Night Cat 2

In the end, he let out a breath of air, hoarse his voice, and shouted word by word, "The head must be hung on a high pole!"

Chen Yaowu was stunned when he heard it, his face was ashen, the cigarette holder in his hand was burning, he threw it away in a panic, stepped on it, and got up to go out the door, when suddenly, a hand grabbed him from behind, Chen Yaowu turned his head, Huang Feihong's face was blood red , The round eyeballs seem to be poked into the eye sockets, and they will fall out at any time. He said, go, I'll see you off.

The electric car buzzed and bumped, Huang Feihong turned the switch several times, but did not drive the electric tricycle out of the gate. Chen Yaowu said, forget it brother, I will go by myself. Huang Feihong fell from the three wheels, Chen Yaowu helped him, Huang Feihong stuck to Chen Yaowu's body like a lump of mud, holding the wine bottle tightly in his hand, and said, go, walk.

After walking a few steps, Huang Feihong was limp and unable to move. Except for his mouth, there was nothing on his body that could move. He gave himself a mouthful and said, do you know why the eldest brother has fallen to this point? Chen Yaowu shook his head. Huang Feihong said, do you know why Lao Tao is so aggressive? Chen Yaowu shook his head again. Huang Feihong raised his head, looked at the sun, lay down on the side of the road, and said, have you seen this broken ground? The north is low and the south is high. When driving north, you don't need to put in gear. When driving south, you can back up without pulling the handbrake. A person accidentally rolls down, faster and faster, unable to stop, and goes to the end at once.

Huang Feihong threw the empty wine bottle down the slope, tugged at Chen Yaowu's eyes, and rolled faster and faster, until there was darkness at the end, all the light here was thrown away many years ago, but at this moment, it was like a sharp arrow, suddenly snapping , shot through the mileage of years, months and days, piercing this dead silence, the wine bottle was reflected in four or five colors by the lights, picked up the wine bottle with one hand, there was a bang, blood dripped down the broken stubble of the bottle, and was smashed man holding his head and falling down.

This is the first time Huang Feihong sees Lao Tao, whose name is Tao Yingyong. He just arrived this afternoon, he looks white and clean, like a college student. It must be said that someone else molested his wife first. Huang Feihong was wearing a white vest with rolled trouser legs, and there was a lot of mud on his body. Except for a police cap on his head, he didn't look like a policeman. He put his hat on the table and looked outside. There was only a woman sitting there with a gentle face. Huang Feihong said, didn't you say you were single? Tao Yingyong said, my girlfriend, our girlfriend is called daughter-in-law. Huang Feihong said, do n't play tricks on me, I've seen you like this a lot, one look is considered molesting, touching twice is also molesting, the nature is quite different, the former is called picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and the latter is barely related to self-defense point side. I look at you, I understand, we live here for five years, we are considered locals, people from all corners of the country come to make a living, I don't know what your hometown is like, here, there is no such rule as Liwei, earning money belongs to earning money, legal business, Integrity-based, rejection of violent conflicts, starting with you and me.

Tao Yingyong laughed loudly, and said, Officer, you have said this openly, I will pay all the medical expenses. Huang Feihong put on his hat, ignored him, and went out. Tao Yingyong asked the remaining policeman, what is the name of this policeman? The police said, this is our Director Huang, who recently conducted agricultural experiments at home and planted wheat. Tao Yingyong said, fuck, if food can be grown in this place, do we need to work together towards a well-off life?

In the first few years of the early 21st century, many things from the last century were still fashionable. Tao Yingyong opened a dance hall, which was very attractive in a conspicuous place passing by. Tao Yingyong's wife, Jiang Dongmai, is a smart woman. She will read government news, analyze the international situation, and say that China has joined the WTO and wants to engage in a global market. The east, west, north, and south are the world. All fools know that coastal cities are windows to the sea. They have been popular for a hundred years. Take one piece strictly. She bet on the map, even the Romans and Huns on the Silk Road, and she told Tao Yingyong five things and three ways to support her daughter-in-law. Finally, she poked there with a pen and imitated Jiang Dongmai's official terminology. Said, that's it, I inquired about it, don't look at it as a township administrative unit, but a transportation hub, now the development is booming, the resident population is increasing sharply, just that thing that runs like flying, rockets, no, high-speed trains , high-speed rail, from this point on, a happy life will be secure, just like that in Shijiazhuang, when the train rings, ten thousand taels of gold.

When they were leaving, Jiang Dongmai confiscated Tao Yingyong's steel rod, dagger, and other crap like a three-edged bayonet, scolding him, you want to go to war? Tao Yingyong was scolded like a grandson, and when Jiang Dongmai took him away on the night of the fight, he said that luckily his wife was so strict that he almost came all the way to commit a murder.

Not long after, Jiang Dongmai completely became Tao Yingyong's daughter-in-law. Tao Yingyong bought a whole set of silver jewelry as a wedding gift, and was always happy to praise her greatness. There, he has booked a house that can see the sunrise. He warmly congratulated Huang Feihong, saying that he would be promoted soon. Huang Feihong also said that Boss Tao's business is booming and he earns a lot.

The business in the dance hall was really good. Once, Tao Yingyong got drunk and joked that he could develop the skin business in the future. Jiang Dongmai was carrying a bench and chasing him in the dance hall. The lights were dark and the music was so loud that he couldn't see them clearly. What the two were doing, I just felt that the boss and the proprietress had a romantic relationship, so they applauded, and the noise became more joyful, until Tao Yingyong yelled like killing a pig, then Jiang Dongmai laughed, Tao Yingyong also laughed, and the dance hall laughed. At that time, the dance hall was filled with the sweat of laborers, mixed with the perfume of dancers, and everyone seemed to be standing on the high point of the times, high-spirited, waiting for the rolling yellow sand to take them far away, turning the yellow sand into gold. Truck drivers, workers, Internet cafe owners, elementary school teachers, and police officers at the police station, all of them have come out of the dance hall. Here, they consciously work hard, and even if they entertain to death, they will have a sense of confidence and joy. Mixing dance music and cigarettes, you must not To describe it as erosion, it is a kind of upward smell.

It was at this time that Huang Feihong looked at Tao Yingyong with admiration. In this grassy land, the dance hall was legally operated, just dancing and drinking beer, which was too rare. He is not a rowdy person, he has nothing to do, tossing wheat in the yard . Once, Jiang Dongmai followed Tao Yingyong to deliver some mooncakes to Huang Feihong. When she saw it, she pointed out to him that the amount of fertilizer was not enough. Huang Feihong was a little confused when she saw a woman pointing to him, so he said, I am pure cultivation, try it out, you will get fatter. Jiang Dongmai said that sandy land has poor fertilizer retention and is easy to lose, so fertilization should be done in small amounts and frequently. Huang Feihong said that the main water problem is not easy to solve, but I can grow this kind of plant. Jiang Dongmai said that deep and shallow cultivation, deep plowing can break the bottom of the plow, increase water permeability, increase water storage capacity, plow 20 to 30 centimeters deep, rake hard, level columbine, use soil to store water, and also promote the root system to take root And expand the scope of root absorption, can improve the water and fertilizer use efficiency.

Jiang Dongmai gave Huang Feihong a class for half an hour. Tao Yingyong was on the sidelines and everyone was dumbfounded. He asked Jiang Dongmai, do you still understand this? Jiang Dongmai said, last month, a man who pulled fertilizer gave me two agricultural books to put on the legs of the table. Only then did Huang Feihong understand what kind of woman Jiang Dongmai was.

In short, there are no ten years, twenty years, and it is far less than a lifetime. If you use a vulgar metaphor to describe it, it is like a wheel track with two sides. They stand on the front and face upwards, thinking that the long Can't see the end, walking, turning down suddenly, those who want to drive away, slap their buttocks and leave, those who are stubborn and don't let go, are caught between the ground and the track, no matter how hard and long the squeeze, it will eventually be crushed. First of all, the business of the ballroom was not good enough, there was a little more unsalable wine left, the atmosphere suddenly changed, everyone was in a hurry, embarrassed, and embarrassed, the ballroom was like a fugitive hiding place, and the people who came in escaped without knowing it. What is the arrest? Many people packed their bags at home and prepared to abscond at any time. The beginning of everything, rather than blaming any policy changes, it is better to say that it is just a failure of the game, love to play or not to play. Until they were sure they couldn't hear the train, a dancer took her partner to a small dark room behind the ballroom, ready to use her body to earn a fortune. Since the birds are destined to scatter, it is better to use a carnival to achieve mutual fulfillment of money and memory.

