Night Cat

After the age of 40, the truck drivers who are still traveling outside are mostly bound by their families and have no choice. It's strange that someone like Chen Yaowu is not married, has no family, and doesn't have blind dates.

Chen Yaowu drove a small semi-trailer and traveled to the northwest area, mostly pulling fruits. He is not ugly, he is 1.75 meters tall, likes to wear leather clothes, has a high nose bridge, thick eyebrows, and his face is angular, like a Hong Kong star. Some drivers in the convoy suspected that if he didn't work well with that thing, he would be a good "Happy Whip". In Henan dialect, it probably means that he prefers men. A driver who knew Chen Yaowu very well said that it was pure nonsense that he and Chen Yaowu went whoring together.

The words were spoken casually, but Chen Yaowu's secret was indeed related to whoring. About five or six years ago, he drove a car, pulled raisins, and walked from Xinjiang to the inland. There were not many cars on the road. He passed the Danxia landform in front of him, with hills and high slopes. The scenery was very beautiful, suitable for filming. He played music and drove silently.

In the evening, he turned into a fork in the road. The road was not easy to walk. He stopped in a small town to pump up the tires. It took a long time. He went to eat and smoke, and waited boredly. It's getting dark, and across the street, there's a dance hall that feels like the eighties. Next to the ballroom, there is a wall with red words on a green background, "Developing the economy". A woman stood in front of the wall, walked over, and said to Chen Yaowu, "You are free, come in and dance for a while?" Chen Yaowu was very straightforward at that time, asking, can I fuck after the dance? The woman is very beautifully dressed, she should be beautiful when she is younger, she is a little faded now, her eyes are smoky, her lips are red like a child who just ate a dead child, and she wears black stockings on her bare legs under the coat, not because of her attire, Chen Yaowu I dare not ask such a question. The woman smiled and said, let's dance, half a minute is fine, it is counted in the clock money, it is boring and dry to go directly to bed.

Chen Yaowu followed her in, it was dark, but few people could be seen clearly, the place where the music was playing was shaking, the disco was very restless. The woman took the initiative and put her arms around Chen Yaowu's waist, and the two twisted. Chen Yaowu smelled the perfume on her body, and the crotch was hard. He stepped on her several times. Chen Yaowu stuck to her ear, and the strands of hair touched her lips, which was very itchy. He said, almost?

The woman didn't say a word, caught off guard and pinched his crotch, dragged him away, passed through the dance hall, and arrived at a small room. With the dark light on, Chen Yaowu took off his shirt and pants, and was about to throw himself on the woman. The door was kicked open, and two policemen rushed in and held Chen Yaowu down. The woman slid down from the bed like a snake, and stood in the corner with her hands folded, very docile.

The police from the police station in the town gave Chen Yaowu a pretense of the law for ten minutes, and finally said that he would be detained for 14 days. Chen Yaowu stood up abruptly and said, "I have a load on my car. Detention is definitely not acceptable. Nothing happened, right? We are accommodating."

A truckload of goods costs tens of thousands, and five thousand yuan is quite enough. Chen Yaowu admitted that he had paid the money, and when he got out of the police station at midnight, he was about to drive away. He saw a woman standing by the side of the car and took a closer look. She was wearing black stockings, a cigarette in one hand, and a handful of raisins in the other. , probably just grabbed from the compartment. Chen Yaowu wanted to slap her, but he was afraid of causing trouble again, so he held back, wanted to scold her, but also held back, and asked, why didn't you blame me? The woman said, I am a repeat offender, they are too lazy to lock me up again, and a few meals are wasted. Chen Yaowu went to cover the opened canvas of the rear compartment, and said, then you are awesome, stealing and selling. The woman stuffed a handful of raisins into her mouth and said, I don't want to eat you for nothing, get in the car.

By coincidence, Chen Yaowu let her be pulled into the driver's cab, her waist was entwined by two thin legs, strangled tightly, excruciating pain, two kinds of sweat seeped into the seat, and an unsmelling smell permeated the car, Chen Yaowu Kiss around, say, grape-flavored.

The woman blew on him, and suddenly pressed something furry, which could move. In the dark cab, two green eyes flashed and jumped on the steering wheel. She was so startled that she wanted to sit up, Chen Yaowu held her down, Say, cat. The woman took a breath and said, cat? Chen Yaowu said that driving is quite boring, so be a companion.

