Chapter 36 Showdown

The headlights of a car opposite Michelle came on, blinding her. The silhouette of a man in front of the headlights was all she could see.

"I see you brought my toy back. Delightful." Jackson's voice dripped with smugness.

"Like you asked," Michelle said, trying to see past the lights. Jackson stepped forward and Michelle thought that scene looked vaguely familiar. Then it struck her.

"It was you... you chased us that night in the desert!" She said in recognition.

"Indeed, can you imagine how I felt when I saw Havens and you in that car just a few feet in front of me? I was so close to my prey... Unfortunately, you got away. No matter, now Havens is dead and you are in my power." Jackson laughed. "You really are naïve coming here alone. Of course, now that your boyfriend is dead, you must not have had anyone else to bring along."

"Quit stalling. I have some questions for you." Michelle said, clenching her fists.

"Really? Do you want to know about your past? Your father?"

"Yes." Jackson took a few steps from left to right in silence. He pulled something out of his pocket and held it up. Michelle gasped when she saw it was her ID card.

"I suspected as much," Jackson said darkly. "Patterson... Patterson... the cursed name and the bane of my father's existence..." he took out a lighter and set the card on fire. He then threw it to the ground where it slowly smoldered to ashes. Michelle watched, a little fear creeping into her. It was like he was giving her an example of what he would do to her...

"First, give me the phone. I can't have your friends tracking you through it." Michelle glared at him but threw the phone in front of him.

"There. Now talk." Jackson smiled sardonically. He picked up the phone and took out the sim card. He threw it to the ground and stamped it to bits.

"You seem too confident. Is that because you just lost your boyfriend? Or because you thought I'd fall for your trap?" Michelle's eyes widened slightly but she maintained her stance.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I did everything you asked!" She said. Jackson came closer until he was a foot away from her.

"Dead people have no fear of their fingerprints being found on a stolen car," he said, eyeing her gloves.

"I – I drive better with gloves." Michelle tried to cover up.

"Is that so? Do you also drive better with a bulletproof vest?" he suddenly grabbed her jacket and ripped it apart. Michelle screamed but it was too late. The jacket came off in two pieces in Jackson's hands, Michelle's bulletproof vest exposed.

"Smart Patterson, but not smart enough. You can't fool me." Michelle backed away from him.

"There's nowhere for you to run, nowhere to hide. My men are already scouring the area for your friends." Jackson said.

"No!" Michelle shouted. She pulled out the air gun and aimed it at him. He laughed as if he found her mildly amusing.

"Do you really think you stand a chance with that? Your little martial arts moves were better." Jackson knocked the gun out of her hands and grabbed her arms pushing her to the ground. She screamed and tried to fight him off.

"No boyfriend to protect you from me this time." He said with a glint in his eye. Michelle tried to kick him somewhere she could reach but with his heavy body pinning her down she was helpless.

"You want to know why I want you dead? I'll tell you. Your father is the reason my father is the way he is now! If it weren't for Nick Patterson, Ripley Havens would also still be alive. How does it feel knowing your father is the reason your boyfriend's father is dead? And now, you're the reason Brook Havens is dead." Michelle stared at Jackson in horror, unable to believe what she heard.

"No, that's not true! You're lying!" She shouted. She struggled to get Jackson off her again but couldn't.

"Now it's your turn. Time to join your boyfriend." Jackson pulled out a gun from his side and aimed it at Michelle. But before he could shoot, he was kicked off of Michelle and flung a few meters from her, hitting the Koenigsegg. Michelle sat up wondering who had come to her rescue - it was Brook!

"Brook!" she screamed and stood up. "What are you doing here? Get out of here now!" Brook pulled her into her arms tightly.

"I'm so glad you're alright." He said.

"So you're alive? Isn't this a new development," Jackson said, standing up with a scowl. Brook pulled Michelle behind him when he heard Jackson's voice.

"Give it up Jackson. The cops will be here soon." Brook said facing him. Jackson laughed maniacally.

"And give up this chance to kill my father's worst enemies? Never!" he looked around for his gun and saw it thrown nearby on the ground. He reached for it and aimed at Brook and Michelle.

"No!" Michelle yelled and pulled Brook behind the car Jackson had come in, ducking behind it. Several shots went off hitting the car.

"We have to get out of here before the cops come!" Brook said. Michelle glared at him.

"What the heck are you doing here?!" She hissed at him.

"Come out and face me!" Jackson growled. Brook spoke with urgency.

"Can we discuss this later?! Let's just focus on escaping for now."

"How? I dropped my air gun when Jackson attacked me." Michelle said.

"Who needs an air gun when you have this?" Brook said, pulling a real gun from his pocket.

"Brook you can't!" Michelle said in a panic.

"I won't kill him. Do you trust me?" Brook asked.

"Yes but –"

"Then cover your ears." Brook twisted around the edge of the car and aimed for the wheel of the Koenigsegg. He shot twice, making the tire explode and lose air quickly.

