Chapter 27 After the Sun comes Out

Michelle woke up feeling nauseous and her head was pounding. She stirred wondering why the bed was so soft - she wasn't used to sinking spongy mattresses.

She opened her eyes and saw Brook's peaceful sleeping face two inches from hers. She looked down and saw that he was shirtless. She gasped and slid backward before falling off the bed and landing on the carpeted floor with a thud. Brook heard the sound and woke up.

"What? Michelle! What happened? Are you hurt?" he asked, getting up and coming to her side.

"Ouch, no, just bruised." She looked down at her robe and then at Brook's bare torso again and a look of confusion came over her face.

"What happened? And what on earth am I wearing?!" she asked.

"My shirt and the hotel's bathrobe." He said with a smile.

"How did that happen?" Michelle asked, tilting her head to the side trying to remember the previous night.

"Let's just say your dress got the better of you and you wanted to get out of it. And you made me take off my shirt." Michelle looked at him in horror.

"I am so sorry Brook! What was I thinking?" she stood up with Brook's help and sat on the bed.

"Hey, you don't have to apologize for that," Brook said.

"Was I - drunk? I don't even remember anything! The last thing I remember was Paige giving me a milkshake..."

"That's where it started," Brook said grimly.

"What else did I do? What did I say? Oh no! I probably embarrassed myself so bad! I've only seen people get drunk on TV, I've never been drunk before! How bad was it?"

"You did throw up..." Brook said. Michelle groaned.

"Don't tell me anymore. I don't think I can bear to hear it."

"Actually after that, it got really cute," Brook said with a furtive smile, sitting next to her. "You freaked out when you didn't know my last name, thought you forgot your purse at the club, made me unzip your dress..." Michelle covered her face.

"Stop! I'll never live this down." Brook grinned and tickled her stomach.

"I'm not finished. You were still conscious enough to want to maintain dental hygiene, you said you wanted to show me off to your friends and parade me around your college..." Michelle placed her finger on his lips.

"Please Brook I'm already so embarrassed." He took her finger and kissed it.

"I was actually looking forward to that. I especially like the part where you called me a gorgeous guy..." he leaned her back against the pillow, suddenly trapping her underneath him.

"Brook..." she whispered. He smiled with hooded eyes before planting a kiss on her lips.

"You're adorable when you're drunk." He said huskily. "And last of all, you mumbled something about yellow and purple colors in your sleep. I didn't understand where that came from."

"Oh, that. Well, I'm guessing you like purple and my favorite color is yellow. Those colors are the opposite of each other so they complement each other. We're like that - from opposite worlds but perfect together... at least, that's probably what was running through my mind." Michelle said, hanging her head low with embarrassment. Brook put his hand on her cheek.

"I think that's beautiful." He said in a soft voice.


"Yeah." She cautiously took his hand.

"You're not freaked out or mad by how drunk I got?"

"Not at all. Like I said, you're even more adorable drunk. Although I am gonna have a word with Paige about what drink she puts in front of you next time."

"Oh no, I hope there is NO next time. I never want to taste alcohol again." Michelle said.

"Don't give up yet. Just keep me as an alcohol chaperone around next time."

"That would make me feel better..." Michelle said, trailing her hand up and down Brook's bare chest. He purred.

"Ah, Michelle, you just reminded me that we're alone in a hotel room..." a demure smile curled her lips.

"I hadn't even realized... So what do you think we should do?" She asked, meeting his heady gaze. His only response was a collision of his mouth with hers in a consuming kiss. She wrapped her arms around his body, enjoying the feel of his bare skin. She traced every contour of his muscles, thrilled by the freedom to do so. He returned the gesture, his hands roaming her body under his shirt that she wore. It made her skin flush and burn. His mouth left hers and traveled down her neck. She shivered under his prowess, feeling like putty in his arms. His knee nudged the side of her leg and she moaned.


"Don't worry, it's broad daylight and you're still hungover. Not the best time to - make memories." He whispered, his breath tickling her neck. Her eyes widened at that last bit.

"I can't believe you'd think something like that!" She said, punching him playfully. He grinned and sat up.

"You must admit, you're very tempting..." he said. Michelle pummeled him with a pillow and he held up his hands in surrender.

"Okay, I yield!" He laughed. Michelle smiled triumphantly.

"I win. So wait, how come you weren't drunk last night?" Michelle asked.

"I know when to stop drinking," Brook answered smoothly. Michelle rubbed her eyes in discomfort.

"Of course you do. When we get out of here, no one is ever going to find out about this. About me getting drunk and everything that followed. Clear?"

"Everything that followed..." Brook purred, his gaze burning on her body. She nudged him.

"Brook! Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Brook said, smacking his lips in approval. She caught that look and shook her head. He was such a hot-blooded male... And yet, such a turn-on...