When the woman got out of the car, Chen Yaowu stuck his head out of the car window, and the wind blew up on the empty road. The woman stood in the wind, wrapped in clothes, Chen Yaowu shouted, put two bags of raisins. The woman smiled back and said, I'm not that poor. Chen Yaowu started the car, didn't step on the accelerator, and shouted again, saying, what kind of fruit do you like to eat? The woman replied, up to you.

Later, there was nothing to tell about the story in the middle. Chen Yaowu never knew her name, so he called her Putao. Every time he passed by here, Chen Yaowu always stopped for one night. He didn't pay any money. He just pulled something from the car and exchanged it for something. Apples, cantaloupe, and pomegranates were all quite sweet. He used to think that pulling fruit would be a troublesome thing if it was delayed on the road, but now it is quite beneficial, better than coal, steel bars and so on.

About half a year later, Chen Yaowu wanted to get married. It's not a chicken, he has no bad ideas, he just thinks that being with Grape is comfortable and his life is his own. He told Putao about it, and Putao smiled, thinking that he was hysterical, dirty or not, and looking for a chicken to be his wife. Chen Yaowu's face darkened, and he said, don't spoil yourself, it doesn't matter what happened in the past, you should think about how you will live in the future. Putao hugged the cat, the big flowered raccoon, and asked, why doesn't the cat bark? Chen Yaowu said that this is a strange cat that meows only during the day but not at night. Putao said, no wonder, I have never heard it barking. Chen Yaowu didn't want to talk about the cat with him, the two of them were silent for a long time, Putao put the cat in Chen Yaowu's arms, and said, then you drive another 50,000 kilometers, give me time to think about it.

Chen Yaowu drove 200,000 kilometers without waiting for a letter of approval. He used to be a quick-tempered person, and he is not young anymore. He was stuck on one thing for too long, and his patience was exhausted. No big trouble, just as big as Mars. But Chen Yaowu finally couldn't help it. When he met Putao on the side of the road in heavy snow, he took a fruit knife and put it on his neck, and said, let's make things clear today, are you willing to come with me? Putao wanted to stop him, saying, I have something to tell you, you put down the knife first, you didn't say that.

Half of the blood splashed on the snow belonged to grapes. The cat in the car window meowed twice.

Putao's body, wrapped in Chen Yaowu's leather coat, and a bag of bloody snow and mud, were shoveled down by Chen Yaowu and piled up on the raisins in the rear compartment. Chen Yaowu wiped his tears and blood, and his hand on the steering wheel trembled. The weather was not good that day, he was drowsy, and the raccoon cat barked non-stop. Chen Yaowu, who was barking, scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, cursing at the cat, stop barking and fuck your mother. But the cat meowed more and more vigorously. Chen Yaowu reached out and grabbed the cat and threw it on the seat. The old man who had been raising him for four or five years also changed his sex in an instant. , scratched a long bloodstain on Chen Yaowu's hand, Chen Yaowu let go of the steering wheel, and almost rolled over, the air was on fire, Chen Yaowu stepped on the brake slowly, reached out to grab the fruit knife, turned around, and stabbed the cat to death in the car.

Chen Yaowu didn't see a man on the side of the road, with a bag on his back, waving at the car. With a bang, he was knocked and flew to the side of the road, rolling several times. Chen Yaowu's head was blank, his soul was flying, and he heard the sound. From the rear view mirror, he saw a person lying on the side of the road, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. There was not a single car on the road, whether he forgot or what, Chen Yaowu let the truck continue driving without stopping.

Where the grapes are buried has always been a secret. Since then, it seems like nothing has changed, and it seems like everything has changed. Chen Yaowu panicked for more than half a year, stopped working, drank until dawn every day, drowsy, and secretly watched the news. He didn't find that the driver who caused the accident escaped. No woman was found killed. He overhauled the car, continued to run on the road, endured loneliness, and hardly stopped at any place. The scenery along the way was boring and not worthy of his attention. There was only an endless road in front of him. No one went to track down where a prostitute went. After four or five years, it seemed that she was about to slip away from his heart.