"No! What have you done?!" Jackson shouted. He fired where Brook was but missed as Brook ducked behind the car. He took out a knife and stabbed one of the tires of Jackson's car. Immediately air whistled out leaving it flat.

"Now he can't escape, with or without the Koenigsegg," Brook said.

"What about us?" Michelle asked. "We're trapped here!"

"No. My car is a few meters from here. Head straight and turn left. Get in, start the car, and wait for me." Brook said, dropping his keys in her hand.

"What? No! I won't leave you!" Michelle said vehemently.

"We don't have time Michelle! The cops will be here any moment and they can't find – AH!" Brook yelped in pain and clutched his stomach. Michelle saw blood spread on his shirt where his wound was.

"No! Brook, you're bleeding!" Michelle pulled out her handkerchief and held it to his side.

"Go Michelle!" he rasped. Michelle clenched her teeth together.

"No." She dropped the keys back in his hand and ran out from behind the car.

"Michelle no!" he yelled. She faced Jackson.

"Stop! I'll give myself up, just leave Brook alone!" she said, throwing her hands in the air.

"Never! You and Havens are going to die by my hand tonight one way or another!" Jackson aimed the gun at Michelle. She ducked just as he shot, grabbing a broken car door and using it as a shield. He shot again at her and the bullet bounced off the door.

"If I can't kill you first, I'll kill Havens!" Jackson said, turning to where Brook was hidden.

"No!" Michelle yelled, throwing the car door at Jackson. It hit him squarely in the chest and threw him off balance and he dropped his gun.

"Argh!" Jackson growled trying to get up. Suddenly the sound of police car sirens filled the air and Jackson's face registered fear.

"The police?! Dammit!" Jackson raged. Michelle, seeing that he was distracted, threw herself at him, taser in hand. She pressed it into his neck and let it go off. Jackson shook violently as though in a seizure as the electricity stunned him and fell flat on his back, knocked unconscious.

"Brook!" Michelle called running behind the car. He was still clutching his wound and looked weak.

"You could've been seriously hurt!" Brook coughed. Michelle hauled him up and supported him on her shoulder.

"So could you with that wound! Why are you such a bad listener?!" Michelle scolded him. She helped him towards his car and got him into the passenger seat.

"I can drive!" Brook said.

"No you can't, I won't let you like that!" Michelle said getting in. She started the car and drove out of the yard minutes before the police cars drew up. She turned off the lights and drove into the dark road.

"We can't be found, we can't be found..." she muttered as she drove.

"We won't be. The police will be too busy with Jackson to notice us leaving." Brook said.

"The others! Jackson sent the Ghosts after them!" Michelle said in a panic. She turned on the radio.

"Paige! Payton! Guys, are you alright?" Michelle waited for a second before there was an answer.

"Michelle, are you okay?" Payton asked. "Wait, whose car are you contacting us from?"

"Brook's car. He came to the scrap yard." Michelle said.

"What?! Brook's with you? Is he hurt?" Jett asked.

"He's bleeding. I'm heading back now. Where are you guys?"

"The Ghosts found us and were after us. We barely managed to get away. I guess they knew we were following you." Paige said.

"What happened to Jackson? Did the police arrive?" Reece asked.

"They did, we just missed them. I couldn't stay and risk them finding Brook."

"I'm right – here," Brook said coughing.

"Get him back home now. We shouldn't have to worry about the Ghosts following us anymore. With Jackson captured, they'll be too panicked about getting caught and will want to save their own skins." Jett said.

"What about the Koenigsegg?" Paige asked.

"The police must have it by now," Michelle replied. She heard Brook suppress a groan and sped up.

"Guys, I have to get Brook to a hospital. You guys go home. I'll bring him back when he's patched up." She said.

"But –" Payton began.

"No buts! It's too dangerous for you guys to be out here! The police might find you! Go, please!" Michelle said.

"She's got a point. The police will be all over the area now looking for Jackson's men." Reece said.

"Fine, but call us if there's any trouble," Payton said. Michelle turned off the radio and glanced at Brook.

"Are you okay?" she asked. He smiled weakly at her.

"Now that you're safe... I'm just fine."

The news for the next few days was full of nothing but the capture of the infamous leader of the Inferno Ghosts wanted for multiple murders and the grand theft of an imported car. The type of car was not mentioned but since Jackson was found on the scene next to the car, he was the prime suspect. Although the murder charges were enough to put him away for life.

"So that's it. Jackson's finished." Reece said, turning off the TV.

"Wonder what cock and bull story he gave the police. They must be baffled by the few unexplained clues Michelle and Brook left on the scene." Paige said.

"Like the flat tire on Jackson's car? Eh, they'll probably pass it off as an accident. It's not unusual getting a flat tire out in a scrap yard. He could've run over any sharp metal object." Reece reasoned.

