chapter 8

We didn't talk much after that. It was like living with a stranger. I still made dinner and we ate together, but the silence was no longer comfortable. I missed our mini-conversations. When he would actually look at me, and smile not just stare at me like he had no idea who I was.

I went on like that for weeks and I realized just how lonely I was with no physical body to talk to. He was the only person I ever willingly spoke with.

" Hey Deviline "

I didn't register the name until it was said a second time.

When Dave first took me in he changed my name. He said that the name Devil was just too hurtful and insulting and cruel. I didn't see why. I liked my name. He looked shocked when I told him this, but soon settled and chose Deviline. I smiled at the memory of him going through name books looking for something to mix with my name.

The smile disappeared when I remembered someone was standing next to me.

" So what do you think?"

" What?" I asked having no clue what we were talking about.

" A party, this Saturday... um, you wanna go?"

" Oh... no thanks," I said walking away. I didn't even know who the person was.

" Wait," he said grabbing my hand. My instincts kicked in and I had him pinned down in seconds.

"Ow, ow wow, sor-sorry sorry"

When I noticed what I was doing I immediately let him go.

" Sorry," I said plainly. I wasn't really sorry but social conducts dictate that I should apologize in a situation like this. The guy didn't really seem all that upset. If anything he looked impressed., then I noticed his intense blue eyes.

When I lived with Dave I found out my eye color was abnormal. Normal eyes were brown, green, or blue. David had blue eyes. They were bright and intense. Sometimes I felt like they were staring into my soul. Blue eyes were apparently normal so I didn't think about I until I started coming to school. A third of the school had blue eyes. They all seemed dull to me. None of them compared to David's. But there was this guy, with eyes of the same intensity. Beautiful. I stared into his eyes with awe and longing. they were kind and showed no judgment or ill intent, but love just like David. It dawned on me that I had been staring into this guy's eyes and he probably felt uncomfortable.

I quickly withdrew my gaze and got a look at his face... And I have to admit, he was handsome. Blond hair, cute freckles, and a warm smile but I didn't know him.

" Hey you seem spacy today"

" You say that like we see each other often."

For some un-none reason, he seemed embarrassed by that and blushed.

" Um we;; I-I um"

"What," I asked utterly confused by his reaction

" We-we are friends"

" Friends?" I asked to which he nodded. This guy thought we were friends. I had never even spoken to him until now and he thought we were friends.

" I don't think we are friends, I honestly don't even know you. It is not possible that you mistook me for someone else cause you said my name so I think you are just a confused or otherwise delusional person if you are under the assumption that you and I are friends" I wasn't trying to be mean, I was just trying to make him understand, I didn't even know why he thought we were a friend. But after I had said all those things I looked at him and the guy was close to tears. He looks devastated like I had killed his pet or something.

I assume he realized he was about to cry and immediately started wiping his tears away. " Oh um I'm sorry. I just thought, I mean I thought we were friends 'cause... like I've been trying to get to know you for the entire year, and you-you, I mean um..."

That had to be the most uncomfortable situation I had ever been in. This guy was seconds into a meltdown and claimed we were friends when I had never met him and... then it clicked. I remembered.

He was the guy that kept following me around. I think his name was Dean." Dean?" I said questioningly cause I wasn't sure that was his name. Apparently, it was, I know because of the way his eyes practically lit up. I've never seen someone so happy just because I knew them. He looked kinda cute like that. Wait What?

" Y-yes that me... um " he started mumbling something probably not sure what to say. I couldn't really complain. I wasn't really sure what to say either. I thought for a moment and then I remembered what he adds asked me in the first place.

" Oh, about that party" he just stared at me with wide pleading eyes. Seriously was this guy a puppy? I almost wanted to agree just because of those eyes. They seemed to call out to me, compelling me to do as he asked, but I snapped out of it.,

" I'll think about it but no promises"

I had basically just rejected his offer yet the humongous smile spread across his face would make people think that I agreed to marry him.

" Ok, that's great, call me when you are ready," he said excitedly while shuffling through the pockets of his jean looking for something I could write my number for him on.

Then me being the person that I was, wasn't ready to give someone my number so I told him to give me his number instead and I would call him if I felt like it!

But after I said it I thought he would be upset cause it sounded rude even to me, but no. Wide blue eyes stared at me like I was some kind of goddess. It was unnerving.

After that situation was done with I walked home. I need to pack my bags for the trip to my mother's town, but as I walked into my house I saw some of my bags were already packed and laying in the living room. For some reason that scared me. Was uncle Duncan kicking me out? Was it because I said I was an adult?

Whilst panicking I heard footsteps coming into the living room. Uncle Duncan was standing in the doorway, looking surprised to see me.

"Oh D... you're home"

" Are you kicking me out" I need a straight answer, that was all I need to know?

He looked dumb-struck by my question. " What!? No-never"

I was relieved but at the same time confused. I looked at my luggage and then back at him. He seemed to pick up on what I was thinking

He took a deep breath clearly unsure about what he was about to say. It was nerve-racking.

" Look D, I-I still don't support what you are planning... but I'm still your- your uncle and even if I don't support what you are doing I will always support YOU.

I looked at him wide-eyed. Maybe my intense stare made him uncomfortable and nervous cause he shuffled through his pants and pulled out a small card, he quickly skimmed through it a put it back like I hadn't already seen it.

" Um I-I want you to know that no matter what you do I-I'll always be with you even if I don't agree, I'll still stand with you and..."

He continued speaking but I had already heard stopped listening. I had heard all that I needed to hear. I slowly walked toward him as he continued his speech., looking more nervous as I closed the distance between us.

All the tension that had built up between us this past week completely dissipated as I hugged him.

I wasn't expecting this. That he would say all those things. I mean I knew he would get over it eventually but I didn't think it would be so soon. I was happy cause I didn't think I could take another week of not speaking.

The hug lasted longer than usual ones." Thanks so much, uncle Dun... but why are my things packed?"

" Oh that... you -you said you wanted to go see your mom so I thought I would come with you" he looked at me with kind eyes and I didn't know what to say so I just gave him another hug. This one lasted longer and was tighter.