Chapter 3 - Second Contact

Jon needed to plan. He checked his wallet, and noticed he only had $50. His bank account only had $777.77, which wasn't enough to pay off his apartment rental of $2,500. His job used to pay him $3,400.

The right thing to do, of course, was to go and find a job. Another job.

But he didn't want to do that. It's almost as if every cell in his body commanded him to obey the NTR system. So he did. Fuck that working corporate life anyway. If he worked, he'd be the boss. Not some grunt anymore.

But, he had his phone, and so, he went to Lena's floor and stalked her.

The apartment was usually quiet during the daytime, since most people are out to work. Only the housewives are at home, and with the pathetic birthrates these days, there are almost no kids in the entire building.

It was so quiet.

And Jon's hearing was super sensitive. Because the system made him super sensitive to the matters regarding that sort of thing. So, he focused.

Then he heard it. A little 'shlick' sound. And a moan. He could hear it stop when he walked closer.

He waited, and waited. Then the moans got slightly louder.

He smirked at his newfound ability, and decided to press the bell. He wasn't even sure if it was Lena, but he had the feeling it was. He heard some panicking shuffling, and then, when the door opened, it really was that lady.

Jon did his best to do his most serious, annoyed face. "Miss. I get that you're watching porn but please keep the volume down. I can hear you from my apartment on the 10th floor."

Lena was shocked, and her face turned so red. She was angry, frustrated, embarrassed and yet disgusted at the same time. She looked at him, and then feigned ignorance. "I've no idea what you are talking about, mister."

Jon frowned, he noticed her ears were red. She lied. "Really? I swore I heard that same moan while I was standing here."

Lena's face was still red, but she tried her best to pretend it wasn't her. "It could've been the wind, mister."

Jon decided not to press it. He'll catch her next time. All he needed was probably some tools. "Very well, if you know who the culprit it, please let her know to keep it down. Or honestly, maybe she can just give me a call, I'll help her with her frustrations."

Lena's face was suddenly so red, and what he insinuated was so offensive that she slammed the door. "Go away!"

Jon stood outside.

[10 dark energy gained. You've reached your Dark Energy Limit.]

[You've gained a level! NTR System is now Level 3]

"Well. That was fast."

[System disclaimer : Level speed will slow down after level 10]

"Aww." Jon said.

[You've unlocked the following skill]

[Unlock Residential Doors - Level 1]

[You no longer need keys to unlock doors to houses]

Now, Jon had an idea.