Chapter 26 Highlight of the Night

The Highlight was an expanse of glittering floors, three-dimensional black diamond-shaped walls, thumping music, and an excessive amount of purple neon lights. There were raised platforms along the sides of the walls for tables and cushy couches plus an upper-floor balcony overlooking the dance floor. A brightly lit up bar lay against the left of the DJ's table standing in front of a giant led screen that showed flashing colorful graphics.

"Looks like you actually picked a decent club this time, Jett," Paige said with light sarcasm.

"Paige, when have I ever disappointed?" he asked in mock horror. "Our birthday girl has to get the best first club experience anyway so I went all out."

"Thanks, Jett," Michelle said. Brook tugged her arm gently.

"You wanna hit the dance floor first or get a drink?" he asked.

"Of course she has to get a drink first! I want to see her dance with alcohol in her system." Paige said, dragging Michelle to the bar. "Start her off with a blue Margarita, naturally." She said to the bartender. The bartender slid a cocktail glass full of light blue liquid toward Michelle.

"Try it – you're making history here," Paige said with a smirk. Michelle took a sip and closed her eyes letting the alcohol kick in.

"Cheese and crackers, that's something!" she said.

"Don't spoil her taste buds, Paige. She should've tried a classic first." Payton said. He ordered another drink for her.

"It's a Mojito. Can't ever go wrong with this." He said pushing a slim glass full of white liquid and a lime wedge. Michelle sipped it and nodded.

"Hmm... I love the lime flavor." Payton grinned.

"My kind of girl." He said. Brook cleared his throat.

"One more?" he asked Michelle. He placed a short glass with pink liquid in her hand. She sipped it.

"Wow, that's like the definition of summer!" she said, smacking her lips.

"Paloma. Mexican classic." Brook said with a smile. Michelle giggled.

"Naturally." She put down the glass and pulled him to the dance floor.

"Time to do what we came here for." She said with a mischievous smile on her face. She started swaying her hips to the beat, her hands flipping her hair towards Brook. He laughed and put his hands around her waist, following her rhythm. She looked down at their feet which were lit up by the glowing dance floor and mirrored his steps.

"You're pretty good with alcohol as without," Brook said in her ear.

"I'm just getting warmed up." She winked. She shook her shoulders seductively towards him before pulling away deliberately.

"Hey!" Brook said drawing nearer to her. She laughed melodiously.

"Follow me," she said. He came and took one of her hands into his own before pulling her close. She smacked onto his chest, grinding against his body, and looked up at him, his face an inch away from hers.

"What comes next?" she asked.

"You tell me," he said huskily. She threw her head back still swaying in perfect curves in his arms. He leaned close, never breaking their rhythm as they moved together in sync against each other.

"Whoo! You show 'em, Michelle!" Paige said from nearby. Michelle giggled and put her hands against Brook's chest.

"I've only seen dancing like this in a concert." She said.

"Really? Then we should really get into the experience." Brook said, spinning her while still holding her against himself. She gave him a seductive smile.

"I want to try something." She said. She suddenly pushed him back a little and spun around so that her back was against his chest. Continuing to move in rhythm, she ground against him, letting more of her weight rest on him. Brook wrapped his arms around her pressing her against himself, his fingers stroking her stomach.

"Mmm... you're making me want to hold you more," he said, hugging her tighter.

"Nothing's stopping you," Michelle said silkily. She brought her hands up to his neck behind her and felt his face.

"This might be my favorite move yet." He whispered in her ear sending chills down her spine. He brought his head around her neck and planted a kiss. Michelle moaned and felt her blood heat up; her skin felt like it was on fire.

"Okay, we should reconsider doing this in public." She gasped after his kisses became more intense. Brook guided her towards an empty table and set her down on the couch.

"Something to cool off?" Brook asked, taking two drinks off a passing server's tray.

"I doubt anything can cool me off but sure." She said huskily as she took the drink from him and sipped it.

"Hmm. Is that strawberry?" she asked.

"Good guess. It's a strawberry Daiquiri. I thought you might want something sweet." Brook said.

"It is sweet, but not as sweet as this," Michelle said, lightly running her fingers over his lips. He smiled.

"You're a little buzzed, aren't you Michelle?" he asked. She giggled.

"I'm great as long as I'm with you. But I am craving something sweeter..." He was kissing her before she finished talking. The beat of the music beating her chest, the heat from the lights, the light-headedness from the alcohol or the dancing or Brook's kiss (she didn't know which) made Michelle feel more alive than ever in her life. She brought her hand up to Brook's cheek and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. His hand slid down to her hip holding her hungrily. She raised her legs over his lap so she was cradled in his arms.

"Michelle, I hate to be the one to remind you of this – but we are in a public place." He said against her lips.

"Now I know how you feel," Michelle said with a mock pout. He pulled back and offered her his hand.

"One more spin around the block?" he asked with a wink. She nodded and took his hand.

"Anything to be close to you."