Until that night, another man on the side of the road waved to him. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to that snowy day, and unconsciously stepped on the brakes. The man is middle-aged, thin, not tall, with cropped hair, wearing a white shirt, and carrying a worn-out travel bag. He said, can you give me a ride? Just this road, not far ahead. Chen Yaowu didn't speak, he waved his hand and let him get into the car. The man was holding something in his hand, rubbing it back and forth, Chen Yaowu glanced twice, saw that it was a police badge, he felt a little bit in his heart, and asked, police? The man shook his head and said, not now. Chen Yaowu felt relieved and said, when will it be? The man said, never again.

Chen Yaowu couldn't understand what he meant, he always felt hairy in his heart, stepped on the brakes, and said, if you don't make it clear to take my car, then you can get down. The man said, don't, the main thing is, I'm afraid you won't get along with me, I just got released after serving my sentence. Chen Yaowu smiled hard, and said that it should be safer to believe in the reforming power of the country.

The man laughed a couple of times, which was quite embarrassing. Both of them were silent for a while. Chen Yaowu saw him take out a straight mobile phone to type, and asked, what did he do? How long have you squatted? The man sent a text message for a long time, saying, let's not talk about it, it's quite embarrassing. Chen Yaowu said, let's talk, anyway, we don't know each other, so we can't lose face, don't we all say that those who have just been released like to chat with others.

The man put the phone back in his pocket, looked directly at Chen Yaowu, and said, I am a policeman, the director of the police station. Chen Yaowu looked at him dumbfounded for a long time, then sighed and said, forget it, I won't ask any more questions, as it would involve state secrets.

The car drove forward, and Chen Yaowu wanted to step on the accelerator to hurry over, but the man told him to stop. There was no one around, but Chen Yaowu didn't know who to avoid. He didn't dare to look. The scene of the dance hall and the long street was engraved in the corner of his eyes. The neon signboards were no longer lit and dusty. The houses are sparse and sparse, standing there in the dark. There used to be a few business carts, pancake stoves and so on, crumbling and crooked. This is the intersection where Chen Yaowu met Putao, and it is also the intersection where the man wants to get off. There wasn't a single light on, but Chen Yaowu could recognize it very clearly. He swallowed his heart from his throat, and wanted to escape in fear, for fear of being connected with what happened four or five years ago. When the man got out of the car and turned around, the car had already driven away like the wind.

For several days, Chen Yaowu tossed and turned to think about grapes. He just started to think about it, but then he pressed down hard, not daring to think about it. He pulled the cantaloupe cart, walked back, and bumped into other truck drivers at the toll booth. They reminded him that your eyes are full of red blood, and you haven't had a good rest, so it's not safe to go on the road. Chen Yaowu waved his hand and said it was all right, he insisted on leaving, just grabbed the car door, his eyes went dark, and he passed out by the side of the car.

When he opened his eyes and woke up, the bright light made him want to close them again. The doctor said that he was overtired, had an abnormal diet, and was anemic due to iron deficiency. Fortunately, he didn't faint when he was on the road. Chen Yaowu remembered the cantaloupe cart, and said, that's no good, the fruit in my cart is easy to break. The doctor said, the goods are important, but the life is important? Chen Yaowu stood in the corridor of the hospital wearing a hospital gown, and called the driver friends he knew one by one, asking them to help pull his truck. After more than a dozen calls, there was finally a driver who planned to go in this direction with a car. Xiu, the dead driver, come over together and drive the car back to him.

Chen Yaowu was sitting in this unknown hospital, taking glucose for several days, and when nothing happened, he bought a bus ticket and planned to go home. On the way, the car was stopped by several policemen. Chen Yaowu was sleeping by the window. He was woken up and asked for his ID card. , I heard the few people in front of me discussing that there have been several serial murders recently, and the murderer has not yet been identified. A few words got into his ears, Chen Yaowu sat up suddenly, his back was sweating, looking at the ID card in his hand, he realized that they were not talking about himself. He seemed to have been frightened enough, he could scare himself to death at the slightest sign of trouble.

The car continued to drive, he glanced out of the window, and the familiar scenery jumped in front of him again, under the bad signboard of the dance hall, a woman stood there smoking, Chen Yaowu seemed to be possessed, crazy, and shouted to the driver, stop! He rushed out of the car and ran there, the woman was gone around the corner, there were not many people on the street, the roadside stall selling beef was covered by wind and dust, and even the stall owner disappeared. Standing outside the ballroom, Chen Yaowu was at a loss, watching the passing bus, up and down, only the size of black dots left, he could not catch up, he was destined to be trapped here.

