Chapter 22 Narrow Escape

"They saw our car. There's no chance of getting back to that." Payton said in a hard voice. Brook glanced at Michelle and Paige.

"Then we use what we find in here," he said, his voice just as grim. "Payton, you and Paige take the Koenigsegg. Michelle and I will escape another way."

"If we don't slow them down, they'll catch up to us! We'll be outnumbered!" Paige hissed from the car. "Jett, I need you to activate the fire alarm on the ground floor, only the ground floor." She said in her earpiece.

"What would that do?!" Payton asked.

"Get in and you'll see!" Paige retorted back. Payton got in the passenger's seat.

"I think I should drive –" Payton began.

"No way! I'm doing this!" Paige flared. She rolled the car out of the room. There was a crash downstairs as the Inferno Ghosts broke through the glass doors.

"What now?" Michelle asked, panic in her eyes.

"We go down, hold them off so you two can get a car and get out of here!" Paige said through the open window. She drove the car towards the ramp leading down and slammed the gas, sending the car shooting down.

"Do we follow?" Michelle asked Brook. She saw him calculating his options in his eyes. Paige's voice came through their earpieces before he could make a decision.

"Guys! Change of plan, there are too many of them down here. Do not come down! We'll hold them off and get away. You guys take a bike. I'm gonna torch this place and you don't want to be around when it does."

"Move now!" Brook said. He got on a neon blue motorcycle and inserted a skeleton key into the ignition. He turned it and the engine roared to life.

"Do you carry that everywhere you go?" she asked, pointing to the key.

"It comes in handy sometimes. Now get on!"

"Wait! We need helmets!" she said. She grabbed two helmets off the rack display nearby and gave one to Brook before climbing on the motorcycle. He started the bike, the engine roaring louder than the cars Michelle was used to.

"But how are we gonna get out of here? We can't go down and if the place blows up –"

"We have a few seconds before the second floor also goes up in flames. There's only one way out of here." Brook said, staring straight ahead at the glass wall. Horror dawned on Michelle as she realized what he meant. They had to drive the motorcycle through the glass wall from what might be twenty-five feet high.

"No, Brook we can't!" she protested.

"Michelle, you have to trust me, please!" Brook shouted. Michelle gulped and exhaled.

"Okay, I trust you!" she said.

"Good, then hang on and whatever you do, DO NOT let go!" Michelle wrapped her arms tight around Brook's torso and threaded her fingers together.

"Here we go!" Brook shouted. He sped up and drove the motorcycle around the floor to gain momentum. Finally, he went as far from the wall as possible and headed straight for it. Michelle counted the seconds before they hit the wall. Three... two... one...

CRASH! The motorcycle smashed through the glass breaking it into a million pieces, glass flying everywhere. Michelle screamed but her voice was drowned out by the bike's engine and the glass tinkling everywhere. The next moment she had a déjà vu of the night Brook jumped them over the cliff in his Bugatti. They were flying over the front lot in midair and within milliseconds landed on the ground with a screeching bounce. The bike didn't stop; Brook continued to balance the speed and momentum and rammed through the barrier splintering it to bits. Michelle took a quick glance backward and saw the building erupt in an ear-splitting explosion, the Koenigsegg racing out the front door following them.

"Take the left road! They're right behind us!" Payton's voice came through the earpiece. Brook immediately turned left, the bike tilting a little.

"Guys! The alarm went off! The cops will be there any minute!" Jett's voice came through the earpiece.

"Let them! We're leading the Ghosts away from the showroom." Payton said.

"Which is toast by the way. I knew we'd need backup." Paige said. She sped up so that the car rode parallel to Brook's bike. Michelle looked through the window and saw Payton nod and point forward. Michelle looked behind to see how far the Inferno Ghosts were. She got a jolt when she saw no less than eight cars chase them a little over fifty meters away.

"We slowed them down but not much!" Payton said through the earpiece.

"Brook we have to lose them!" Michelle said in a panic.