This dancer, who Huang Feihong forgot her name, became the first person in the ballroom to get out. Jiang Dongmai learned to smoke at that time. Standing at the door of the ballroom, behind the wall is the "Developing Economy" that she personally helped Director Huang paint. In fact, it was not finished until the end, and there was still enough space to write "Adhere to the Scientific Outlook on Development".

Tao Yingyong watched the sunrise in the unfinished house, until the strong sunlight made him unable to look directly, and his tear glands were in urgent need. On the ground is a small figure drawn by a multi-talented construction worker with mud, like an ancient poet, stroking his beard, with a half line of poem written beside it, "Fusang is ten feet high at sunrise, and everything in the world is as fine as a hair." Tao Yingyong looked at it. Laughing, I scolded myself for being uneducated. In the same scenery, the construction workers could still pull out two lines of poems. I was like a semi-literate person, and I couldn't even understand it. He smoothed it with his feet, went home and asked Jiang Dongmai what he meant, Jiang Dongmai was combing his hair, and said, meaning, things that he couldn't figure out were like strands of hair, there were too many questions, just thinking about it What the hell, I have to count to get my hair straight. Tao Yingyong is dubious, does this mean? Jiang Dongmai said, if you don't understand what I'm saying, don't ask.

It was at that time that Huang Feihong began to call Tao Yingyong Lao Tao. At that time, there was a circle of policemen from the police station. Tao Yingyong led a few people and squatted in the corner, dropping plastic chips out of his trouser pockets. Huang Feihong was heartbroken. , Said, Lao Tao, illegal gambling, you thick eyebrows, how did you fucking betray the revolution? Tao Yingyong couldn't understand what he said, held back for a long time, and said, mainly, to develop the economy.

The small town bank is gone, and there is only one ATM machine left. It is broken and no one is repairing it. Fortunately, there is no need for urgent money. The primary school is gone. Fortunately, most of the remaining people cannot give birth to children who need to go to primary school. They are all lingering, asking each other, why don't you leave? If you can't answer, just say, where are you going? Why don't you go? Asking rhetorically, the other party asks rhetorically again, and it turns into a boring cycle, and finally discusses Shanghai and Beijing, the international metropolises.

Tao Yingyong's casino has turned into a gambling game, and then into a mahjong table. In the end, there are always three missing one, just poker, dice, and the income has changed from hundreds to thousands to hundreds and eighty. , purely as a joke. Why don't you go? This question is interesting. From Jiang Dongmai's point of view, all her ambitious words have become farts, which made her no longer willing to mention anything related to the future, and felt that there was still some hope left until she finally admitted it. Tao Yingyong, without a general in command, can set up camp wherever he wants, as long as he is not starved to death, he doesn't have a chance to take the initiative and kill the enemy heroically.

The town government moved out first, and the functions of the police station shrank. Only two policemen were left, and Huang Feihong begged for it. Count as the head of the police station. The two policemen cried and mourned every day, thinking that they were Wu Song sent to Cangzhou, throwing faces all day long, Huang Feihong held back his anger, and fiddled with the wheat, telling them to do whatever they wanted as long as they were within a radius of fifty miles. I can't do anything, pee and shit in the ghost town, drive through sand and watch birds. After several months, Huang Feihong found out that Tao Yingyong hadn't left, and asked him, why are you still here? not to go? Tao Yingyong said, I'm the only one who looks capable of causing trouble, I'm leaving, what are you doing? Huang Feihong turned his head and walked away grinning, saying, fuck your mother!

Tao Yingyong did what he said, and that night, he ran to the police station, smelling of alcohol, and desperately wanted to turn himself in. The reason was that he destroyed public property and smashed several street light bulbs. Huang Feihong told him to leave, but Tao Yingyong said that it must be shut down, because it is not in line with the core values of socialism. There was no way, Huang Feihong opened the drawer and fumbled for the key for a long time, opened the door of the detention room for him, and let him go in to sober up. Tao Yingyong was still reluctant, saying, don't forget to report the indicators for this month. Huang Feihong said, what indicators? Tao Yingyong said, the arrest record, don't let me go through the back door for the sake of our good relationship, do you hear me? What do you want the chief of the police station to do? Tao Yingyong lectured like a department-level cadre, Huang Feihong accepted it, didn't say anything, went home and took two bottles of white, and went into the detention room, and drank until dawn.

Jiang Dongmai came over in the morning and saw the two big men drinking unconscious, throwing up all over the floor, turned around and left.

The mahjong table was set up again, and the fixed three were Tao Yingyong, Jiang Dongmai, and Huang Feihong, and the remaining one was sometimes the police who pulled over, sometimes the boss of the beef seller, and sometimes a certain uncle and aunt. The card table was broken up and reorganized, and each played with "80,000", "Red Middle" and "Little Bird" in their hands. Regardless of Kong or Hu, the total number of cards in a deck is just that much, just like the things here , stay the same, play hard tricks.

This place will still be remembered one day. One morning, Tao Yingyong was smoking a cigarette, playing poker in the card room by himself, and a man came in, dressed plainly. Tao Yingyong frowned, looked at him from the smoke, and said, who are you looking for? The man didn't speak, but looked around the room. There were several unused card tables, piled up with plastic chips. The man asked, is this an educational activity for you? fine. Tao Yingyong said, benefit from a hammer, free? Play money, fifty for one, two for two? I'll find two more people for you. The man took a deep look at Tao Yingyong, and Tao Yingyong's heart skipped a beat and his hair shuddered. Hulala came in five or six more people, all wearing glasses, suits on the outside, and white shirts on the inside, like a group of leaders, Huang Feihong also flashed in, his face livid, and he didn't say a word. The big leader glanced at the room again, and took the lead to go out. Tao Yingyong was left with a dazed face, looking at Huang Feihong, clearly saying, I didn't do anything.

The big leader and a group of small leaders stood outside. The big leader made interesting sentences. He mulled over a sentence for a long time before speaking, trying to be rigorous and accurate. He said, here is a member of Northwest Development. The party and the country, endowed, tasks and missions. A group of small leaders shook their heads up and down, nodding frequently. The big leader also said that at present, the reduction in the permanent population and the weakening of the transportation function are problems that need to be solved urgently, and it is also the responsibility of your county and city leaders. You must start elsewhere and find a way to make a good transformation. For example, to engage in tourism, to create sustainable and developable scenic spot projects in small towns like this, to show the country's efforts and dedication in promoting urban and rural development. The little leaders all clapped along. The big leader went on to say, I just learned that there is only one police station director and two grassroots policemen left here.

Huang Feihong took the initiative to stand up and accept the profound instructions from the big leader. The big leader held his hand and spoke earnestly, saying that it is a glorious mission and a manifestation of personal consciousness to take root in the grassroots. Keep in mind the mission, maintain public security, and not let gambling, pornography, and other illegal entertainment industries affect the positive image of this glorious region that once carried the revolutionary mission.

Everyone turned their heads and looked back at the ballroom. The big leader earnestly asked, saying that entertainment activities should be supported, but gambling involving money may still cause a lot of bad influence. A small leader looked at Huang Feihong and said, indeed, the influence is bad.

The big leader didn't go to the town anymore, got on the minibus and left with his entourage. I don't know where the leader came from, and I don't know why they turned to this fork in the road. Maybe they were going to inspect another area. They stopped for a while on a whim. Some of them are always known for being unpredictable and improvised. In the evening, two police cars from the city drove into the town and took Tao Yingyong away in the name of illegal gambling.

Huang Feihong comforted Jiang Dongmai, saying that it shouldn't be a big deal, let's see what happens in a few days. He ran back and forth to inquire about the news. The crime was illegal gambling and opening casinos to make money. Huang Feihong seemed to be stuffy in his heart. He couldn't breathe, and he couldn't spit out to Jiang Dongmai. More than a month later, the court sentenced him to three years and eight months. Jiang Dongmai didn't go to the hearing. In those few days, she helped Huang Feihong take care of the wheat. It grew a lot. She wrote down the growth records in the notebook, but she didn't know what it was useful for.

When Tao Yingyong was transferred from the detention center to the city prison, Huang Feihong was by his side. Tao Yingyong never figured out why he was locked up because he said something wrong? However, he seemed to be able to accurately correspond to the crimes mentioned in the court. From the beginning to the end, he was sullen and admitted the crime honestly. He may have remembered what Jiang Dongmai told her, there are too many things he can't figure out, so don't ask. He told Huang Feihong, my daughter-in-law can leave if she wants to, and if she doesn't want to, she can wait for me to come back. Just these few years, you can help take care of her.