Chen Yaowu suddenly heard a shrill and long cry from the dance hall behind him, startled and laughed like a sheep. He walked in again, the dilapidated stage, the dim sunlight, penetrated the cracks in the roof, and sprinkled on Chen Yaowu's face, a man stood in the center of the stage, wearing ripped jeans, holding a microphone, singing, dancing, There is no music at all, and I am intoxicated as if no one else is around. Another person bumped in from behind Chen Yaowu, yelling at the dancers, making trouble again, making trouble with your mother! go back!

When the dancers saw the person in front of them, they squatted on the ground in fright, held their heads, stretched out their hands, grinned and screamed, and let them be carried, dragged, and walked out. At this time, Chen Yaowu saw clearly that the middle-aged man holding the dance was the director of the police station who had taken Chen Yaowu's car. The dancer was grinning, and the muscles on his entire face seemed to be out of his control, forming the strangest and weirdest expression, and the saliva was dripping down the corner of his mouth, like a dripping spring. Half of the head has hair, and the other half has no hair. It hangs down obliquely, resembling a rooster with a crooked comb.

The man saw Chen Yaowu, squinted his eyes, recognized him, and said, why are you? Chen Yaowu said, I was iron deficient and anemic, and I was sent to the hospital. The doctor didn't let me drive, but I was driven back by someone. I planned to take a car home by myself. The man said, what are you doing here? Chen Yaowu thought he didn't know what to say, so he said, I saw that the beef sold on the side of the road was very good, and I wanted to buy some to eat, to supplement iron, and I couldn't catch up with the car.

The man nodded, stretched out his hand, and said, it's getting late, go stay at home for one night, and leave tomorrow? For your favor, my surname is Huang, Huang Feihong. Chen Yaowu smiled inexplicably and said, I am a master, my name is Chen Yaowu. Huang Feihong pointed to the smirking person in his hand, and said, my friend, a fool, has mental problems, if you call him Lao Tao, you may not agree. Chen Yaowu shouted at Lao Tao, Lao Tao. Old Tao looked at Chen Yaowu timidly and said, Brother Wu is good. Both Chen Yaowu and Huang Feihong laughed, and Chen Yaowu said, this is not stupid. Huang Feihong said, yes, I forgot everything, just remember this breaking the rules of the road, and call everyone brother.

When Chen Yaowu saw the owner of the beef stall coming back, he went up, thinking about cutting two catties of meat. Huang Feihong told the boss behind, go, cut the house and change the scale. The boss turned around and went into the room, took a bag of beef and gave it to Chen Yaowu. Chen Yaowu hesitated for a moment, but the boss gritted his teeth and said, the number is two, Director Huang's face is still useful.

Following Huang Feihong, Chen Yaowu got a glimpse of the appearance of this small town on the edge of the northwest county. There are movie theaters, chain supermarkets, small hospitals, and signs, but they all closed down. Huang Feihong said that this place was originally a transportation hub, and later the high-speed train was opened. It didn't pass by here, and the large trucks passing by rarely stopped here, and the place gradually fell into disuse. The residents originally moved from all over the country to make a fortune, and the wealth was gone.

When Huang Feihong was assigned here when he was young, there was a freight turnover station in this town. There were a lot of businessmen, mixed with fish and dragons, and it was not easy to manage. He worked as the deputy director of the police station at a young age. He has seen the prosperity of this place and its gradual decline. Sweet, the road ahead should be wider, but maybe, if there are more lines drawn on which policy document, which leader reads it casually, or there is nothing, just live a certain number of years, the life of this land will be determined. No, it was still the fucking Silk Road before. People can live if they move, but they can't die if the land can't be moved.

Huang Feihong mixed a plate of beef with cold mix, fried a plate of tomato eggs, patted a cucumber, and brought a pack of peanuts. He drank two cups with Chen Yaowu, his thin cheekbones were flushed, and Lao Tao carefully stood beside him. Eat with beef. Chen Yaowu chatted with Huang Feihong about his sports car experience, skipped the grapes, and just said that he used to learn excavators, drank too much, and almost dug people to death by turning, learned from the pain, quit drinking, and learned to drive. I have been driving for several years, but fortunately God favored my stupid kungfu, I have been driving for more than ten years, and I have not made any major mistakes, or if I am lucky, I still stay outside the car when I am anemic and faint.