"Don't worry we will. Paige, you and Payton go through the city tunnels. You'll lose them there. Take the back alleys to avoid attention." Brook said through his earpiece.

"What about you? We're not leaving you behind idiot!" Paige yelled.

"You won't! We'll catch up by a different road. They want the car, not us. We'll divert them and lead them up to the city. Go!" Brook shouted. Paige gave a yell of frustration before speeding up. Michelle knew they hit two hundred mph as they shot off down the road out of sight.

"Brook, can we really do this?" Michelle asked, her voice a little shaky with fear.

"Trust me, Michelle. I won't let them get us." He sped up the bike and Michelle closed her eyes for a second. The speed of a bike was a lot more frightening than that of a car. The wind whipped past them in a cold rush threatening to throw them off course any minute. But Brook had full control and knew what he was doing as he maneuvered the bike even at that speed. The only thing Michelle was glad of at that moment was her jacket – it was freezing at hundred and fifty on a bike.

"These guys don't give up. Hang on, I'm entering the city. There'll be a lot of twists and turns." Brook said, checking his mirrors. He drove past the outskirts of the city and soon they hit the highway. The Ghosts still followed at high speed.

"Do you think they know the car's not in front of them anymore?" Michelle asked.

"They can't find that out yet. We have to make them believe they're still chasing it." Brook replied. He took a dangerously close turn left and slowed down to a hundred mph as the roads became more trafficked.

"They're gaining on us!" Michelle said in panic when she turned around.

"No, they won't. I have a plan."

"Does your plan involve us not getting caught or becoming roadkill?" Michelle asked. Brook smiled though she didn't see it.

"Brook? Where are we –" she gasped as he suddenly left the main road and drove through a sandy lot. Dust flew behind them in a storm. Michelle looked up and saw he was heading for a construction zone.

"Brook, look out!" she screamed as the bike headed straight for a giant metal pipe. Brook swerved skillfully and went through the pipe coming out the other end. He drove on, glancing in his mirror.

"Let them try to follow us now." He said.

"I don't think that will be a problem for them," Michelle said pointing in front of them. Two of the Ghosts' cars had taken a detour and stopped right in front of Brook's path.

"Dammit!" Brook said before taking a hard right. The bike shot into an unfinished building and up the ramp.

"It's a parking lot building! These ramps go on up to the top!" Michelle exclaimed recognizing the building design.

"That doesn't help us. Do you see any other way out?" Brook asked.

"No, only the dragline excavator. If we reach the top we'll be trapped! And they're still following us!"

"Did you say a dragline excavator?" Brook took a quick glance at the huge yellow dragline excavator coming up on their right.

"This could get risky! Hang on!" he said. He took the ramps to the top floor which was about eight floors high. Michelle hoped he wouldn't try some crazy stunt from that height.

"They're still following us?" Brook asked.

"Yes! And they must have realized the car isn't with us anymore! Why are they chasing us?"

"Ask questions later. Right now I need you to close your eyes."


"Trust me!" Michelle shut her eyes and clung tight to him. Brook sped up to the top floor and with perfect aim – shot the bike off the building. A half cry of sheer terror escaped Michelle's throat as the bike soared a few feet before landing on the boom point of the dragline excavator and rolling down the boom. Brook jumped the bike off the boom at the end and onto the ground, leaving all the Inferno Ghosts' cars on the top floor of the building.

"We did it!" Michelle exclaimed in relief.

"When did you open your eyes?" Brook asked.

"Before you jumped the building." She said half-laughing.

"Michelle I – are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm great! You were amazing up there! I can't believe you made that jump!"

"At least we made it out alive. Now let's go home."

Back at the base, everyone was waiting impatiently for Brook and Michelle to return. Ten minutes after Paige and Payton entered, the sound of a bike was heard outside.

"Sounds like they're back!" Jett said, jumping off a swivel chair and rushing to the door. Everyone followed and stepped out.

"Brook! Michelle! You guys made it back in one piece!" Leslie said. Soriano came forward.