When Huang Feihong returned, a few workers who didn't know where they came from were installing a promotional sign at the intersection. They were tall and red, with the words "Witness the development of urban and rural areas, and build a civilized tourist town." Jiang Dongmai was wearing slippers, holding a handful of ears of wheat in his right hand, holding a sickle in his left hand, and carrying mud, standing under the sign and looking up. Huang Feihong approached, and Jiang Dongmai was very happy to see him. With sweat on his face, he held up the ear of wheat and said, the base fertilizer is enough, and it grows so plump. The worker climbed down the pole, pointed to the sign and said to Huang Feihong, public property, pay attention to maintenance, and don't damage it. Huang Feihong said, well, public property cannot be destroyed.

The brand is exposed to wind and sun, and the red color fades less and less. Tourism seems to be a bit effective. There are county and city primary and secondary schools, who come to organize inspections, and write reports one by one when they go back. There are also a few more unknown young people who came to the town to take pictures, mainly to observe the innermost ghost town and talk about social surveys. Huang Feihong also wanted to take people around the big fart place, pointing to a house and said, this used to be the old Liu's house, old Liu Dongbei, Korean ethnicity, and the kimchi they made was delicious. This family used to be Xiaosun, a college student, and an elementary school Chinese teacher. Someone interrupted him and said, we didn't listen to this, isn't this a tourist town? What about famous people? Huang Feihong thought for a long time and said, if you ask this, no.

The days were not salty or dull, Huang Feihong went to visit Jiang Dongmai every few days, and consoled his life. One night, he saw the colorful lights in the ballroom from a distance, flickering and going off. When he approached, he saw Jiang Dongmai. Mai sits on the roof, tinkering with the LED lights, forming neon characters around the signboard of the original dance hall, which is eye-catching in the dark. Huang Feihong raised his head, the color of light on his face changed, he asked, where did you get this thing? Jiang Dongmai said that a driver of a cart pulled them and bought a few knots. Huang Feihong said, what are you doing with this? Jiang Dongmai said that Lao Tao is afraid of the dark, so if he goes home at night, he can take some light.

Two policemen rode tricycles to look for Huang Feihong and said, Director Huang, the Zhao Bureau in the county called and asked you to see the documents. Huang Feihong raised his hand to say goodbye to Jiang Dongmai, went back to look at the documents, was dazed for a long time, called Director Zhao, almost couldn't suppress the fire, and said, Director Zhao, you still make so much security in our crappy place index? Is it embarrassing? Isn't it? There are more cats than rats. Where can we catch people? On the other end of the phone, Director Zhao took a sip of his tea, which sounded like he was drinking tea, and then spat into the cup again, saying, isn't that a tourist town that you just developed, with a lot of tourists. Huang Feihong said, how about I take you around, count how many people you can meet in a day. Director Zhao said unhurriedly, then tell me, what are you three doing every day? Huang Feihong held back for a long time, unable to make a sound, and hung up the phone.

The next day, Huang Feihong took the two policemen around for a day, sitting on the curb, talking about what they had in mind. The two policemen lowered their heads and said, I don't think it's necessary. Huang Feihong didn't hear clearly, and said, what are you talking about? A policeman said, "I'm not forcing Ren Fei to be here. Director Huang, what do you mean?" Half an hour later, a car passed by, Huang Feihong stared and said, I don't mean anything. Clap ass and go.

Huang Feihong carried a wine bottle, sat at the entrance of the ballroom and smoked, pouring down the wine one mouthful at a time. Jiang Dongmai came out of the room and said, "Go in and drink, it's quite cold." Huang Feihong poked his neck and said, to be honest, I either left and transferred to another place, and I didn't make much difference, or I quit being a policeman, and I would rather live here. I was here on the first day I joined the police. At that time, the place was worse than it is now. I wanted to leave every day, but I finally survived. When you and Lao Tao came, I thought to myself, I have survived, give me a I didn't do it as the chief of the Public Security Bureau. Later, when we couldn't do it, we all left. I was a dead shaft... He couldn't go on talking, and lay there. Jiang Dongmai helped him up. Huang Feihong said, you two are better than me. Still, what are you doing here? Jiang Dongmai pulled Huang Feihong into the room and unbuttoned his trousers. Huang Feihong didn't respond. When he took off his pants, Huang Feihong realized that he woke up from the wine and pushed Jiang Dongmai away, saying, brother and sister, you can't do this. Jiang Dongmai posted it and said, didn't you find out why Lao Tao and I have no children? He can't. Huang Feihong shook his head and waved his hands to shut up, and fled in embarrassment with his pants up.

The next day, Jiang Dongmai rushed into the police station, slapped Huang Feihong's big mouth, and said, I want to deny my account when I'm asleep? The two policemen's eyes were straightened when they heard it, and they hurried up to pull it. Huang Feihong hid and said to them, it's none of your business, go out first. The two policemen ran out consciously. Jiang Dongmai pulled a stool, sat face-to-face with Huang Feihong, and said, well, anyway, they both heard what was going on, and if you talk about your expertise, you won't be able to do it, and you don't have to worry about it now. Huang Feihong touched his face and said, what do you mean? Jiang Dongmai threw a stack of small cards on the table, with nude women and phone numbers printed on them, and said, "It's not interesting, I just want to do you a favor."

That night, two policemen stood guard at the back door of the dance hall, waiting for Jiang Dongmai to signal, and then went in to press people down. They earned more than 8,000 yuan in one night, and no one mentioned leaving. . Huang Feihong said to Chen Yaowu, I basically didn't want the money, it was all divided by the three of them.

Jiang Dongmai disappeared half a year ago when this matter was exposed. The day before, Huang Feihong called the people in the county jail in advance, and asked Tao Yingyong when he would be released from prison, and planned to drive to pick him up the next day. Jiang Dongmai said, I will not follow, you come back early, I will Order some food for Lao Tao, and you two have a drink. When Huang Feihong arrived, the prison guard told him that Tao Yingyong had already left and could not stop him, saying that he didn't want to take the police car. It was snowing heavily, and Huang Feihong drove the car in a hurry, rushing back, always feeling panicked, driving, slammed on the brakes, backed up, and saw a blood gourd lying on the side of the road, ran over and turned over, passing by After more than three years, Lao Tao's face hardly changed.

Huang Feihong called Jiang Dongmai more than a dozen times, but no one answered. Lao Tao was in a coma for more than a month, and he kept looking for him. When Lao Tao woke up, he had already become a fool. He took Lao Tao home. The wheat seedlings in the yard were all dry and dead under the ice and snow. Huang Feihong was very strange. For Frost, the snow in this broken place melts into water too damn slowly. Regarding Jiang Dongmai's disappearance from the world, Huang Feihong has never figured it out. Even if he wants to leave, he has waited for three years and eight months, why can't he wait for such a day.

Huang Feihong's matter was later found out, and he took it all by himself, was expelled from the police force, and was sentenced to four years in prison. In the past four years, a group of old men and women helped to take care of Lao Tao. Huang Feihong was thinking about one thing every day in prison. The driver who hit Lao Tao could not be found. In those few months when Lao Tao just recovered, he still had a little memory. One day, he got up and wrote a string of words crookedly in the medical record folder by the bedside. Huang Feihong saw that it was the license plate number, Yu P1908. He understood that Lao Tao was I wrote it down when I hit it, but unfortunately one is missing, so I can't find it no matter how much I ask. Lao Tao was already an idiot, and his statement could not be recorded. Huang Feihong went to check the license plate by himself, but there was no such number at all. When I wanted to check carefully again, I went in myself.

Later, Huang Feihong thought about the license plate on his own, and figured it out. How could such a license plate number be formed? After all, Huang Feihong was originally a director with experience. He told Chen Yaowu that if the semi-trailer hit him, it would make sense. If you drive a semi-trailer, you know better than me. The license plate on the front of the car is different from that of the trailer. , Lao Tao's situation, if you think about it carefully, before being hit, who would be free to memorize the license plate, at most glance at where the car is, and then look up after being hit. Mixed.