The autumn wind was cool, Chen Yaowu said that he was not married yet, Huang Feihong drank too much, pinched his nose, groaned twice, and said, me too, brother, I am older than you, brother Suansheng, you are better than me, and there is still a chance to start a family, Forget it, I ran into a fortune-teller in the prison, who said I was a widow and a widow. , was pushed to the end in one breath, until now, the only person who can talk to him is a second idiot, what is this life like? It makes me feel better to meet you and have a drink or two.

Lao Tao was on the side, holding a white wine bottle and licking it, booing, drink, drink! Huang Feihong scolded, smiled, and said, "I've fucked your mother so badly, if I knew you were such a badass now, I would have fucked your wife 800 times first." He unscrupulously vented his pleasure after drinking, held a wine glass and touched Chen Yaowu, and after belching, he leaned on the back of the chair, his dull eyes revealing loneliness.

After drinking, Huang Feihong staggered, pushed Lao Tao into the room, and tied his ankles with the big chain on the leg of the bed. Tao also meekly let him tie it.

Chen Yaowu still had some thinking ability left, so he pulled Huang Feihong and said, what is this for? Huang Feihong said, these two idiots are very smart, they can open the door and run around at night without being tied. Before he finished speaking, he died there drunk, and the lock was not hung. Chen Yaowu found a blanket in the room by himself, leaned on the wall to come in, covered Huang Feihong, wrapped himself in another blanket, and fell asleep on the folding bed. The wind blew from midnight to dawn, Huang Feihong stumbled out the door, then turned back and called Chen Yaowu, saying, come on, Lao Tao ran away again.

On the small town street in the early morning, the two of them ran to the ballroom, smelling of alcohol, but they didn't see Lao Tao. Huang Feihong rubbed his face with his hands and said, let's go, I know where he is. Huang Feihong went home and rode an electric tricycle, pulling Chen Yaowu. The dawn light shone on the faces of the two middle-aged men, seeping into every wrinkle and crevice. Walking around in the wilderness, the wind blew around Chen Yaowu's head, making his hair stand on end. The electric car drove into a city with overgrown weeds and buildings, and suddenly felt a pressure everywhere, and the wind seemed to blow away. Huang Feihong stopped the scooter, turned around and booed, Chen Yaowu looked up, at the dangerous edge of the seven or eight floors of the unfinished building, Lao Tao was sitting there, hugging his legs, the wind blowing his hair.

Huang Feihong entered the unfinished building silently. Along the stairs without railings, they came to a room. The whole building was rough. The room where Lao Tao lived had the three numbers 807 carved in stone on the wall. Huang Feihong walked behind Lao Tao. The direction he was facing was a strange landscape. There were a large number of unfinished houses under his feet. In the further direction, it seemed that there was a road lying across the road. In fact, he could not see it at all. It was the two of them. Chen Yaowu behind him was thinking wildly.

Huang Feihong held Lao Tao's shoulders and sat down together. It was rare for Huang Feihong to say softly to Tao Tao, just wait a while and go home. Lao Tao said, isn't this my house? Huang Feihong said, yes.

Two gentlemen, one fool, the three men watched the sunrise in silence, and went home in silence. Huang Feihong washed his face and poured white wine into his mouth with a bottle. Chen Yaowu stopped him and said, early in the morning, Mimi It's not a good thing to spend a day in a daze. Huang Feihong said that he would be confused even if he didn't drink. He was lying on the plank bed, babbling and humming, while Chen Yaowu sat on the side, smoking a cigarette, and asked him, what did you say? Huang Feihong didn't say a word, already drunk, suddenly, with plausible words in his mouth, he sang an opera, "Crouching Tiger Order" from his hometown in Sichuan, sang Dong Xuan and Tang Dan duet, sang by himself, couldn't tell the difference between loyalty and treachery, and sang in a low voice, "You are a mere Luoyang County, a dewy future Zhima official. ——Although the official position is small and courageous, the power is also afraid of strict law enforcement!——Forgive you for not imprisoning me!——You are a prisoner and I am an official..."

The more he sang, the more passionate he became, "Our family is a fierce tiger! - The tiger also pulls its teeth! - Grandpa kills people! - Kills people to death! - What to do? - Follow the law!

——Do you dare to do it?

I dare!

What crime?


How to judge?

It's time to cut!



Dong Xuan!

Tang Dan!




