Chapter 21 The Heist

That night, Paige had dragged Michelle to her room for some mysterious reason and was now shuffling through her wardrobe. Michelle stood by watching her wondering what it was about.

"Seriously Paige, say something. Do you need fashion advice or something from me?"

"Pft, that's hilarious. No, you're the one who needs a serious wardrobe update." She pulled out a black leathery v-necked bodysuit and a deep red biker jacket.

"Er, what's that for?" Michelle asked.

"You. Tonight. I'm not usually the woman who gives a damn about fashion," Michelle winced, "But I cannot bear to see you go on the ultimate heist dressed like a preppy cheerleader. Plus, you're gonna stick out like a sore thumb in those fluorescent colors." She pushed the clothes into Michelle's hands.

"That flower blouse and preppy jeans have to go. I'll give you two minutes." Paige said leaving the room for her to change. Michelle opened and closed her mouth like a fish unable to protest. She? Wear clothes like this? She ran her hand through the leather. It felt intimate – nothing like her loose comfy blouses. The v-neck was also not something she normally wore. She vaguely wondered how Brook would react to her in the outfit... would he lose his mind at the sight of her? She quickly got into the clothes, suddenly eager to see Brook's reaction.

"Hmm. Slammin'." Paige said when she entered the room later and saw Michelle in her clothes.

"It's not my style but it fits," Michelle said self-consciously patting the suit down.

"Wait till the guys see it. Brook won't be able to contain himself." Paige said with a smirk.

"Whoa," Jett said on seeing Paige and Michelle come downstairs. Reece looked up from his game and blinked. Leslie gave an approving smile from the couch. Brook and Payton who were standing by the dining table also turned and gawked unashamedly, Brook's jaw dropping when he saw Michelle.

"Sweetheart, I don't think that outfit is street-legal," Payton said, throwing a mischievous smile at Michelle.

"You look... wow, er, different," Brook said, fumbling for words. Michelle smiled. The priceless look on his face made her feel dressing up was worth it.

"Do you not approve?" she asked, coming near and putting her hands around his neck. He slid his hand around her waist and pulled her close.

"Oh, I definitely approve." He almost purred. Payton groaned.

"Break up the love fest before I puke. We get it. Michelle looks hot. Looks like your handiwork, Paige." He said, casting her a sideways glance.

"Obvi." She said, opening a soda can and drinking from it. She was dressed in a similar midnight blue sleeveless bodysuit and a black sleeveless leather vest jacket.

"You girls look fierce!" Jett said. Soriano came in and saw them.

"Dressed for tonight I see." He said with a smile. "Good. But there's been a slight change of plans." Everyone turned to look at him.

"Only four of you will be going out tonight. You'll take the Cadillac." He said.

"What? Why?" Payton asked, frowning.

"I checked the roads to Black Boulder's – there are at least half a dozen patrol officers on duty tonight, every ten miles. I don't want you to risk getting their attention in six to seven-figure sum cars."

"It's true. I checked the roads with him. Looks like security got beefed up a bit since the Koenigsegg came to town." Jett said. "I'll have my hands full tonight watching every camera and hacking every computer that controls the barriers you need to get through."

"Just do your thing, we'll do ours. The four of us will get the car. We drive the Cadillac. Okay now, let's move!" Paige said heading for the door. Payton smiled.

"Someone's in a hurry to get into that Koenigsegg." He said.

"Wait, you need your – ugh, never mind. Payton, give her this." Jett said, giving him two earpieces. He gave Brook and Michelle one each as well.

"We'll stay connected this way. Since we're in the city we don't have to worry about getting hacked. There are too many frequencies out here for us to hide under. No one should be able to track us. It's tried, tested, and working perfectly."

"Okay... cool," Michelle said, putting the earpiece on. "Feels like I'm in a mission impossible scene." Brook grinned.

"Alright then, it's time to go. Payton, you're in charge. Keep the others from doing anything stupid." Soriano warned. "And I don't want any deviation from the plan! You get in, get the car and get out."

"Yeah, chief. We get it. It's not our first heist." Brook said with a humorless smile.

"Be careful," Leslie called after them. The three of them walked out the door.

"You ready for this?" Brook asked Michelle. She nodded confidently.

"Never felt more ready. As Paige says, 'game on'."

The four of them walked a little distance to a nearby garage. Payton pointed to a sleek silver car with four seats.

"There's our ride," Payton said. "It's not like my Venom but... eh, it'll have to do."