After talking about this, Huang Feihong almost woke up from the wine. Chen Yaowu's hands and feet were cold, and the hairs on his body stood up. Climbing down, he suddenly looked at the gap, bit the flesh and burrowed into his body, wrapped around his spine, feeling cold and afraid of pain, which made him want to lie on the ground and roll around. The two words turned over and over in his heart, Putao is Jiang Dongmai, and Lao Tao is the passerby knocked over by him. That day, he was in a hurry to find grapes, and it would take a whole day to load and unload them. He couldn't wait, so he loaded a trailer full of fruit from the fruit factory. Half a month after killing the grapes, he replaced the trailer again. Going back, his license plate, the first two digits are Yu P, and the remaining four digits are the license plate of the trailer in the fruit factory, which has never been used again, or else, when he gave Huang Feihong a ride for the first time, he had already left.

Huang Feihong said, brother, I've been listening to brother nonsense for a long time, it's hard for you, let's go, I'll see you off. He patted Chen Yaowu, Chen Yaowu trembled, and his soul almost flew out. Chen Yaowu followed Huang Feihong to the intersection, and saw a police car approaching in the distance, got out of the car, and a police officer stood there, waiting for someone. Huang Feihong saw him and raised his hand to say hello from a distance. The police officer saw Huang Feihong waving at him, as if he glanced at him, and ignored him. Chen Yaowu said, do you know each other? Huang Feihong said, yes, Meng Xiaoshan, the director of the county police station, the youngest one, probably came to pick up his sister. Chen Yaowu said, who is his sister? Huang Feihong said, a photographer, carrying the camera on his back every day to take pictures everywhere, no wonder the siblings were born to a mother, and their spirits were higher than before. There was an old lady who wanted to take a portrait of her while she was in good spirits. Fuck, just leave a word, I don't shoot living people, the old lady was so angry that she was almost carried away. Chen Yaowu remembered that the woman he met yesterday should be Meng Xiaoguo.

Meng Xiaoshan couldn't hear their conversation, and didn't bother to listen. The two of them hooked each other there, as if they were drunk and drunk. He was annoyed when he saw it, especially the one named Huang Feihong. He knew him. He used to be the director of the town's police station. Feeling that a good comrade was corrupted by money and degenerated like this. Meng Xiaoshan sang the opposite tune, saying that the institute was going to be withdrawn, but Huang Feihong refused to leave because of his old qualifications. fish. Why is he so sure? Because he had caught a gambling suspect here before, and he was personally appointed by the city leader. He heard that this person had a good relationship with Huang Feihong. At that time, he felt that there was a nest of snakes and rats here. , not beyond his expectation.

Chen Yaowu and Huang Feihong couldn't wait for the car there. Huang Feihong pointed to Meng Xiaoshan's car and said, "I can't let him take you for a while." Chen Yaowu said, it's not good to trouble others. Huang Feihong said, it's all right, the police and the people are family members. He dragged Huang Feihong to Meng Xiaoshan. Meng Xiaoshan looked at Chen Yaowu and felt familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he didn't remember it.

Huang Feihong raised his hand to greet Meng Xiaoshan again, saying, Director Meng. Meng Xiaoshan nodded, neither cold nor indifferent, and said, Lao Huang. Huang Feihong said, I will give it to a friend. Meng Xiaoshan said, I will pick up my sister. Huang Feihong said, we don't have to wait for the bus. My friend takes the bus to go home. When I go back, I will take a ride along the way? Meng Xiaoshan felt that if he hooked up with Huang Feihong, he would not be a good person. He shirked and said, if I am myself, it is no problem to send a comrade to the car. The key is that my sister has a bad temper and doesn't like to ride with strangers. I will wait I'm sorry to ask her, Lao Huang. Huang Feihong looked a little embarrassed, Chen Yaowu said first, it's okay, Director Meng, I can wait for other cars.

Meng Xiaoshan asked Chen Yaowu, what do you do? Chen Yaowu replied, the driver of the cart had a small accident on the road some time ago, stayed in the hospital for a few days, and was going to go home by himself. Meng Xiaoshan's eyes drifted upwards, then he remembered, and asked, did you take a bus yesterday? I checked your ID card. Huang Feihong said, with this memory, it's no wonder that he became the director at a young age. I'm curious about something. I'll ask you. I heard that several corpses were found in Zhangye and Jiayuguan. The methods were very cruel, and the parts were thrown everywhere. , now, how is the progress? Meng Xiaoshan pinched his nose and glanced at Chen Yaowu, who was looking away from the side. Meng Xiaoshan said, I'm sorry, Lao Huang, the case was handled by the criminal investigation team, and I assisted in the investigation, so I don't know much about it.

Meng Xiaoshan's older sister, Meng Xiaoguo, came from the corner of the street with a bag in her hand. It was the first time Chen Yaowu saw such a white woman in the northwest where ultraviolet rays and winds were very strong. The fine lines on her face were like fine cracks on antique white porcelain. When she handed the bag to Meng Xiaoshan, Chen Yaowu could clearly see the yellow spot between her two fingers, she was a heavy smoker. Inside the sleeve, half of the gray was exposed, which was a silver bracelet. She heard Chen Yaowu say that she wanted to go by car, and she didn't care about Meng Xiaoshan's rejection wink at him, so she said, if you are on the way, let's see it off.

Standing behind the starting vehicle, Huang Feihong waved goodbye to Chen Yaowu until he became a little smaller.

Meng Xiaoguo is very bold. From Chen Yaowu's point of view, staring at him so nakedly made him very uneasy. Meng Xiaoshan kept looking at the two people in the back row from the rearview mirror. Meng Xiaoguo put his hand on the car window, smoking a cigarette, and kept stroking his wind-blown hair. His eyes were a little playful, and he stared at Chen Yaowu, asking: ,What do you do? Chen Yaowu said, he drives a big car. Meng Xiaoguo was very surprised and said, I really can't tell if you don't tell me, you look like a movie actor. Chen Yaowu smiled awkwardly and said, he didn't even dare to think about it. Meng Xiaoguo suddenly called Meng Xiaoshan, do you think this master looks like your brother-in-law?

Meng Xiaoshan slammed the steering wheel when a car behind him grabbed the lane, almost hitting it. His heart skipped a beat, and he barely managed to say, it seemed a little bit. He was a little impatient and said, why mention my brother-in-law? Meng Xiaoguo smiled, but didn't answer. Meng Xiaoshan started to get angry with his sister again, looking at her smile, feeling a little scared in his heart.

The wind was blowing outside the car window, and Meng Xiaoguo held her cell phone, but did not open it, and suddenly turned to Chen Yaowu and said, This is my husband's relic. Meng Xiaoshan's hands on the steering wheel were clenched tightly. Chen Yaowu was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer, so he said, sorry. Meng Xiaoguo said, it's all right, she's been dead for several years.

Meng Xiaoshan interrupted suddenly, a little irritable, and said to Chen Yaowu, why do you think you have to take my car? I'm so busy every day, I'll let you go later when there's a long distance on the road. Sensing Meng Xiaoshan's displeasure, Chen Yaowu wondered if he shouldn't know other people's family affairs, so he quickly apologized and said, "It's really troublesome, if it doesn't work, I'll step aside first." Meng Xiaoguo still smiled and said to Meng Xiaoshan, how busy are you? Why are you talking so much nonsense when asking for a ride? I said let me give you a ride. Meng Xiaoshan glanced at his sister in the rearview mirror, then at Chen Yaowu, took a deep breath, and swallowed all he wanted to say.

A herd of yaks rushed past in the wilderness outside the car window, Meng Xiaoguo suddenly yelled to stop and told Chen Yaowu and Meng Xiaoshan to wait for her. The highway split the northwest wilderness in two, and it was parallel to the sun. Meng Xiaoguo ran among them with his bag, chasing the herd of yaks in the distance. Chen Yaowu stuck his head out of the car window. There was no wind on the empty road. He didn't know why, and asked, why did she go? Meng Xiaoshan said, take pictures. Chen Yaowu asked, when will you be back? The car door was not closed tightly, and there was a ticking sound. Meng Xiaoshan said, "It's not good, it's a waste of time. I won't say it all. You might as well not take my car." Chen Yaowu didn't answer, only the silence of the two men remained in the car, a little suffocated. Meng Xiaoshan was forced out by the air, and stood on the side of the road outside the car, pursed his lips, looked around silently, wanted to light a cigarette, but didn't touch the lighter, and wanted to go back to the car to get it, followed by Chen Yaowu who got out of the car. He lit the lighter for him, and smoked one for himself by the way. There are endless dry grasses in the wilderness, and a little spark can ignite fire for dozens of miles. The ridge farther away is like the exposed spine of some giant beast buried in the ground, dormant and waiting to break out of the ground. In addition, it seems to be empty and free, never bound , but there is a kind of despair and suffering that can't tell the direction. Only the road under the feet can make people know the direction. The two men are stationed silently, sharing the suffering, waiting A woman who doesn't know when she will come back.