It was nearly midnight when Michelle finally felt she danced enough. She looked around the club for the others and spotted Payton sitting at the bar drinking alone. She walked over to him.

"Hey, lone wolf." She said. He looked up at her.

"Do I look like a lone wolf to you?" he asked. She sat down beside him.

"Sort of. No drinking buddy tonight?"

"Jett and Reece are flirting on the upper floor with some girls, Paige is still dancing and..." He stopped and turned to his drink.

"I'm here." She said. "How about we share that?" she pointed to his drink. He pushed it to her.

"Careful, it's –" he began to warn her as she sipped it. She put it down immediately on tasting a bitter burning flavor.

"Oh! Agh!" she said, blowing out her cheeks. "What on earth was that?" Payton grinned.

"Plain vodka." He said.

"Okay, I definitely prefer cocktails." She said, pushing the glass back to him.

"So how come you're chatting over here with me instead of dancing with Brook? Did he ditch you?" Payton asked. Michelle frowned at him.

"What is wrong with you guys? Why do you always badmouth each other?"

"It's a guy thing," Payton said vaguely.

"It's like you're competing for everything. It's getting ridiculous."

"It's what guys do when they both want something. They'll try to beat each other out to get it. I don't expect you to understand." Michelle narrowed her eyes.

"And what is it that you want that Brook wants too that makes you compete against him?" she asked. He turned away from her gaze.

"Nothing you need to know. It's a lost cause anyhow." He said. Michelle studied him for a moment before the answer suddenly dawned on her.

"Payton." She said softly, laying her hand on his shoulder. He slowly pushed it away.

"Don't, okay? You'll only make it worse." He downed the rest of his drink in one shot.

"Make what worse? Payton, just tell me –"

"Look, I'm in love with you okay?" he snapped. "I know you're with Brook and I don't want you to feel burdened by - I just - want you to be happy. Don't regret anything." Michelle blinked in speechlessness.

"Forget about it okay? I'll get over it. Don't worry about me." he said. He got up to go but Michelle stopped him and kissed his cheek.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"For being honest with me," she said with a soft smile. "And to thank you for everything else."

"Is this you pitying me?" he asked.

"No, this is me being a friend." She said. "Go. I believe Paige is waiting for a partner on the dance floor." Payton glanced at Paige who was still swaying to the music and walked slowly over to her.

"Hey. Glad to see you didn't pass out while I was away." Brook said returning. He had two bottles of water in his hands and offered her one.

"Thanks. My throat feels like I swallowed sand." She said drinking the water eagerly.

"I'm gonna go see if I can round up everyone. Will you be okay by yourself?"

"No problem. Don't be too long." Michelle said with a seductive smile. Brook grinned.

"I'll try." He said and left. Paige came over and sat next to Michelle.

"You're drinking water already? There's like – three minutes before your birthday ends. You should finish it off with a bang!" she said, swaying a little.

"Paige, I think you're way too high," Michelle said, holding her arm so she didn't fall off the chair.

"Nah, not yet. Wait! There's one more drink you have to try. Bartender!" she called. "One Dorda café right here!" she said loudly. The bartender gave her a glass full of what appeared to be a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

"Come on Michelle! It's chocolate flavored! Your birthday is not finished without you trying this!" Paige said enthusiastically.

"Paige, I just drank water."

"Forget that and try this! You can drink water tomorrow! Live a little! You already got into the club without breaking the rules." Michelle was too tired to protest so she took a sip. It was sweet and milky, almost exactly like a chocolate milkshake. She drank some more and it wasn't until she heard Brook yell did she put the glass down.

"Michelle! Stop!" Brook said, pushing the glass away from her. She blinked and tried to focus her eyes on his face.

"Brook! You're back!" she said giggling. She hiccupped and bent forward, her hair tumbling over her head.

"How much of that did you drink?" he asked, helping her off the chair.

"Enough to be properly drunk! Whoo!" Paige said, raising her hand in the air. Payton came over and saw Michelle bowed over.

"What happened?" he asked. Michelle swung her head up and groaned, her eyes half closed.

"Death by chocolate happened," Brook said grimly. "Paige is in no better shape. Get her out of here. I'll take Michelle."

"You guys are so lame can't even differentiate between Dorda Café and chocolate death!" Paige said, her head nodding from side to side. Michelle giggled and hiccupped again.

"What about Jett and Reece?" Payton asked.

"They don't want to leave yet. I told them I booked us all rooms in the hotel next door. I didn't think anyone would be in a position to drive home." Paige swayed and almost fell backward when Payton caught her in time.

"She's gonna pass out any moment. Take her to the hotel." Brook said.

"What about Michelle? She looks a little green." Payton said. Brook glanced at Michelle's face quickly and saw she looked slightly green.

"Let's get you out of here." He said, helping her out. The cool night air outside stung Michelle's face and she opened her eyes.

"We're almost there Michelle," Brook said, guiding her by the waist. She reached out and caught his arm shaking her head violently.

"Um, Brook? I have to –" she stopped and covered her mouth.