"Great. Now turn around so I can change. And no peeking!" Michelle added sternly. Brook grinned and turned away.

"Got it." He replied. Michelle made sure he wasn't looking before undressing.

"Now where's my dress..."

The rest of the crew was piled in another room on the couches and chairs, sipping coffee. Paige looked up when Brook and Michelle came in and hooted.

"Whoo! There they are, the stars of the night!"

"Shut it, Paige, we need to have a serious talk about the kind of alcohol you give to a beginner," Brook said.

"Why? What did Michelle do?" Paige asked with a sparkle in her eye.

"Nothing you'll ever find out," Brook said firmly. Payton glanced at Michelle but said nothing. Jett poured out some coffee for them.

"This will help with the hangover." He said.

"Thanks. Paige, do you want to tell me what happened last night?" Michelle asked.

"I don't think she'll remember. She was drunker than you last night." Payton said.

"I was not!" Paige said strongly.

"Oh yeah? Whose room did you sleep in last night?" Payton asked. Paige's eyes widened and she scowled.

"Oh snap, Paige is speechless?! Now that's phenomenal." Reece said.

"Shut up Reece," Paige said. Brook glanced from Payton to Paige and smiled.

"Oh I get it," he said. Paige scowled at him.

"Don't get the wrong idea! I passed out the moment I -" she stopped realizing she gave away her mistake. Reece and Jett laughed.

"Man, Paige, your face is priceless!" Jett said. She kicked his foot hard which made him edge away from her, still laughing.

"I can confirm what happened. She passed out before we even entered the hotel." Payton said.

"Payton!" Paige said in a high-pitched voice.

"You can't deny it," he said. Michelle bit her lip in amusement.

"Looks like we all had a weird night." She said.

"But it was fun! Reece and I left a string of broken hearts behind." Jett said.

"We also left those girls a bunch of fake numbers," Reece said.

"They're not gonna like that," Brook said.

"Guys, can we get out of here? I don't want to spend another minute here." Paige said grumpily, putting down her coffee cup. She got up and walked to the door.

"I'll be in the lobby." She said and went out. Michelle sighed.

"What's wrong?" Brook asked.

"I can never look at milkshakes the same way again..." she said.

"Death by chocolate is accurately named," Brook said, rubbing the stubble on his jaw.

"Dude, it was a Dorda café. Haven't you been paying attention?" Payton said grinning.

"So, did you enjoy your birthday despite the milkshake mayhem?" Brook asked as they drove back home. Michelle giggled.

"Yeah, I did. It was my first time celebrating it with my boyfriend."

"That reminds me. You know you never told me your last name either, right?" Brook said.

"What? Seriously? I thought I did... It's Patterson."

"Michelle Patterson... my girlfriend." Michelle felt her cheeks heat up with pride at the mention of 'girlfriend'.

"So other than all those weird things that spilled out of my mouth - is there anything else I should know about?" Michelle asked. "Because I have to know exactly how much dignity I threw away last night."

"What else do you remember?"

"Honestly, my mind is blurred with chocolate milkshakes and laser lights."

"Then you're not missing anything important," Brook said carefully avoiding the part about Payton confessing.

"Oh, before Paige got me drunk - I remember something." Brook didn't turn to her.

"What's that?"

"Um, Payton... Payton confessed he had feelings for me."

"Ah..." Brook said vaguely.

"What do you mean 'ah'? I thought you'd be mad."

"You kind of mentioned that last night."

"Then why didn't you tell me about it?" Michelle asked, frowning.

"I didn't want to bring it up again. It's not like - you said he would get over it so that's that."

"Yeah but Brook, that's not the point! I want you to be honest with me!" She said, staring him down.

"I - look, I really didn't want to talk about it. Can we drop it already?"

"Are you - jealous? Brook, seriously?" Michelle asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"No, I'm... not! Agh, so maybe I am! What guy wouldn't be?! No guy wants to hear from his girlfriend's mouth that some other guy confessed to her!" Brook said in frustration.

"Brook! You know I turned him down! And you said you weren't mad about last night!"

"I wasn't until -" Brook slammed the wheel.

"Until what? Until I brought up Payton? Brook, I thought you knew me better than that! I was just being honest with you so we wouldn't have any secrets between us! Because you mean more to me than anyone! I guess you don't trust me the same way!" she turned her head away from him and folded her arms in hurt silence.

"Michelle, that's not what I meant." She didn't answer.

"Michelle, come on. Are you giving me the silent treatment?" Brook touched the edge of her hair.

"Don't be like this Michelle. It's not that I don't trust you!" she continued to ignore him. Brook sighed.

"We're home." He said as he parked the car in the garage. Michelle got out without talking and went inside the apartment. The others followed and noticed the tension between them.

"Dude, what's up with Michelle?" Jett asked Brook.

"Did you do something?" Paige asked.

"No! She's just - it's none of your business!" he snapped and went inside. Reece's lips twitched.