"You got away from the inferno ghosts on a bike?" he asked incredulously. Brook and Michelle got off the bike and took off their helmets.

"Yeah. We had to ditch the car and this was our only option. It was pretty sufficient." Brook said nonchalantly. Reece whistled.

"Damn, Brook, that's fierce!" he said. Michelle rolled her eyes.

"More like terrifying. It felt like we were soaring off the edge of the world." She said.n Leslie laughed and hugged her.

"So glad to see you with all your bones intact." She said. Paige also came and gave her a friendly punch.

"I would've murdered Brook if he let anything happen to you," she said with a smile.

"Paige! Payton! You guys made it! And the Koenigsegg?" Michelle asked.

"Stashed and hidden where no one will find it," Payton said.

"It's a shame. Driving that car was a total rush. What I'd give to do it again..." Paige said wistfully.

"What about the Cadillac?" Soriano asked.

"I rigged it to blow up before we left. It's probably a bonfire by now." Paige said.

"Good, that should wipe out any traces of our presence," Soriano said.

"Enough about the car you guys! We want to hear everything! How did it go down? How did you two escape? How did –" Brook threw his helmet at Jett for him to catch it.

"Later Jett, we kind of just jumped off an eight-storey building. Give us some breathing room." He said.

"Wait, you jumped off two buildings in one night?" Payton asked.

"Oh come on we have to know the details!" Jett whined. Michelle wobbled a little on her feet as they headed inside and Payton caught her.

"Easy Michelle. It's incredible Brook didn't kill you with his driving." Michelle nudged him in the ribs.

"Oh stop, Brook outdid himself tonight. If I wasn't so exhausted, I'd do it again." Payton grinned.

"That's the adrenaline talking. You need to sit down." He helped her to the couch where Brook and the others were. Brook pulled Michele next to him. Michelle found her head nodding off and rested it on Brook's shoulder as she listened to everyone talking.

"So you filled the water tank with kerosene? That's why you made me hit the fire alarm!" Jett said as Paige explained what happened.

"She threw a lighter out the window as we drove out of there. The whole floor caught fire and before we were past the barrier, the building was up in flames." Payton said.

"Nobody got hurt?" Soriano asked.

"Pft. Those Ghosts were out of there before they even got a burn. The only loss was letting those cars get sacrificed." Paige said.

"Yeah, poor cars," Reece said with sarcasm.

"How did you get away after that?" Brook asked.

"We just took the tunnels back. A couple of the Ghosts followed us for a bit but they decided to turn back before they could get demolished by my mini bombs. Jett took care of the CCTVs along the roads so we got by unseen. No one in Vegas other than the Inferno Ghosts saw that car leave tonight." Paige said.

"And how did you two route them away from the car?" Soriano asked Brook.

"Brook and Michelle led them on a false trail. After that, he went building jumping, apparently." Payton said. Brook picked up a can of soda and drank from it to avoid talking although he smiled at Payton's account of the story.

"Awesome! No one jumps heights like Brook." Jett said.

"The Ghosts aren't stupid. They must have realized they weren't chasing the car anymore but they still pursued Brook. And it looks like they knew we were on the job tonight despite all our planning." Soriano said with grave features.

"How could they have found out?" Leslie asked. Jett snapped his fingers.

"That patrol car. I don't think it was a cop in there. That's why it didn't stop you." he said to Payton.

"You're saying the Ghosts jumped a cop car and impersonated a cop?" Paige said. Soriano nodded slowly.

"It's possible. They must have found out about the Koenigsegg and us planning to get it. But then why not get it before us..."

"Maybe they wanted us to disable security for them," Paige said in anger. "Wretches thought we'd make things easier for them."

"Why would they chase Brook on the motorcycle?" Payton voiced the question Soriano intended to ask next. "After they lost us in the car."

"Why wouldn't they want to get one of us? They must've figured if they can't get the car, they could try to get us. But they failed. As usual." Paige said with a smirk.