Chen Yaowu took a puff of cigarette and said, when your sister comes back, I'll tell her, you go first, I'll wait for the passing bus here. Meng Xiaoshan smiled, looked at him and said, why do you have to wait for my sister to come back? Chen Yaowu hesitated for a moment, then said, No, mainly I think you listen to your sister more, I am afraid that if I leave now, she will blame you when she comes back. Meng Xiaoshan stomped out the cigarette butt and said, actually my sister said that you look like my brother-in-law, don't think too much, my sister is not that kind of person, I advise you to stay away from her, my sister is still young, in terms of appearance and poor conditions Not going anywhere, I don't mean anything else by this, and I don't mean to look down on you as a big truck driver. If she can meet a good person again, I would like to. The point is, she is sick and has some mental problems. Chen Yaowu was surprised and said, I don't think it's normal? Meng Xiaoshan said that sometimes it is too creepy for most people to bear. Meng Xiaoshan thought for a while, and then said, when I was promoted, my sister and brother-in-law came to visit me from Shanghai, and there was a car accident on the way back, and my brother-in-law passed away. I was afraid that my sister would be stressed when she returned to Shanghai alone, so I let her live here all the time. After two months, I found that something was wrong with her, and she didn't talk for a few days. One day, she bought a wooden Buddha statue and started Sitting at home, taking pictures of the Bodhisattva, from the left, from the right, the camera is full of close-ups of the wooden Bodhisattva's face.

Meng Xiaoshan thought of every rough grain of wood stubble that was clearly visible in the photo, stopped talking, and continued his cigarette. He stood on the side that day, feeling that his sister had been hit by her brother-in-law's death, and he didn't dare to provoke her. Finally, he couldn't help asking, "Sister, what are you looking at?" Meng Xiaoguo stuck his eyes to the camera and continued to shoot, saying, I want to see what a Bodhisattva looks like. Meng Xiaoshan seemed to have been shocked by an electric shock, he bit his lips tightly, and his hands and feet were cold. At that time, he knew in his heart that Meng Xiaoguo might have a mental problem.

Chen Yaowu said, didn't you contact a psychiatrist?

Meng Xiaoshan avoided Chen Yaowu's gaze, and said, contacted, Meng Xiaoguo couldn't die, and said that he was fine, and just walked around to relax. After he finished speaking, he sat back in the car and said to Chen Yaowu, brother, my sister's situation is almost the same, if you think about it, I'm sorry, she is really sick, don't think about it up. If I didn't think about it, I would just be affectionate for my sister. When I got to the city later, I would say that there was an urgent matter in the office and I had to go back, and you could get off somewhere, don't mind. Chen Yaowu smiled and said, don't mind or don't mind. Meng Xiaoshan adjusted the seat, leaned on the steering wheel and squinted for a while, looked up at the road ahead, the sun had passed over the roof of the car, casting a shadow in front of the car, Meng Xiaoshan felt hairy, he didn't tell Chen Yaowu about some things, he felt So far, it has prevented him from being lured into a trap, and he will not reveal too many secrets to a stranger. The death of his brother-in-law was his unspeakable secret.

Two or three years after that, Meng Xiaoguo began to disappear frequently for no reason, and the phone couldn't be reached. Meng Xiaoshan couldn't sleep peacefully. In his dream, he was always on the same road as he was now, and something gathered towards him in the dark. He felt someone Breathing behind the ear, whispering, he turns his head and disappears. The distant temples, pagodas, and low-pitched bells woke him up again and again from his dreams. It can be as short as a month, or as long as 50 or 60 days. Meng Xiaoguo came back again, took a camera, and asked Meng Xiaoshan to help her copy the photos on the computer. The beauty of nature is that there is no human being.

In a trance, Meng Xiaoguo panted, opened the car door and sat in, Meng Xiaoshan looked back, Chen Yaowu also seemed to have just been awakened from a short sleep. Meng Xiaoshan looked at the time and said, this time is very fast, less than two hours. Meng Xiaoguo ignored him, and only said to Chen Yaowu, please wait, I'm sorry. Then he turned his head and said to Meng Xiaoshan, let's go, drive.

Along the way, the three of them chatted one after another, Meng Xiaoguo showed Chen Yaowu the photos she took, and Chen Yaowu praised that she was indeed professional and capable. When he was about to arrive in the city, Meng Xiaoshan answered the phone as he said before, and turned around and said to the two of them, sister, there is something urgent at the office, brother, where are you going by car? I see where it is convenient to put you. Chen Yaowu said, don't bother, just find an intersection and get off. The car stopped at a fork into the city, and there were many people nearby. Meng Xiaoshan said that there was a bus waiting here. Chen Yaowu opened the car door and went down, saying, thank you. On the other side of the car door, Meng Xiaoguo also came down, and Meng Xiaoshan called her, sister? What are you going to do? Meng Xiaoguo lit the fire with a cigarette in his mouth, and said, don't worry about me, just go to your business. Meng Xiaoshan wanted to pull her, but Meng Xiaoguo's smile just disappeared, and there was a flash of gloom, saying, "Go on your way." Meng Xiaoshan was a little desperate, leaned on the seat, watched his sister leave, and stepped on the accelerator.

Meng Xiaoguo caught up with Chen Yaowu and said, let's go to the room. Chen Yaowu stood there dumbfounded and didn't speak. Meng Xiaoguo smiled and put his face close to Chen Yaowu. I said, go to the room and I'll take some photos for you. Chen Yaowu hesitated when he thought of Meng Xiaoshan's words, but at this moment, he looked at Meng Xiaoguo's face, Chen Yaowu still regarded those words as a younger brother's protection of his sister, or contempt for a big car driver, and he felt that he understood There was a kind of subtext, and a secret joy of an affair suddenly appeared in his heart, and the secret joy suppressed other thoughts. He didn't notice that something was quietly tossing and dying. He only felt that Meng Xiaoguo's hair seemed to be a living thing. Undulating with the wind. When Chen Yaowu's consciousness returned to his body again, the air-conditioning wind of the small hotel had already blown him very cold, the lowest temperature was 16 degrees. Meng Xiaoguo said, undress. Chen Yaowu flinched inexplicably, stepped back, turned his head to look at the curtain, and said, forget it, how about I go. Meng Xiaoguo didn't force him, and asked with a smile, have you seen me? Chen Yaowu shook his head. Meng Xiaoguo still asked, saying, have you seen me? Chen Yaowu took a closer look at her, as if she had never appeared in this world before, he nodded, and answered resolutely, no. Meng Xiaoguo picked up her phone, an old one, and clicked on a photo. In the photo, Chen Yaowu was standing in front of her semi-trailer, very angry, trying to block the camera. Chen Yaowu's head rushed into a wave of blood, Meng Xiaoguo stood up, raised his arms high, and felt the cold air of the air conditioner. The silver bracelet on his wrist was constantly enlarged in Chen Yaowu's eyes, until he finally felt another year, another time, the same cold.

The suffocation of Chen Yaowu and Meng Xiaoshan when they were waiting for Meng Xiaoguo in the car was the joint reaction of Chen Yaowu's secret and Meng Xiaoshan's secret. After seeing Meng Xiaoshan, Meng Xiaoguo and her husband walked along the national highway. Before his brother-in-law was on the road until his death, Meng Xiaoshan only received one message, a photo of the driver of a large truck, and the license plate of a semi-trailer, which seemed to be taken during a quarrel. The driver's face is unclear, but his anger can be seen clearly. Meng Xiaoshan didn't know, so the brother-in-law said in a voice, Xiaoshan, please contact your friend in the traffic police team to check the car of this bastard. Meng Xiaoshan asked why, and the brother-in-law replied, forcing the boy to pull a cart full of raisins and not sell them to me. Meng Xiaoshan was a little dumb and didn't take it seriously.

