Chapter 37 Is this Goodbye?

"Guys, we have a problem." Reece's voice sent a wave of alertness through the crew. They were in the living room of the apartment getting ready to go back to Reno when Reece burst through the front door.

"The police are looking for 'Steven and Mandy Rhodes' as witnesses for the Inferno Ghosts case. They know that Steven Rhodes was shot by Jackson and thanks to the hospital records, they tracked him and put a subpoena on him." Reece continued.

"Who the heck is Steven Rhodes?" Paige asked. Michelle bit her lip.

"It's the fake name I used when I got Brook to the hospital." She said.

"And you're Mandy Rhodes... figures," Paige said, rolling her eyes.

"But they don't know that it's Brook. They may never find 'Steven Rhodes'. What's the problem?" Payton asked.

"Jackson is. He enlightened the police that Steven Rhodes is none other than Brook Havens, the guy he shot at and I quote, 'couldn't kill'. He's also dragged Michelle's name into the mess saying she's the girl who drove the Koenigsegg to the scrap yard and she's with the car thieves who stole it in the first place."

"Like hell she did! That wretch doesn't know when to shut up!" Paige said hotly. "I drove that damn car out of the Black Boulder and if I have to prove it I will!"

"No, we can't act rashly. Reece, why didn't the police convict Jackson for the theft?" Soriano asked.

"Because there were two cars at the scrap yard and Jackson's prints were found only on one of them. And it wasn't the Koenigsegg." Reece said.

"So I'm wanted for grand auto theft?" Michelle asked, going pale. Brook came and took her hands in his.

"No, I won't let Jackson do this to you! There has to be a way we can get her name cleared." He said.

"The police must be looking for her as well. If they find her in Vegas, they can arrest her on suspicion." Leslie said.

"Then we get her away from here," Payton said in a hard voice. "If she's not found anywhere in Vegas, the police won't be able to pin it on her and Jackson doesn't have any proof that it was her who drove the car."

"What about Brook? They're still looking for a gunshot witness." Reece said.

"But if Brook goes forward, they'll arrest him too!" Michelle said. "That can't happen!"

"Michelle..." Brook said softly. She turned to him with anxiety in her eyes.

"I have to go." He said. Michelle shook her head vigorously.

"No, there has to be some way out of this! Why should you go? You'll only get arrested!" she said in a high pitch.

"Because I'm the only one who can convince the police that you weren't there. I can protect your name from being dragged further into this."

"But -" Michelle protested.

"He's got a point. He could take your place." Payton said. Michelle turned to him with a glare.

"How could you even think that?! I don't want him to take my place!" she yelled.

"It is crazy! I don't like this either!" Paige voiced. Michelle shot her grateful look.

"Hang on. If Brook went forward as a victim of attempted murder by Jackson, how would that stop the police from hunting Michelle?" Jett asked.

"Brook would have to claim he was the one who drove the Koenigsegg to the scrap yard," Payton said.

"And how will they explain how he got away? That just doesn't make sense!" Michelle said.

"He could've had an accomplice. Look, the important thing is getting the police to turn their attention away from you. Brook taking your place is the only way that can happen." Payton said.

"But he could go to jail for stealing the Koenigsegg!" Michelle said. Brook took her chin and turned it towards him.

"Michelle, it's the only way. I promised to protect you, remember?" Michelle's eyes burned hot with tears.

"But I can't let you do this. What about us?" she whispered. He pulled her to his chest.

"Brook, don't be stupid! You're just gonna give yourself up as a victim and thief and leave Michelle? That's damn messed up!" Paige argued. Michelle couldn't help agreeing with her.

"I don't agree with this either." Soriano came into the room at the moment and looked at Brook.

"I won't let that happen. Brook's not going anywhere." Soriano continued.

"That's up to me, chief. I won't let them take Michelle for a crime she didn't commit." Brook said to him.

"You didn't do anything wrong either," Michelle said, her gaze fixed on his face. He turned back to her.

"But there's no one to take the blame but me Michelle. I can't and won't let Jackson win by making you a criminal. I'm gonna finish this." He said.

"It has to be done," Payton said in a low voice. Michelle's tears spilled out and she hugged Brook tightly.

"I thought we'd have all the time in the world together." She sobbed into his chest. His only reply was to hug her back in a warm embrace letting his hand rest behind her head.

Michelle's bag was packed and loaded into her McLaren. It had only been a few hours since Reece had come home with the devastating news but already Michelle felt like days had passed. She was leaving; Las Vegas, the crew, and most of all, Brook. Her heart ached as she stepped outside and dragged her feet to her car.

"The police will be looking for you already. We better get going." Payton said.

Michelle turned back to face Brook.

"They'll take you back safely. You don't have to worry." He said to her. Her expression contorted with pain.

"This can't be happening." She said in a broken voice. He took her hand and held it to his heart.

"Guys, let's give them a minute alone," Paige said, ushering everyone back inside. Michelle rested her head against Brook's shoulder pulling him close.

"We may not be able to be together Michelle, but you will always be in my thoughts, day and night," Brook whispered into her hair. Michelle choked back a sob.

"Don't start being cheesy now." She said. Brook smiled.

"I can't help it. I love you." He said. He took out his handkerchief and wiped her tears. Michelle looked up at him.

"I can't go on without you, Brook."

"Yes, you can. You're strong. You're tougher than I give you credit for."