"Well hurry up! I want us out of here in ten seconds!" Paige said impatiently getting into the passenger seat. Payton got in the driver's seat and Brook and Michelle got in the back.

"Strap in people. I'm not gonna go below forty." Payton said. Michelle smiled.

"No one wants you to." She said. Paige whistled.

"Looks like our resident college girl has a need for speed." She said slyly.

"Let's start with a slow eighty, shall we?" Payton said. He revved the engine and drove out of the garage onto the empty roads. Paige turned on the stereo to a thumping fast beat that Michelle could feel pounding in her chest. She closed her eyes and swayed to the music in her seat, her head bobbing to the beat.

"Someone's enjoying herself," Brook said, watching her with a grin.

"Paige and I share the same taste in music. Who knew." She said.

"Guess you're not too sappy angel face. At least you know good music when you hear it." Paige said from the front.

"Payton, take the I-215, it's faster," Brook said, pointing to the road.

"I was gonna. No backseat driving." Payton said. Michelle placed her hand on Brook's knee.

"Missing your Bugatti?" she asked.

"Who wouldn't? That car's a dream." He said, taking her hand. They winded through the minimal traffic until they hit the highway. Michelle looked out the window taking in the city illuminated by the bright yellow street lights. Brook saw the light reflect on Michelle's face.

"You look gorgeous in that light." He said softly. Michelle giggled.

"You're getting better at this complimenting thing." She said. Paige rolled her eyes.

"You're not the only ones in the car. Can you save the flirting for when you're alone?" she said.

"Hey, it's your fault you girls dressed to distract. Even I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes on the road." Payton said. Paige raised an eyebrow but hid a secret smile. Michelle caught her lips twitching in the rearview mirror.

"Wow, Paige, you're blushing." She teased.

"Pft, I don't blush." She said nonchalantly. Michelle and Brook gave each other knowing looks.

After a short drive, Payton slowed down and turned off his headlights as they left the congestion of the city and entered the open deserted roads.

"Not a car in sight. All clear." Brook said, looking out the window.

"Hello? Testing, testing." Everybody's earpieces came on and they winced as Jett's loud voice blared in their ears.

"Ow! Dammit, Jett you almost made me deaf!" Paige yelled. Michelle sighed. Trying to avoid swearing around Paige was like trying to avoid traffic during rush hour.

"Sorry, just testing. Can you guys hear me okay?" he asked.

"Yes, loud and clear. So what's the sitch that you had to try and deafen us?" Payton asked.

"I took care of three CCTVs around the showroom. There's one somewhere along the road you're on but I can't find it. Something is scrambling its signal."

"Must be a cop car," Brook said. "Go slow Payton; we don't want to attract attention."

"Don't need you to tell me," Payton said. He turned off his headlights as the car rolled down the empty road silently until Michelle leaned forward and pointed in front.

"There! That has to be a patrol car," she said.

"Good eye angel face. Now we avoid it." Paige said. Payton drove past it carefully.

"He must be asleep," Michelle said. "He didn't even notice us." Brook narrowed his eyes.

"It's too early to knock off. They shouldn't be asleep so soon." He said.

"That patrol car is a little too tinted for me. Jett, what do you see on the radar?" Paige asked through her earpiece.

"There should be a cop right about there if I'm tracking their patrol pattern right." He said.

"If?! Can't you be more definite?!" Paige snapped.

"Wait, wait, that is definitely a cop car. Their radio must be scrambling the CCTV's signal for me. That's why – anyway, keep going. I'll contact you when you get there." He said and turned off the communication.

"Um, guys? If Jett scrambled the CCTVs videos, won't the cops know something's going on?" Michelle asked.

"Jett replaces live video with looped recorded footage of empty roads. It's a simple trick." Brook said.

"What other barriers can we expect?" Paige asked.

"Soriano said the security is completely remote-controlled. No staff, no guards around all night." Payton said. Michelle frowned in thought.

"That seems kind of lame for securing a two-million-dollar car."

"No. having two dozen guards around what would be an ordinary showroom is more conspicuous. Any car thief would get a wind of something unusual going on." Paige said.

"Like we did..." Michelle mumbled. "Do you think the cops know about the Inferno Ghosts and took measures against them?"

"If they did, good for them. They'll be saving on casualties tonight." Paige said. Michelle felt worried for the cops at that. 'Casualties' was not something she prepared for.

"We don't know if the Ghosts know about the car yet." Brook reminded. "We might be the only ones heading for this place tonight."

"Makes our job easier. Pity. I was hoping for a little more action." Payton said.