At that time, Meng Xiaoguo and her husband parked their car in a dilapidated town. They heard that they were engaged in tourism. When they arrived, the husband felt cheated. Before leaving, Meng Xiaoguo saw her husband on the side of the road trying to buy raisins from a cart driver. The driver said it was from the fruit factory and would not sell it. The two quarreled. The husband took a mobile phone and took two pictures of the driver and his car, threatening to find someone to impound the driver's car. Meng Xiaoguo watched from a distance. Staying, not approaching. She was chatting with the proprietress of a dance hall. The proprietress was pretty and she was wearing a silver bracelet. Meng Xiaoguo asked her to borrow a screwdriver and wanted to give the money, but the proprietress confiscated it. Meng Xiaoguo put the screwdriver in her coat pocket and waved goodbye to the proprietress. , of course the proprietress is Jiang Dongmai, she was a little confused, so she casually said, pay attention to safety on the road. Meng Xiaoguo smiled brightly.

When Meng Xiaoshan received another call, it was from Meng Xiaoguo. When he hurried to arrive, it was already dark, and Meng Xiaoguo's car was parked by the side of the road. She was leaning against the car, and there were cigarette butts all over the floor. Meng Xiaoshan took a look into the car. Her brother-in-law was lying on the back seat, motionless, with a screwdriver stuck in his neck, and his white shirt had turned dark red. He stayed there. Meng Xiaoguo took out her husband's coat from the car door and gave it to him Meng Xiaoshan put it on, she still had a smile on her face, but her voice trembled a little from the night wind, and said, I have secretly saved some money these past few years, if you have time to go to Shanghai, put it in the drawer of my dresser Inside the box, the password is your birthday. The house should be counted as the joint property of me and your brother-in-law. I don't know the law, and I don't know whose property it will be. Let's talk about it. I haven't done much photography for several years. I saved a lot of negatives before. If you think it's useful, you can keep it... Looking at her sister's appearance, Meng Xiaoshan understood something. Suddenly, she slapped herself hard, and didn't let Meng Xiaoguo continue talking. . Sister, with me here, you will be fine in the future. Meng Xiaoguo suddenly became confused, looked at Meng Xiaoshan with terrifying eyes, as if looking at a stranger, and said something that Meng Xiaoshan had never dared to understand. Brother, why don't you cry?

Chen Yaowu clenched his hands tightly in front of him, and felt something hovering upwards under his feet, digging into his head, as if he was dizzy out of control before jumping off a tall building. When he opened his eyes, Meng Xiaoguo still had a smile on his face, and the voice between his lips and teeth was not human. She said it again, undressing. Trembling, Chen Yaowu took off his clothes one by one. Meng Xiaoguo said that nearly 10 million people die in China every year, nearly 30,000 people die in a day, and nearly 1,000 people die in an hour. Do the math, how many people died when you took off your clothes?

Chen Yaowu only had a lump of paste in his head, and he was completely naked. Facing Meng Xiaoguo, half an hour ago he was still thinking about how to make love to her. Half an hour later, shame and fear swept over him. An instinctive thing was spinning rapidly in his mind, he said tremblingly, should it be less than a hundred? Holding a cigarette in one hand, Meng Xiaoguo patted the bed with the other, laughing so hard that she almost burst into tears, she said, so it was a bit of a coincidence that two people died on the same road that day, but it was not unusual. Chen Yaowu couldn't understand what she said, so he knelt there suddenly and said, please, don't call the police. Meng Xiaoguo said, wait a minute and stand still. She turned around and took out a camera from her bag, pointed it at Chen Yaowu, clicked the shutter, and took very detailed shots, including several close-ups. The sense of shame made Chen Yaowu subconsciously cover his private parts with his hands. Meng Xiaoguo said, are you shy? Chen Yaowu was afraid of tears falling, he shook his head and shut his mouth, not daring to speak. Meng Xiaoguo gently pushed his hand away. He heard that human beings are not shy when they are born, just like wild animals. She stopped after taking pictures, and showed the camera to Chen Yaowu. There were Tibetan antelopes and snow leopards on it. She said intoxicatedly, how beautiful it is like this.

Chen Yaowu begged for mercy, but still did not dare to move. I was wrong, I was wrong, I killed someone, I deserve to die, you can drive whatever you want, I will give you how much money, don't call the police. Meng Xiaoguo sighed and said, then choose a pose, and I will take the last picture.

The bloody photo of the mutilated corpse destroyed Chen Yaowu's last resistance. He lay on the ground, vomiting profusely, but couldn't vomit anything. When he looked up, his eyes were bloodshot. Meng Xiaoguo already had an extra screwdriver in his hand, with dark red blood on it, and said, choose. Chen Yaowu stared with dead fish-like eyes, although he could still move, but a strong pressure almost nailed him in place, he kept muttering, please, let me go, please, let me go.

Meng Xiaoguo handed the camera in front of him and said, I'll give you a chance to look at it and get hard. Chen Yaowu retched again, but the desire to survive forced him to focus his eyes on the unrecognizable photos of dead bodies, a beast-like hoarseness came out of his throat, trying to mobilize his sexual desire in fear, and he faced a kind of Unbearable pain, those warm impressions in the past collapsed in his mind, and the desire for survival and sexual desire produced huge contradictions and collisions in his body. He could not control himself. For the first time in his life, he experienced the How much destructive power the instinct of the times can have on a person.

When he finally succeeded, Chen Yaowu's mental defenses had completely collapsed. The woman in front of him was a demon who would destroy everything in her body and brand her with the same brand. It was an inhuman twisted power, but it came from everyone. . Chen Yaowu crouched on her body, as if he was in a river of women, wiping his own body on another body. Meng Xiaoguo closed her eyes, tears streaming down her temples. Table tennis, baseball. She felt a phantom pain in her lower body. On the same day, she said, I killed my husband. Chen Yaowu didn't seem to hear it, and moved like a machine. When this nightmare was over, the sound of traffic in the street outside the window flooded into his mind, and he said, what are you trying to do. Meng Xiaoguo said, I also have sexual desires. Chen Yaowu said, I mean, what are you trying to torture me like this? Meng Xiaoguo got up, and answered after a long time, the antelope will run to death in order to avoid being chased by the leopard, this is the instinct of all animals, you don't want to be shot, this is called a dog leash. Chen Yaowu lay there, icy cold, never pursued himself, but now he felt that he had nowhere to escape forever.

The old houses in the town have been turned into low-rent housing several years ago, 60 square meters, complete with water, electricity, heating, and the rent for three bedrooms and two living rooms is only a few dozen yuan a month. Tap water is charged per head, RMB 1.6 per person per month. Like the wilderness in the northwest and the vast uninhabited land, the characteristic of these places is that there are no people. Meng Xiaoguo lived here because he was fascinated by the new landscape, the abandoned city. She pointed the camera at the empty buildings, and she was alone in them. The night fell, and the twilight merged. She lay quietly on the cold ground with her face pressed down, unable to hear any heartbeat, closed her eyes, and the steel bars The cement was silent together.

There was a fool who spied on her and pursued her, almost broke her camera once, was scolded, never dared to approach her again, and only timidly hid in the corner and peeked at her. An old lady pointed to the dance hall opposite and said that the fool turned out to be the owner of the dance hall. He had been in prison, had a car accident, and suffered brain damage. His wife, it is said, ran away the day before he was released from prison. Meng Xiaoguo thought of the woman who was standing at the door of the ballroom and handed her a screwdriver. Without thinking, she walked across the street and stood in front of the wall, recalling her appearance, putting her weight on her left leg, and resting her left hand on her shoulders. Holding her right hand and smoking a cigarette, she believes that as long as her posture is similar enough to that day, she will feel what she was thinking at that time, she should thank her, and they should mourn each other.

After she stabbed a screwdriver into her husband in the car, she got out of the car, gasping for breath, a semi-trailer whizzed by, a few raisins spilled from the car, not sure if she heard a faint cry for help, It seemed to be nothing, maybe it was just her hallucination, but the sound of a silver bracelet falling was very clear and loud. She walked over to pick it up, and it was bloody like a few raisins. A bunch of eyes stared at her from the carriage, it was very short, but it took a long time to pass by, and it is still unforgettable to this day. She tried to meet it, looking for the direction of the throw, and stood there without moving, her gaze gradually weakened and faded, and gradually drifted away.