"Please Brook, don't leave me like this." Brook's resolve wavered a moment.

"I daren't give you hope in case I disappoint you. I can't bear to hurt you again, Michelle."

"But I'll never stop hoping, waiting for you," Michelle said with fervor.

"Michelle..." he stroked her cheek gently. "I can't promise you that."

"Then I'll make the promise. I promise to never stop waiting for you. So come back to me." Brook studied her intense face for a moment.

"If there's even the smallest possibility of me returning to you, I want it to happen, Michelle."

"Then we'll both hope and wait," Michelle said, clenching his collar in her hands. He cupped her neck and pulled her towards his lips in a desperate, passion-filled kiss. Michelle knew this kiss was different from other times; it was like he kissed her for the last time. More tears streamed down her face as she responded to him by clinging frantically to his neck. She didn't want it to end. She wanted to stay in his arms forever. She couldn't bear the thought that it might be the last time she saw him.

All too soon she felt him withdraw from her but he didn't let go of her waist.

"Wait for me," Brook whispered. Michelle nodded.

"Always." She gazed into his blue eyes praying she would see them again.

"I love you," Michelle said to him. He pressed his handkerchief into her hand.

"Keep it," he said. She squeezed it in her hand. A sound behind them told her the others were waiting. Payton and Paige came out of the apartment.

"Time to go," Payton said. Michelle forced herself out of Brook's arms and walked to her car.

"I'll lead the way. Michelle, you sure you're okay to drive?" Payton asked, seeing her hands shake.

"I'll drive. It's difficult for an amateur to drive at night anyway." Paige said, taking the keys from Michelle.

"Good idea," Payton said. Michelle turned to face the rest of the crew standing at the door.

"We'll miss you kiddo," Leslie said.

"Yeah, you livened up our parties," Jett said, wiping a tear from his eye.

"You definitely made life interesting," Reece said.

"Don't worry Michelle. I'm not gonna let Brook stay in prison." Soriano said. His words made a glimmer of hope rise in Michelle.

"Thank you all, for everything. I hope I'll see you again." She said. She turned back to Brook. The silent message in his eyes was all she saw. She got in the car. Payton drove in front and Paige followed in Michelle's McLaren. Michelle turned back to see Brook one last time before he disappeared from her view.

"Get some shut-eye Michelle; it's gonna be a long drive back," Paige said as they hit the open roads.

"I'm fine," Michelle murmured, staring outside the window. She let her silent tears fall thinking of Brook.

"Hey, it's not the end you know. I don't think they'll be able to convict Brook for stealing the Koenigsegg." Paige said. Michelle didn't say anything.

"He'll be back, I know it. He's too stubborn to stay away from you." Paige continued.

"Thanks, Paige, I just hope you're right."

"I'm rarely wrong, so..." Michelle smiled slightly at that.

"We'll get him out, Michelle, one way or another," Paige said.

"I didn't know how selfless he really was..." Michelle said.

"Yeah, he's selfless alright. Too selfless for his own good. But in this case, he's doing it because he cares for you."

"I know."

"He'll be back. You can count on it. We'll make it happen somehow." Michelle remained quiet.

"As soon as the craziness with Jackson and the Ghosts is over, we'll be back, with Brook. So until then, you just hang in there. Okay, angel face? Michelle?" Paige glanced at Michelle and saw that she had fallen asleep.

"You're the only one who ever took my advice," Paige said softly.

The early rays of dawn began to lighten the sky by the time the yellow McLaren reached Reno. Michelle opened her eyes and looked out the window.

"We'll be there soon," Paige said. Payton's voice came over the radio.

"We'll take the longer route and avoid the highways. Draw less attention that way." He said.

"Got it," Paige said. Michelle sat up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. soon she would be home - back to her life, back to college. And without Brook...

She closed her eyes trying not to let her emotions overtake her. The pain of leaving Brook was still too fresh; she wished it would numb soon.

"Here we are. North Valley Community University." Paige said, pulling up in front of a large double gate.

"We're here already?" Michelle asked in surprise.

"You forgot what kind of cars we drive," Paige said with a smile. They got out of the car. Payton also got out of his car and walked towards them.

"This is where we part." He said. Michelle glanced at the college before turning back to him and Paige.

"Be careful, okay?" she said, unsure what to say. Paige pulled her into a fierce hug.

"You know that's not the way we roll." She said.

"Any chance you can come visit sometime?" Michelle asked.

"Soon as we get Brook out," Paige promised. Payton cleared his throat.

"It's not farewell forever Michelle. We'll be around. And we'll make damn sure Brook gets out." He pulled something out of his pocket.

"It's time I returned this to you," he said, handing her a phone.

"My phone... Thanks, Payton." Michelle said and hugged him. When she pulled away she found a lump in her throat.

"Take care of each other." She said. Paige smiled.

"I'll have a hard time dealing with the boys myself. Leslie's too lenient." She said.

"Stay safe and don't do anything we would do, okay?" Payton advised. Michelle nodded.

"I wasn't planning to. Not without Brook anyway." She said tonelessly.

"Brook will be back and you two can get into trouble again soon," Paige said.

"Not too much trouble," Payton muttered. Michelle almost smiled.

"See you guys soon, hopefully." She said.

"Count on it," Paige said and got into Payton's car. All too soon, the car was speeding away from Michelle until she could no longer see it in the horizon.