"Over here." He said pulling her into an alley. Michelle bowed over and threw up, clutching her stomach. When she finished she groaned.

"Ow, my stomach." She said. Brook gave her a handkerchief to wipe her mouth.

"I can't leave you alone for five minutes with Paige." He scolded. Michelle swayed and fell against him.

"Oh no, I don't want my birthday to end with me puking!" She moaned. Brook laughed despite being annoyed.

"If that's what you're worried about, don't. Your birthday finished seven minutes ago."

"Oh, that's good. Because I want to remember the best memories only." She said. She was still drunk and could barely keep her balance without Brook for support.

"I think we covered that." he walked her towards a hotel nearby.

"Wait! I just realized!" Michelle said in horror.

"Now what?" Brook asked.

"I don't even know your last name! How could a girl not know her boyfriend's last name? I'm such an embarrassment!" Brook folded his lips this time to keep from laughing.

"It's Havens."


"My last name is Havens."

"Oh, Brook Havensss... Hmm, I like thaaat." she smiled druggedly as she slurred her words. She stepped forward and stopped again.

"Oh no!" she said, clutching her head. Brook sighed.

"What is it now?" he asked.

"My purse! I'm sure I left it in –" Brook held up her purse in his hand.

"Oh, you got it! My hero." She giggled and slumped into his arms. He half carried her up to the hotel room.

"Okay Michelle, I'm gonna let you down now –" Brook said, setting her on the bed. She flopped back but sat up immediately holding her back.

"Ouch! This dress hurt me!" she said, feeling the studs. "I can't sleep in this." She tried to unzip the dress herself but could reach it.

"Ah, what is wrong with this dress?! It was easier to get into it!" she said in frustration. Brook grinned under his breath.

"Want some help?" he asked. "But what are you gonna wear instead of this dress?" Michelle focused her eyes with some difficulty on Brook's shirt.

"That," she said pointing to his chest. Brook raised his eyebrows.

"I don't have anything else and that looks comfortable! Pretty please?" she asked. He ran his hand through his hair.

"The things I do for you..." he said and shrugged out of his coat. He unbuttoned his shirt and gave it to her.

"Wait! I never go to bed without brushing!" she said with a look of comical horror on her face.

"There are spare toothbrushes in the bathroom. Do you want me to –" Michelle stopped him by placing her finger on his lips.

"I can brush by myself. I learned how to when I was three." She said with confidence. Brook couldn't stop grinning. She got up and wobbled to the bathroom holding Brook's shirt. After five minutes she came out wearing the shirt and a white robe. She flung her dress into a corner and flopped on the bed.

"Really? A robe too?" Brook asked.

"Mmm. Your shirt is too short." She mumbled against the pillow.

"Think you can stay in bed for five minutes without causing trouble?" Brook asked.

"What am I, five? Seriously, why does everyone keep underestimating me?" she whined.

"Because you downed a glass full of chocolate vodka..." Brook mumbled as he went to the bathroom. When he returned Michelle had turned so that her legs were hanging off the bed. He sat next to her.

"Want some water?" he asked. She sat up nodding, her eyes still closed. He handed her a bottle.

"Hmm... sooo refreshing." She said after finishing the entire bottle. Brook took it from her and threw it in the trash can.

"Brook," Michelle said, her face turned worried despite being drunk. "Payton confessed to me today." Brook frowned.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"He said he was in love with me. But he knows I'm with you. No, I'm in love with you. Like, Craaazy in love with you." She said with emphasis.

"You tell him that?"

"Uh-uh. Didn't have to. He said he'd get over it. That's good, right? I mean, Paige would be hurt if he didn't." she sighed.

"I've never been the girl to turn down a guy before. And I don't want to be a crush stealer." She continued. Brook smiled.

"You're not."

"Really? Yay. Because I want to focus on us." She said, patting his bare chest. She flopped back on the pillows.

"This was the best party ever. My friends would be jealous. Oh! I can't wait to introduce you to them! They aren't gonna believe I went on a road trip and came back with a gorgeous guy." She said giggling.

"If your friends are anything like you, I'm sure they'll be fun," Brook said, stroking her hair.

"My boyfriend is Brook Havens! Look out, Seynote University!" she said aloud. She took Brook's hand and squeezed it.

"I want to walk through college one day, holding your hand and showing you off." She said with a sleepily serious face. Brook smiled.

"I'll try to make that dream come true." He said. She smiled and pulled him down next to her. He lay still watching her face. She ran her hands up and down his bare chest making him groan.

"Michelle, you're supposed to be the intoxicated one here." He said, grabbing her hands. She pouted for a moment before breaking into a wide smile and startling Brook by wrapping her legs between his. His eyes widened.

"Someone's feeling bold." He commented. She giggled hard before it ended in a hiccup. Brook laughed and stroked her face. She moaned in contentment.

"I love you," she said sleepily. He pushed the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too Michelle. Go to sleep." She was already out before he finished speaking.