Here suddenly entered an abnormal rainy season. Standing in the yard, Huang Feihong sighed, how wonderful it would be to grow wheat now. In the rain, Chen Yaowu's semi-trailer drove into the town. Huang Feihong was amazed at his appearance. His body was not fat, but he was so thin that he almost lost his shape. His slender arms made people doubt whether he could turn the steering wheel. Chen Yaowu drank a glass of wine and said, it's all right, recently he had a stomach problem , he lost his appetite and lost about ten catties. Huang Feihong took out a piece of pork belly from the refrigerator, and wanted to fry him a braised pork tonic, but Chen Yaowu hurriedly stopped him, almost spat it out, and said, don't fry it, he has recently changed to a vegetarian diet. With great difficulty, Chen Yaowu diverted the topic away from the frightened license plate number. After Huang Feihong finished speaking, he still had no clue, so he looked it up slowly. Then he changed the topic to the mutilated murder case that not only frightened him, but caused fear and physical vomiting. It was Huang Feihong who said that several batches of police officers from the Criminal Investigation Brigade had been punished. No one could be locked in. I heard that there was a police leader who was missing a muscle in his head. He invited a few monks and Taoists to do some calculations. "Show", all the tables were turned off, the matter was pushed to a higher level, and the leader who was operating the method was supposed to be promoted, but now he can't move for at least five years. Huang Feihong held the wine and shook his head with emotion, how many homicide cases a year can't be solved after all, looking through the case files, piled up for ten or twenty years, how much dust has been accumulated, it's long gone, the crowd clapped their hands and applauded them to be arrested and brought to justice, none of them are here head. In the end, Luoyu came from Beijing with a criminal investigation expert, my classmate, who wanted to contact me when he went somewhere, only to hear that I was fired.

When Huang Feihong was talking about this, Chen Yaowu didn't say a word, just watched Lao Tao who was watching "Journey to the West". Huang Feihong suddenly mentioned Meng Xiaoguo, and Chen Yaowu brought his attention back to the wine table. Huang Feihong said, Meng Xiaoshan's sister, Meng Xiaoguo, moved here after I went in. She rented a house and came to live there for a few days. Later, when I found out that something was wrong with Lao Tao, I asked the old man and the old lady to find out. Well, Lao Tao treated her as his daughter-in-law, and he was hanging behind his ass all day long. The uncle and aunt apologized several times, and I beat him up hard. Recently, he has become more honest.

Not only Lao Tao, but also Chen Yaowu mistook Meng Xiaoguo for a grape, but why? When he saw the bracelet on Meng Xiaoguo's hand in the small hotel, he seemed to understand. He recognized it, and it was even more impossible for Lao Tao not to recognize it.

The next day Chen Yaowu said goodbye and left, Meng Xiaoguo was watching him from a distance, with a thorn on his back. When he went to the fruit factory, due to the occasional heavy rain, many fruits that could not be protected in time were rotten in the water, and it took several days to pick out a cart of good products. On a rainy night, he received news that Lao Tao had fallen from the rough room No. 807 and died.

The first question Huang Feihong faced was where to bury Lao Tao. Every night, Huang Feihong would pour himself into mud. The time when Lao Tao slipped out is uncertain. After Huang Feihong woke up, it was 7:30. He forgot to charge the electric tricycle. He was wearing a raincoat and went to the dance hall to look for it as usual, but he couldn't find it. The brains and blood were almost washed away by the rain.

The result of the appraisal was that he slipped and fell, and there was nothing else, so he could be taken to the crematorium at one or two o'clock in the afternoon. Huang Feihong said, I can just go by myself, and your car will be paid for a day if you park the car for a day, so don't delay. Chen Yaowu said, it's okay, just half a day. Huang Feihong stood in the rain, raised his head, and watched the blue smoke coming out of the chimney, colliding with the rainwater, scattered and floated up into the sky. It wasn't until someone called Huang Feihong to pick up the ashes that he came back to his senses, went into the house, chose the cheapest urn, and squeezed the bone residue into it with tongs.

Huang Feihong's sparse hair was semi-dry and a little gray. He hugged the urn, waved and smiled at Chen Yaowu, and said, "Okay, this matter will delay your trip back. It's not necessary. You are busy with you." Yes, come back and find me for a drink. When Chen Yaowu was about to get in the car, Huang Feihong said, you really have nothing to say ? Chen Yaowu's heart tightened for a moment, and he said, "My condolences." Huang Feihong said, Lao Tao is dead, you should feel at ease. Chen Yaowu was dumbfounded, speechless. Huang Feihong said, it is true that I have been in prison for several years, but it is not difficult to check the license plate number. I knew it was you who hit Lao Tao. A flash of lightning flashed by, Chen Yaowu's hand holding the umbrella trembled a little, Huang Feihong saw it, and said, don't be nervous, if I want to pursue it, you'll be gone long ago, there's no other meaning, let's go, go back and drink with me Two cups, I have something to tell you.

Huang Feihong got into the car by himself without waiting for Chen Yaowu to speak. The rainwater was slapping on the car window in front of him, Chen Yaowu leaned back on the seat, feeling very stuffy and unable to breathe, Huang Feihong beside him tilted his head, and felt it. This is the second time he took Chen Yaowu's car.

When they got home, Huang Feihong was humming a tune and cooking upside down while Chen Yaowu sat there with his head lowered and his hands in his pockets. Except that Lao Tao had turned into an urn on the case, nothing had changed. Before eating, Huang Feihong said, wait a minute, you can hold an umbrella for me. He carried the urn and went to the yard to dig a hole with a shovel. Chen Yaowu showed him with a flashlight. There were a lot of weeds. Huang Feihong stopped suddenly, took the flashlight and lowered his head to shine in the haystack, saying, good The time for planting is not long, and if you don't plant it, it will go out. Several clusters of wheat seedlings trembled from the rain, very green. After burying the ashes, Huang Feihong took a cup to the courtyard and toasted, and sprinkled it on the ground. He poured wine for himself and Chen Yaowu, was about to touch it, but stopped again, took out a small paper bag from his pocket, pushed it to Chen Yaowu, and drank the wine in one gulp. Chen Yaowu opened the small paper bag, which contained a cigarette butt, half of which was left. Chen Yaowu didn't understand what he meant. Huang Feihong said, "This is the brand drawn by Meng Xiaoshan's sister Meng Xiaoguo. I didn't take it for testing, but it must be her DNA. I just searched for it. There are dozens of them in the ghost town." The cigarette butt, the most important thing is that the one in my hand was found in 807, Lao Tao's blank room. Chen Yaowu's heart was pounding, but nothing showed on his face, he said, what do you mean? Huang Feihong said that it meant that Tao didn't stumble, someone pushed him down. Chen Yaowu said, Meng Xiaoguo? Huang Feihong blushed, smiled bitterly, and said, I know it's her, but I can't report it, she can say that she is doing photography in there, taking pictures every day, smoking a few cigarettes is normal, I am not a policeman now, even if my hand The cigarette butt that she fucked left in 807, and I can't prove that she pushed Lao Tao down, because I used to be corrupt and broke the law. Everyone called over and said, look, this cigarette butt is evidence of the murder, and it's useless because I found it first, Meng Xiaoshan, a bastard, said that I wanted to frame his sister, and I picked up this cigarette butt and threw it away There, it doesn't matter what the motive is or not, saying that I have evil thoughts when I fail to pursue his sister, yes, what a scum I am, the police team gave me such a thing, collecting black money to deceive people, raising chickens to make people dance, Even though he was in prison, he still didn't change his mind. He's the director of the police station, and I'm not even a dick, who the hell can trust me?

Huang Feihong was reeking of alcohol, his whole body was hot, and he tore off his shirt, revealing his bruised body. This was when he tried to prove something to Meng Xiaoshan with the so-called cigarette butt evidence, and was beaten. Chen Yaowu could imagine how much humiliation he had suffered verbally as well as physically. Huang Feihong gritted his teeth and patted the table with a pained expression. His whole body showed a frightening manner. Chen Yaowu helped him to sit down, trying to calm him down . Huang Feihong said, the most fucking thing here is that I was the first to find a cigarette butt thrown in the middle of the pile of rotten cement. Even if this matter is sealed, I can't prove it even if I grind my mouth. , At 7:13 in the morning, Lao Tao fell to his death downstairs, I climbed upstairs, and saw this cigarette butt lying there fucking! You think about it, brother, you think about it, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, who do I talk to? I can't explain it to anyone, who can prove it to me?

Chen Yaowu looked at Huang Feihong like a trapped animal, hitting desperately in the iron cage, the blood dripping made people feel distressed. He said, the biggest question here is, why did Meng Xiaoguo kill Lao Tao? Huang Feihong calmed down for a moment, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and said, this is just two fucking things, they met together. Sometimes I think, me, Lao Tao, and Jiang Dongmai, did the three of us die many years ago? Now there is only one ghost floating around here, who can't hear anyone talking to us, and others can't see us. The question is, don't all these ghosts have obsessions? I don't understand what is the obsession?