"We shouldn't let our guard down yet. Jackson is likely to rat us out to the police. If they buy his story, we may have to run before we find ourselves on the most wanted list." Soriano said.

"Plus his men are still out there. We need to maintain our cover in case they try to come after us." Payton said

"What about Kromer?" Jett asked.

"He's been found and arrested, but in his condition, he won't last long," Soriano replied. There was a heavy silence for a minute.

"They're moving him back to Reno. They have better jurisdiction there." Reece said finally.

"Speaking of moving back, shouldn't we make plans to go back too? No reason for us to be here anymore." Paige said.

"Michelle will want to go back too. Where is she by the way?" Leslie asked, looking around.

"She's been guarding Brook since they came home from the hospital," Paige said. "I don't blame her. I'd be guarding my boyfriend too if I knew he was prone to doing stupid things." Payton grinned.

"I'll believe that," he said.

Up in Brook's room, Michelle sat beside Brook, watching him sleep. She insisted he rests more than usual until he didn't need the bandages anymore. She stroked his forehead gently listening to his breathing.

"Can I get up now?" Brook asked with his eyes closed.

"I didn't think you were awake," Michelle said softly. Brook opened his eyes and sat up.

"Can we talk?" he asked. She nodded. He leaned against the wall pulling Michelle close to him.

"You've been really quiet since we got back," Brook said. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing. I just want you to get better, that's all." Michelle said her head lowered. Brook lifted her chin to see her face.

"Michelle, I know you're not alright. Talk to me."

"It's nothing, Brook. Really."

"I know the last few days have been nothing short of traumatic and you need a break. It's okay to let go once in a while."

"What do you mean?"

"If you want to cry, let it out." Michelle leaned her head on his shoulder.

"It must have been a lot harder for you than for me," she said. "You were hurt."

"It was worse knowing you might get hurt," Brook said with feeling. "If I hadn't gotten there when I did..."

"You wouldn't have pulled a stitch."

"And you might have gotten hurt," Brook said. Michelle remained silent for a moment.

"We're free, you know. Free of Jackson and his threats, the Ghosts..." Brook trailed off.

"I know."

"Then why don't you sound too thrilled about it?" Brook asked gently.

"I am Brook, but I'd be more thrilled if you got better fast." Brook smiled.

"I'll work on it."

It was late in the night when Michelle came downstairs unable to sleep. She found Payton and Soriano conversing in the kitchen.

"Michelle, you're awake," Payton said seeing her come in. He gave Soriano a look before focusing on Michelle.

"I need to talk to you," she said to Soriano. Soriano studied her face for a second.

"Payton told me you would. Sit down." He said. Michelle squeezed her shirt ends in her hands nervously.

"I think you know what I'm here for, chief." She said.

"It's about what Jackson said," Soriano stated.


"Then you should know that he's a psychotic killer who'd say just about anything to play mind games."

"But it didn't sound like that at the scrap yard." Soriano's eyebrows rose. Michelle continued to speak.

"He said my father is the reason Kromer is the way he is – he said Nick Patterson was responsible for Brook's father's death too."

"Nick Patterson?" Soriano's face flickered for a second.

"I don't know if that's my father's name or not but... it didn't sound like he was making that up."

"Nick Patterson was a young man in my crew. He was a rookie driver. He died around the same time as Brook's father. I don't think he has anything to do with you. He probably just shares your last name."

"So, that's it? There's no connection between me and – all this?"

"I don't believe so. Jackson had your ID card all this time and knew your last name. He must have thought he could use that to his advantage."

"That was a pretty big lie to pull off," Michelle said slowly.

"He's done worse."

"I suppose. So Jackson must have known this Nick Patterson?"

"His father would have. He played a big part in helping us bring the Ghosts down."

"And Brook's father made the sacrifice for it."

"Yes." Soriano's voice had gone low.

"I guess that means I was worked up for no reason."

"Jackson would have intended that. If he can psych you out, he would've had an advantage."

"I guess... how did he know I was..." she halted.

"How did he know you wouldn't know anything about your father? He must have run a background check on you. with your ID card that would be easy."

"Oh." Michelle stood up.

"That clears that up then," Michelle said without conviction. She walked slowly to the door but Soriano stopped her with a question.

"What do you know about your parents? Other than the fact that you were adopted."

"Nothing. I heard that they were from Reno from my late foster mom. She never told me anything else about them. Maybe she never knew much."

"Hmm. I may not have known them but I can tell you this. They would be proud of a daughter like you." Michelle gave a tight smile.

"Thank you, chief." She said and went upstairs. Soriano remained in the kitchen for a moment before going to his room. He plopped down on the bed and took a photo from his wallet – it was a picture of his first crew with all the members. His thumb lingered over the figure of Ripley Havens and another man with dark brown hair and grey eyes.

"You boys should've been around to see them. They're the spitting image of you two," he whispered and put the photo away.