too much. Like a story that won't finish with a few words, your story has just started.]

[Just wait and let the adventure unravel itself. Like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, you'll find every piece day after day. Just like the one on the left you've found.]

"Hmm? On the left?"

Eden repeated and shifted his left eye outside the window, noticing Emilie sitting beneath a tree, enjoying the cold breeze of the night.

"Right," A smile shaped Eden's face. He got up from his bed and walked outside, remarking,

"Then, let's make it a memorable journey."