"So how'd you finally ditch them?" Jett asked Brook. Brook sighed and scraped at his nails.

"We left them hanging on the eighth floor." He said.

"Man, you are such a bad narrator. Maybe Michelle can tell it better. Michelle?" Reece called. Michelle was fast asleep on Brook's shoulder.

"Aww, that's adorable," Jett said with a cute face.

"Brook, you should get her to bed," Leslie said. "She must be exhausted."

"But I thought we could celebrate! You know, we just one-upped the Inferno Ghosts. That's a big win for us." Jett said.

"Later Jett. Let them rest for tonight." Soriano said. Brook got up carrying Michelle and took her up to his room. Payton waited till he was out of sight before he spoke to Soriano.

"I need to talk to you chief." He said. Paige glanced at Payton.

"Come to the kitchen," Soriano said. The two of them walked off.

"Well, looks like that's all for tonight's excitement," Reece said. They all got up to go to bed except for Paige. She turned off the lights and lingered behind the kitchen door listening quietly.

"It was Jackson chief. I saw him. He led the hunt tonight. And he knew who was on the bike. I think he was willing to sacrifice the Koenigsegg for his bigger prize." Paige heard Payton say.

"That means he followed us from Reno. He wouldn't do that if he wasn't desperate. But Jackson isn't stupid. He would've likely tried to get both prizes. He needs the Koenigsegg as much as he wants revenge."

"Why? Why does he want a two-million-dollar car so bad? Even if it's for money, there must be other ways he could get it."

"No. Making an easy two million in Vegas is difficult. With the Koenigsegg, he would have had an unbeatable card."

"Why? What are you hiding from us chief?" Soriano didn't speak for a while.

"It's not time for you to know yet. It's better if you didn't. When the time is right, you'll know. Right now the pressing issue is whether Brook found out Jackson was out there today." Payton heaved a breath. Paige knew he only did that when he was trying to contain his anger.

"No, he didn't find out. He wouldn't have been this calm if he did." Payton said through gritted teeth. Paige opened the door and walked in.

"Even if he did, he wouldn't take a risk going after Jackson with Michelle there." She said. The two men in the room were startled to see her.

"How long have you been standing there?" Payton asked.

"Pretty much the whole time." She said. She fixed her gaze on Soriano.

"Keeping secrets from us chief?" she asked, folding her arms.

"It's not what you think. It's for your safety. Now if there's nothing else to discuss, you should go to bed." He commanded.

"I'm not finished," Payton said. He glanced at Paige who made no move to leave. Soriano paused, listening.

"Michelle said she lost her ID card. She might have lost it before Brook brought her to the base. It might have been in her car." he said.

"You mean the car which the Ghosts blew up," Paige said. Soriano frowned.

"They might have gone through her car and found it. That's how they know who she is – Jackson must've taken her ID card and marked her as a target. There's no other way she would've become a target otherwise." He said.

"So he's after her. Like we didn't already know that. He's after all of us. He doesn't need our IDs for that." Paige said.

"Perhaps. But I think there's more to that than meets the eye." Soriano straightened up. "For now, keep an eye on Brook. I don't want him running after Jackson." Soriano said.

"What about Michelle?" Paige asked.

"She won't be a problem. Without a car, she's not likely to drive off alone. But don't let her out of your sight when you're out. I have a feeling Jackson is gonna go after them both first."

"We'll make sure he doesn't get to them," Paige said. She glanced at Payton. He clenched his fists.

"They won't. What about the others? Shouldn't we tell them?"

"Do it without Brook or Michelle finding out," Soriano said. "Now go to bed. It's late." Soriano pushed past them and went to his room. Paige looked at Payton.

"Chief thinks Brook might be the one to do something stupid. What about you? You're not planning to run off and do something crazy right?" She asked. He smirked at her.

"Thanks for worrying about me. But no, I don't have plans to do anything crazy." He said.

"Good. But if you do, keep in mind that I'll be the one to come bail you out." Paige said before going out.