Chapter 35 The Plan

The relief that came from having Brook back lasted only an hour; after everyone had met back at the base and Soriano finished chewing Brook out for running away, (and hugging him while squeezing out a few man-tears) they had to get back to the situation at hand. And this time, Michelle had a plan.

"So you want to drive into the hyena's lair so to speak, after we just escaped them?" Reece asked skeptically. "Michelle, I think seeing blood has made you delirious."

"No, absolutely not!" Brook objected. "That is not going to happen!"

"Look, this is the only way! Trust me, this will work." She said.

"I can't even begin to point out how many things can go wrong with this plan," Payton said.

"Then don't! I don't want you jinxing it. Brook, please. I need you to trust me." Michelle turned to him. He was seated on the couch watching her with piercing eyes.

"There's no way in a million years I'd agree to this Michelle." He said. "I would never let you put yourself in danger for – this."

"Yeah kiddo, it's crazy. You can't do it. And you don't know where the Koenigsegg is anyway." Leslie said.

"It's in the garage opposite the street," Paige said. Brook whirled on her.


"What? I'm cool with her idea. She's the only one who bothered to think up a plan that might actually work." She said. Michelle smiled gratefully at her.

"I won't risk your life over this Michelle," Soriano said.

"Look, running away isn't going to work anymore. Jackson is desperate for the car which means he won't think of anything else if we hand it to him on a silver platter. He also wants me. I'm the only person that can get close enough to him without him suspecting anything. He'll get what he wants and fall into our trap."

"You mean he'll think he'll get them," Reece said.

"Right." Michelle corrected herself. Soriano looked tense.

"This is too dangerous. We can't guarantee what Jackson will do if things go wrong. He might kill you on the spot." He said.

"No, Michelle, I won't allow this!" Brook objected.

"It's the only way! What other choice do we have? Jackson is not gonna leave us alone unless he's caught. And the Koenigsegg is the only way of framing him. That and a hostage situation should be enough to get him arrested." Michelle said.

"Once the FBI starts investigating him thoroughly, they should find out about his past murders. That'll put him away for life." Payton said.

"Too bad we're not in texas. I hear they have a death sentence for psychotic serial killers." Paige said almost wistfully.

"I agree. Jackson needs to be sawed in two before you can call it justice." Reece said.

"But before that, we need to pump him for some answers. I don't think that stuff he was rambling on about was BS." Payton said.

"What do you mean?" Brook asked, confused.

"Jackson was rambling something about knowing her and her father and if he had known she was alive before, she'd be dead by now," Paige said, nodding her head toward Michelle.

"He also said something about the chief knowing about it and not telling us," Payton said, eyeing Soriano.

"Jackson is nothing short of deranged. He was trying to play mind games on all of you." Soriano said sternly.

"I don't think so. He said he wanted me dead; he said Brook's and my fathers were his father's worst enemies. That didn't seem like a lie." Michelle said with a frown. "There's a lot we don't know here..."

"But that means – your father was involved with Kromer in some way," Leslie said.

"And, you don't know anything about it?" Payton asked, peering at Michelle. She shook her head.

"I was adopted when I was three, so no, I don't know anything about – my real parents." She said with a little halt in her voice. Brook took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze.

"Well, you'll get your chance to wring him for answers soon," Paige said. "One thing about Kromer is that he can't shut his trap. Use that to your advantage."

"Back to the plan – is she doing it or not?" Leslie asked. Michelle steeled her features and nodded.

"I am. With this, we're gonna put a stop to the Inferno Ghosts once and for all."

It was almost dusk when the crew finished getting everything ready for the plan to trap Jackson. With much trepidation, many of them kept glancing at Michelle; if anything went wrong or if they made one misstep, her life was at stake.

Brook of course kept silent after his initial objections. Michelle felt his eyes on the back of her neck as she went about to and fro getting ready. She avoided them, knowing that if she did meet his piercing blues, he would somehow be able to convince her not to go. And she couldn't afford to turn back now.

"You should be resting." She said to him. "You just got shot after all."

"I'm fine," Brook said. She sensed the impassiveness in his voice.

"Okay, I've triple-checked all the equipment and everything's working. I've attached a tracker to your boots, connected our radio signal to the Koenigsegg, and prepped the weaponry for you. I've also cleaned the car of all fingerprints so the police won't be able to trace any of us when they get it." Jett said coming into the garage where Michelle was.

"Whoa, back up. Weaponry?" Michelle asked in surprise. Payton took two tools off the table.

"I gather you're familiar with a taser?" he asked, holding a stun gun up.

"Yes, I've seen them in movies." She replied. Reece snorted.

"Those are nothing like the real thing. This can bring a guy down better than a leg sweep." Reece said.

"Okay, that's good," Michelle said. She pointed to the other device in Payton's hand. "What about that?"

"An air gun. They'll shoot up to nineteen bullets that don't penetrate the skin. So you don't have to worry about killing anyone. My advice? Aim for the face." Michelle swallowed.

"Okay, that sounds like a last resort."

"I'd rather you carried a real gun," Brook said from the corner.

"I'll be fine Brook." She said. She turned to Jett.