He poured wine into his mouth cup by cup, drank the white wine as water, and said, forget it, it's far away, I said it's a fucking thing, what a fucking thing, you might not believe me when I just came back, Lao Tao Dishonest, following Meng Xiaoguo every day, I scolded him, I said, why are you a pervert? Meng Xiaoguo gave me a scolding, saying he was optimistic about this idiot, and when I got home, I beat Lao Tao violently, and Lao Tao screamed after being beaten, but do you know what he said? He said that there are dead people in the camera, broken, broken.

Chen Yaowu shook his hand holding the wine glass. Huang Feihong said, I didn't take it seriously at the time, until I heard about the serial mutilation case, I understood everything, and it was too late, a woman killed someone, broke into pieces, and took pictures herself, I didn't know that Lao Tao How did I see these photos? I don't know whether to delete them now. I only know that a fool can't say a word. There is no hope of identifying the murderer. Who will believe it? Fuck it, and now the idiot is dead too.

Chen Yaowu stayed there for a long time, blinking his eyes, opening and closing his lips, and finally said, I'm sorry for Lao Tao. Huang Feihong smiled and knocked him into a fool? Let me be honest, Lao Tao and I are not close or related, and the policeman has no obligation or responsibility to help him investigate this matter. What's more, after I went in, I understood a truth, people are not all so vicious Yes, the old pottery has been scrapped, and I'll scrap another one? I asked you to drink that day, just to see if it was necessary for me to let you go. To be honest, you are not bad, you are no different from me, from Lao Tao, just like ordinary people.

Chen Yaowu said, what are your plans now? Huang Feihong looked into Chen Yaowu's eyes and said, I have no face to meet my old classmate. I made a phone call and asked him about the case. He said that the most important corpses in this case were all found in no man's land. Wolves are everywhere, this kind of random murder, you have to ask for clues, it is equal to zero, and it belongs to the life of ten or twenty years piled up in the archives room.

Huang Feihong stood up and looked into the yard. It was still raining, it was pitch black, and there was no future. Huang Feihong said, I can be sure that Meng Xiaoguo did it, but any legal means to report her is useless, there is no evidence at all, if Lao Tao is not dead, I might really have to pretend nothing happened, let him go. Huang Feihong lit a cigarette for himself, let out a long breath, exhaled a smoke ring, and said, but Lao Tao is dead.

Chen Yaowu's hand holding the wine bottle was shaking, he could only wait. Huang Feihong walked into the back room, put on his coat, and took out two pairs of leather shoes. He could see that they were old, but they were all clean. He smiled and asked Chen Yaowu, which pair looks better? Chen Yaowu felt hairy in his heart, he casually pointed to the pair on the left, Huang Feihong said, right, I also think this one is handsome. Chen Yaowu said, what are you going to do? Huang Feihong took out an electric baton from the drawer, pressed it once, made a crackling sound, and said, kill this forced child. He stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, washed his face, his body was hunched, with an expression of death, like an old man on the verge of death. If Chen Yaowu is just watching a movie, he must be a good audience who is willing to cry for Huang Feihong. He will think that a good character who is compassionate and flawed, but will inevitably move people. A friend, perhaps also a person who is willing to die for a little justice, when he is ready to go out, every audience expects him to succeed and the story ends. But Chen Yaowu is not, he is a person in the story, and he cannot jump out of this vortex. Although he knew that if Huang Feihong killed Meng Xiaoguo, Putao's death might never be revealed, and his secret would become a real secret forever, but at this moment, he had no choice but a desperate force To tear him apart and drive him away, Chen Yaowu put his hands in his pockets, touched the phone, trembling, picked up the electric baton on the table, and walked slowly behind Huang Feihong. Huang Feihong lowered his head and was still carefully washing the face. Every wrinkle. The moment the electric baton was about to touch Huang Feihong's waist, Chen Yaowu looked at himself in the mirror and felt that he had completely become a demon. He frightened and turned off the light, and the maximum power electric shock knocked Huang Feihong to the ground. Behind him, leaning against the wall, tightening Huang Feihong's neck, Huang Feihong struggled, fear, questioning, grief, indignation, and disbelief mixed into a vague voice in his throat, completely aphasic, and fell into death every second. In the darkness, tears flowed down Chen Yaowu's cheeks. While using all his strength to kill Huang Feihong in his arms, he cried in a low voice and said hoarsely, brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Until Huang Feihong's feet gradually softened, the pair of leather shoes slipped off his feet, and the dim light in the living room reflected the luster of black shoe polish. Chen Yaowu felt that all the strength in his body had been exhausted, and he lay there limp, exhaling the moisture in his soul. There was a little light in the darkness, his mobile phone slipped from his trouser pocket, and he was talking on the screen. The call time was two hours and thirteen minutes, and his name was only one word, Guo.

Chen Yaowu avoided the news of Lao Tao's death, and it was Meng Xiaoguo who asked him to come back. When Huang Feihong took out the cigarette butt evidence to insist on Meng Xiaoguo and became a trouble, his life had already entered the countdown. When Chen Yaowu stepped into Huang Feihong's house, he had already called Meng Xiaoguo. His secret was in Meng Xiaoguo's hands. If he wanted to survive, he had no choice.

Facing Huang Feihong's body that was still warm, Chen Yaowu wept uncontrollably until the door was pushed open, and Meng Xiaoguo stood in front of him with an umbrella and a camera. Her face was tired, but her smile remained the same, except for some turbulent expressions on the surface. calm. She heard all their secrets, Meng Xiaoguo said, the driver who caused the accident was you, and Lao Huang is a good man. Chen Yaowu looked out the window, the rain had stopped, and the window reflected dim moonlight, Chen Yaowu asked himself, Lao Huang forgave me, who should I forgive?

Meng Xiaoguo turned on the light and said, let me take a picture for you. Chen Yaowu looked up at her, her face was blocked by the overhead lights, turning into a shadow, holding the camera in his hand, Chen Yaowu said, please, don't take pictures. Meng Xiaoguo corrected him and said, don't move, the last photo is a group photo.

At the last click of the shutter, Meng Xiaoguo put the camera into the bag, helped Chen Yaowu up, hugged him, and rested his face on his shoulder. Chen Yaowu couldn't feel any warmth, and suddenly there was a strange feeling in his heart. When Meng Xiaoguo was pushed away, , a sharpened screwdriver had been inserted into his shoulder, originally stabbing his neck. Chen Yaowu pulled out the screwdriver, threw her down like a beast, pushed Meng Xiaoguo to the ground, and roared, why do you still want to kill me! Why do you still want to kill me! Meng Xiaoguo had little resistance. Facing the screwdriver close to the tip of her nose, which was about to come down at any time, she had no fear, and said in a soft female voice, I am pregnant, your child. The moment Chen Yaowu was stunned, Meng Xiaoguo grabbed the screwdriver and stabbed him twice in the chest. Chen Yaowu's chest was splashed with blood, and he staggered back. In a panic, he grabbed his camera bag and fled. He ran across the yard, stepping on the freshly drawn wheat sprouts under his feet. He heard Meng Xiaoguo's crazy laugh from behind him.

The town sleeps forever, the mist hits the face, dissipates in the drizzle, and the stagnation becomes a surging silence. Blood was flowing, Chen Yaowu grabbed his camera bag tightly, and fell on the road, on the street with low north and high south, trying not to let himself roll off . He didn't repent until he died, just for himself to survive, but the desire to survive may not be omnipotent. The surrounding houses are empty, there is no sound, silent and cold, standing still. Chen Yaowu looked at a beam of car lights shining on the empty intersection, beside his semi-trailer, it was a police car. Chen Yaowu's eyes were getting darker and darker. He stretched out his hand to wave to the police car. The car drove slowly, and only one police officer got off. He saw the face clearly, it was Meng Xiaoshan.

Chen Yaowu was speechless, Meng Xiaoshan lowered his head, pulled the camera bag from his hand, and sat there silently, Meng Xiaoguo's voice sounded from the other end, brother, don't cry.

Chen Yaowu blinked, it was very dark, he saw a stray cat standing on tiptoes on the roof beside him, its back like a ridge, its eyes shining green, watching them, then turned and jumped away like the wind. Chen Yaowu closed his eyes, his eyelids were trembling, and his lips were trembling slightly. He should have heard two sounds, "meow" and "meow".

Where the grapes are buried is an eternal secret.