"I think those two are in a couples' fight." He said.

Leslie and Soriano were in the living room when Michelle walked in. Leslie looked up and greeted her.

"Hey, Michelle! How was the party last night? Brook just went up to his room. When you guys didn't get home we figured everybody was too drunk to drive."

"Huh? Oh, it was great. Just great." Michelle said distractedly. She went into Paige's room.

"Um Michelle, that's -" Leslie began but she had already shut the door.

"Paige's room." Leslie finished. The others came in at that moment.

"Guys, what's wrong with Michelle?" Leslie asked.

"Lovers' tiff," Paige said. "I'll go talk to her."

"She's in your room," Leslie said. Payton had been listening quietly to everything before he slipped off upstairs without anybody noticing.

"Hey," Payton said, opening the door of Brook's room. Brook threw a pillow at him.

"Get out." He said. Payton entered and shut the door.

"Not until we get things straight." He said. "Look, I'm guessing you found out about last night."

"Michelle was drunk enough to say you confessed to her."


"So what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to tell you to stop being a damn jerk to Michelle." Brook frowned at him.

"She's crazy about you and you go and say something stupid and ruin her peace of mind." Payton continued.

"What's it to you?"

"Michelle had to see what a jerk you really are because I confessed to her! So it's my fault and I want to fix it!"

"None of this would've happened if you hadn't said anything!" Brook shouted.

"You think I don't know that?! But you're an idiot if you think I can change her mind! Can't you see she only has eyes for you?! And you had to go hurt her with your idiocy."

"Don't try me, Payton!" Brook said, grabbing his collar.

"Or what, you're gonna beat me up? Go ahead! But if you alienate Michelle and hurt her again, I won't sit still either." Payton pushed Brook's hands away roughly and walked out of his room.

Michelle was curled up on Paige's bed with her head on her knees. Paige came in and shut the door.

"Looks like you could use a girlfriend to talk to right now." She said joining her on the bed.

"Guys are jerks okay? That's a given. But we gotta find a way to work around that." she said. Michelle didn't speak.

"They're slow on the uptake, dense to little details, and wear their hearts on their sleeves when they're with the girls they love."

"So?" Michelle asked, finally looking up.

"So, they go crazy when they get jealous. They do stupid things, say stupid things, and don't know when to stop. They can't handle their own feelings."

"Get to the point," Michelle said sullenly. Paige smiled and punched her shoulder lightly.

"The point is, they only act like that when they're in love. And everyone can see that Brook is head over heels for you. So much so that if he even thinks another guy is making a move on you, he's more than likely to go berserk."

"You know about that?" Michelle asked deflating.

"Payton told me everything last night... I didn't really pass out before I got to his room." Paige admitted red-facedly. Michelle half smiled.

"I had a feeling." She said.

"If you tell anyone else, I'll give you a buzz cut in your sleep." She said darkly. Michelle giggled.

"My lips are sealed." She said. She slumped forward.

"At least Payton trusts you enough to tell you everything." She said quietly.

"Yeah. I know you probably think Brook is having trouble trusting you but it's not that. He actually doesn't trust himself."

"Trust himself?"

"You've made him afraid, Michelle. Afraid of losing you to someone else."

"But he knows that I love him."

"And he's afraid that he might not be good enough for you. He's afraid that if a better offer comes along -"

"I might go after it? Ugh! That is so -" Michelle punched the pillow behind her.

"Hey, this is my bed! Go punch your own pillows." Paige said.

"I can't believe he would think like that!" Michelle said.

"They're guys. It's how they think. I've been around them long enough to learn that."

"And I haven't."

"Maybe, but for a babe in the woods, you've got Brook wrapped around your little finger without any effort. That's impressive."

"Er... I'm not sure that's right." Michelle said doubtfully. Paige laughed.

"Listen, Michelle, about last night..." Paige began. "I know you sent Payton out on the dance floor."

"Well he needed a push and I gave it to him."


"So did he tell you everything?"

"He told me about his confession to you."

"You know I turned him down right?"

"Obviously," Paige said. "But Brook needs help seeing that."

"You got that right."

"Look, guys are never gonna stop being jealous. It's in their nature. So the best we can do is show them that they don't have to be."


"But it is kind of hot to see them get riled up when they're jealous," Paige said with a wink. Michelle giggled.

"Yeah. Thanks for this - girl talk Paige. I needed it."

"Don't go soppy on me now, angel face. But anytime you need a woman to woman, you know where to find me."

"Thanks. So... you and Payton huh?" Paige pushed her off the bed.

"I'm not going to give you the dirt so don't ask. All I remember is stripping in front of Payton -"

"Ugh! Stop!" Michelle said, laughing and pushing her. She laughed too.

I knew you'd cheer up that way. Now go to your man! He's probably wallowing in regret, brooding in the dark."