"What about finding a way to contact them?" she asked.

"That was easy actually. Remember the phone Jackson called us through at Mario's? Reece managed to track the number and we got it. It's not even a burner phone; Jackson must be pretty full of himself thinking he can't be traced." Jett said.

"So are you gonna make the call?" Payton asked her. She nodded.

"Get me a phone."

Several seconds passed before there was a click on the other side of the phone and Michelle knew Jackson had answered.

"Kromer." She said. There was a low laugh at the other end.

"Well, well, aren't you the smart one for getting this number. Do you have a reason for calling me? Is your boyfriend dead? Then you should know you're next. After all, I'm sure you'll want to join him soon." Michelle glanced at Brook with an unreadable expression.

"I'm calling to turn myself over to you," she said.

"Oh? And is this some sort of amateurish trap you are trying to lay for me? Or is this your way of dealing with the loss of Havens?" Jackson asked silkily.

"No, I mean it. You want the Koenigsegg and I'll get to you. But I have a condition."

"A bargain? A woman after my own heart. Let's hear it."

"You leave the Night Blazers alone after this. And you stop terrorizing the towns near Reno."

"You want me to become a good guy after I murder you? Hmm, a hard bargain."

"Do you want the Koenigsegg or not?" Michelle taunted.

"Indeed, but I want you more. I dream of seeing you bleed at my hands like Havens." Michelle gulped at that but kept her face from betraying her feelings since Brook was watching her.

"You get the car. After that, we'll talk."

"Hmm, it's too easy. How come your little crew isn't putting you in a safe house? I'm sure they'd never let you go after I killed Havens."

"They won't. They don't know I'm talking to you right now." Michelle glanced at Payton and Jett and nodded, mouthing 'he's buying it'.

"Going behind your crew's back? Ha, ha, ha. I like the way you work. So you know where they stashed the Koenigsegg then?"

"Yes. So do we have a deal?" Jackson paused for a moment and Michelle was afraid he caught on.

"It's no fun when the lamb runs straight into the wolves lair. But I suppose after the havoc your friends caused last night I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Very well, I'll see you tonight."


"Uh, uh, uh. Keep the phone and I'll give you instructions. I can't risk your friends tracking you."


"Oh and Michelle? I look forward to seeing you again. You better say your goodbyes since it will be the last time you see them." Jackson said suavely and hung up. Michelle put the phone down and realized her hands were trembling.

"You okay?" Jett asked her.

"I'm fine. Jackson bought it." She explained what he said to her to the others.

"Good, he thinks we won't be following you. Now we can move on to phase two." Payton said.

"Michelle, please," Brook called from the corner. Michelle went over to him and faced him.

"Brook, I need you to trust me," she said, touching his face. He took her hand in his and squeezed it.

"I can't let you get hurt." He said with pain in his eyes.

"She won't. not with a bulletproof vest anyway." Paige said, coming into the garage holding a vest.

"You can wear this under your jacket. No one will know." She said giving Michelle the vest.

"Michelle..." Brook pleaded with his eyes. She shook her head slowly.

"I'm sorry Brook. But I have to do this." She turned to Reece.

"The police?"

"We'll call them as soon as you meet Jackson," Reece said. Payton stepped forward, unfolding his arms.

"You know Jackson's a criminal who doesn't keep any of his promises, right?" he said to Michelle.

"I know, but I had to make him think I was serious. And that I trusted him."

"That's why this is gonna work," Jett said.

"Yeah, it will," Paige said with confidence. Michelle turned to Brook.

"Brook?" She searched his face for signs of support. He turned away and walked out slowly. Michelle followed him.

"Wait, I need to talk to you," she said. He didn't turn back but went straight to his room.

"Brook, I can't do this if I don't have your vote of confidence." She said entering his room.

"Then don't." He said in a hard voice. "I don't want you risking your life like this!"

"Brook, it's the only way," Michelle said in a small voice. "I'm doing this for us."

"What if you get hurt?! Do you think I can live with that?!" Brook asked, towering over her. She squared her shoulders and gazed back into his eyes.

"How do you think I felt when you left?" she asked. He winced at that. He'd almost forgotten what he'd put her through. "And can't you believe in me? Please, Brook."

"How can I when I'm not around to protect you?" Brook said. His voice broke a little and Michelle put her hands on his shoulders.

"I'll be okay; you'll be with me no matter what. Because when I return, we're gonna live a normal life, you and me." Brook ran his hand through her hair.

"I can't stop you, can I?" he asked sadly. She cupped the sides of his face with her hands.

"Not this time, Brook. Because I'm doing this for us."

It was past midnight when Jackson called the cell phone Michelle had used to call him.


"It's me."

"Any of your friends around?" Michelle glanced at the crew seated in the living room.

"No." she lied.

"Then get out and take the Koenigsegg. Make sure you're not followed."

"Got it. where should I drive to?"

"Hater's Plain. It's a good place to start. I'll call you when you get there."

"Fine." She hung up and told the crew what he said.

"Jackson's trying to make sure you're alone. I don't like this." Soriano said.

"At least she can talk to us through the radio," Leslie said.