"There it is," Paige said as the car came up to a huge two-storey showroom. The walls were made entirely of glass and the flat white geometrically shaped roof gave the impression of modern architecture at its best.

"It looks – posh," Michelle said. Paige snorted.

"Don't get used to it. We may have to blow it up."

"Wait, what?" Michelle asked in surprise.

"First time I'm hearing of this Paige. What are you talking about?" Payton asked.

"It's a contingency plan if we run into trouble. We get the car and get out and if any Ghosts try to stop us..." she grinned. "They'll get what's coming to them."

"Paige! You can't blow people up! You can't even blow the place up if it's empty! That's arson!" Michelle said, shocked.

"Nothing and no one will get blown up if the Ghosts don't show. And don't underestimate them. They like cockroaches; surviving anything and never backing down." She said. The car stopped in front of the car barrier. Payton asked Jett to get it open.

"Sure guys, two secs. Aaand... there." Jett said. The barrier rose and Payton drove through before stopping in front of the building. They got out and scanned the area.

"It's empty, like the chief said," Payton said.

"Looks like we're the only ones here. No need to blow the place up Paige." Brook said.

"You never know. I'm not taking chances." She said going to the car's trunk. She opened it and took out a jerry can and a bag.

"What are those for?" Brook asked.

"This," she said holding the jerry can up, "is plan B. and this," she held up the backpack, "Is our getaway ticket in case any Ghosts decide to show."

"You prepared really well," Michelle commented.

"Thanks, angel face," Paige said with a wink. Their earpieces came on again and Jett spoke.

"Okay guys, this is it. I turned off the alarms so you can get in. you have exactly seven minutes before it comes back on. Get out before that."

"Piece of cake. Let's go." Paige said.

"Wait, shouldn't one of us stay with the car? As a getaway driver?" Michelle asked.

"There's nothing to get away from. And I'm not staying behind and missing all the action." Payton said.

"Let's go, we're wasting time!" Paige said, going inside. The lights were all off and the silence was palpable. Michelle thought it was rather eerie. Brook turned on a key-sized flashlight and led the way. Michelle was awed at what she saw. The entire ground floor was packed with the shiniest new cars she had ever seen. The ceiling was more than twenty feet high and gave the room a lot of white space.

"I really hope we don't have to blow this place up. It'd be a shame to destroy all these cars." Michelle said.

"Don't get sentimental, angel face. These cars are all glitter and no horsepower. That's why nobody would suspect a Koenigsegg hidden among these lame things." Paige said.

"Okay, the car should be somewhere out of sight. Michelle and I will find it. You two see if you can get the keys from the office." Brook said.

"Payton gets the keys. I have something to do." Paige said, walking towards the back of the showroom.

"Paige, wait!" Payton said, going after her. Brook tugged at Michelle's hand.

"Come on, we're on a schedule." He said. They took the stairs up to the first floor which was just as huge as the ground floor but filled with expensive bikes instead of cars.

"Wow. People actually ride these?" Michelle asked, admiring a black motorcycle.

"They're not as great as cars, but yeah, they can get the adrenaline pumping," Brook said. He spotted a wall with a line running down the middle and frowned.

"That looks suspicious." He said approaching the wall. Michelle followed.

"Think there's a secret room behind it?" she asked.

"Hiding a very expensive car? Yeah, it could be." He contacted Jett.

"Jett, see if you can hack into the showroom's mainframe security system and check for any closed-off rooms." Jett worked for a minute and then spoke.

"Bingo. There's a hidden room on the second floor. I can open it remotely since I'm in the system." There was a small beep from the wall and suddenly the wall split open like an elevator revealing –

"The Koenigsegg!" Michelle exclaimed. A sleek highly futuristic-looking white car with orange detailing stood there. Brook examined it for any trackers before standing back.

"Guys, we found it. It's on the second floor," he said through his earpiece to Payton and Paige. In a few seconds, they came up.

"Where've you been?" Brook asked.

"I got the keys and Paige –" Payton glanced at her.

"It's better if you didn't know." She turned to the car.

"She's a beauty," Paige said, sliding her hand over the car with a look of admiration on her face. "I'm gonna enjoy this." She took the keys from Payton and opened the car. She got in and turned on the ignition.

"Beautiful." She said the thrill apparent in her voice. Michelle frowned.

"This feels..." she began but trailed off.

"Too easy? I know. I keep waiting for something to happen too." Brook said, his brow furrowing.

"Guys? We've got company." Payton said. They turned around and saw Payton standing by the window, his features hard.

"It's them," Payton said with emphasis, turning to Brook.