"Relax guys, she's got this," Paige said, slapping Michelle's shoulder in support. "At least you'll get to drive the Koenigsegg." Michelle smiled at her.

"That's what's on your mind?" she asked.

"That, and your safety. I mean, I don't want to deal with Brook going ballistic if anything happens to you so come back in one piece."

"I will," Michelle said. Everyone stepped out into the garage where Payton had brought the Koenigsegg.

"Now remember, as soon as you see Jackson, let us know. We'll alert the cops." Soriano said.

"What if she's too far away or in a remote area?" Reece asked. Leslie frowned at him.

"Way to stay positive Reece. Michelle will be fine." She said.

"We'll follow her at a safe distance so Jackson won't know we're there," Payton said. Michelle turned to Brook.

"Go rest, I'll be back before you know it," she said. He pulled her close into his embrace.

"Isn't there anything I can say to make you give up this plan?" He whispered into her ear.

"Just keep a daiquiri ready for me in your room, okay? I'll need it to celebrate." Michelle said, hugging him gently. He pulled her back.

"I wish I could come with you..." he trailed off.

"I want you to rest. I'll never forgive you if you pulled a stitch for me." Michelle said. Brook sighed.

"I love you," he said. "And I want you to stay safe."

"I'll do a better job of that than you, that's for sure." She said teasingly. She saw his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed heavily.

"Brook..." she began but he closed in on her lips in a desperate, all-consuming kiss. When he finally withdrew, she saw his usually clear blue eyes glisten with unshed tears.

"I love you too. Wait for me," she said. A cough behind them reminded them that the others were watching.

"I should get going," Michelle said getting into the Koenigsegg. She glanced up at Brook through the glass one last time before driving out onto the road.

"Okay, Hater's Plain is just on your right. Keep going until Jackson calls again." Payton's voice came over the radio.

"Got it. How far away are you?" Michelle asked.

"We're about half a mile behind you. Don't worry. We've got you on the radar so you won't get lost." Jett said.

"Just enjoy driving that car while you can. Seriously, Michelle, you're driving a Koenigsegg!" Paige said.

"Sounds like somebody's envious," Michelle said with a laugh.

"Who wouldn't be?" Paige asked. Michelle glanced at her rearview mirror but couldn't see any of the crew's cars. She sighed silently. She was more nervous than she had cared to admit earlier. Her hands were perspiring inside her black leather gloves and she wished she could take them off. Since she couldn't for fear of leaving fingerprints, she turned up the air conditioning instead.

"You're almost there, make a right and stop," Reece said over the radio. Michelle obeyed and parked in the middle of an empty sandy flatland.

"I'm not waiting anymore. I'm gonna call Jackson now." She told the others through the radio. She pulled out the phone and dialed. After two rings Jackson's smooth voice came through.

"Well, well, I see you followed instructions perfectly." He said.

"How do you know I'm here?" She asked, frowning.

"I can trace your phone. I thought you were smart enough to figure that out." He said.

"Whatever. Where do I go next?"

"Since I verified myself that you're not being followed, drive to Gavin's scrap yard. Do you need the coordinates?"

"No, I'll find it on my GPS." She said and hung up. She turned the radio back on.

"Guys, Jackson's tracking the phone. And he said to come to Gavin's scrap yard."

"That's twenty miles from here," Jett said. "That means –"

"He's south of Vegas. We can call the cops now." Payton said.

"Shouldn't we wait till I get there?" Michelle asked.

"The nearest police station is forty-seven miles from there. If we don't call them now, they won't get here in time." Reece said.

"Michelle should start driving. Jackson's tracking her through the phone and will sense something's off if she's grounded for too long." Paige said.

"Right. You guys call the cops. I'm gonna start off." Michelle said.

Gavin's Scrapyard was a huge junkyard in the middle of nowhere completely isolated from any nearby cities. Michelle felt a slight thrill of fear as she drove up to it. If things went wrong – she shook her head. She couldn't afford negative thoughts now.

"The police are on their way, Michelle. So take it nice and slow." Payton said through the radio.

"What did you tell them?" she asked.

"Only that someone is being held hostage at the scrap yard by a bunch of thugs," Jett said. "I dropped an anonymous tip."

"What about the stolen car story?"

"Nobody is supposed to know that there's a stolen Koenigsegg on the scene. We'll leave that for the police to find out." Paige said.

"Right, I forgot." Michelle exhaled.

"You nervous?" Payton asked.

"A little. But I can do this." Michelle said determinedly. Thinking of Brook she drove into the scrap yard. It was empty and dark, huge piles of recycled automobile parts forming walls blocking off the view to the open road.

"Go in and keep your weapons ready. Jackson won't be expecting that since you're turning yourself over." Jett said.

"Be careful. We won't be able to contact you after you get out of the car so stay alert. Don't do anything stupid." Payton said.

"And keep Jackson talking until the cops arrive," Reece said.

"You got this Michelle," Paige said.

"Thanks," Michelle said and turned off the radio. She got out of the car and looked around. The yard was empty. Michelle called Jackson's phone again.

"So, you actually made it." Jackson's voice came in the darkness.