The strangest fishing law enforcement: the heart of snakes and scorpions

a car was parked in a hidden corner of Boynton Beach , USA.

A man and a woman in the car looked serious.

the woman in the co-pilot appeared here was because she wanted to kill her husband.

And sitting in the driver's seat is a killer.

the plot was about to end, the man looked at the woman coldly and asked extremely calmly:

" Are you sure you want to kill your husband? Are you sure?"

" I'm sure, 5000% sure."

After getting an affirmative answer, the man closed the car window expressionlessly and walked away.

After leaving, he walked straight into the local police station, picked up a cup from a certain station, and poured himself a cup of coffee...

( 1) Murder

The man 's name is Weddy .

Three days ago, he took a " job" with a generous commission.

" Are you the killer?"

" Yes."

" I want to kill my husband, the sooner the better."

It was his employer, a young woman who lived in Boynton Beach, who called Weddy that night , speaking with urgency.

In order not to cause trouble for himself, Wei Di did not say too much on the phone, but agreed to meet in a parking lot in a few days, and then finalize the details of the action.

On the day of the meeting, Widdy came to the parking lot as agreed.

On the way here, Wei Di was wondering all the time, how much hatred did this female employer have with her husband, that she would be so anxious to kill someone?

Just when Wei Di was thinking carefully, the passenger's door suddenly opened!

Widdy saw a sexy woman with a ponytail sitting sideways in the car, with an indescribable " excitement" in her big beautiful eyes.

She is Widdy 's employer , Dalia Dippolito .

After the two simply greeted each other, they quickly got to the point.

The husband of the woman in front of him is named Michael ( Michael Dippolito ), a 40-year-old white male, tall and handsome.

The couple have been married for half a year and live in the most expensive " sea view villa" in Boynton. Wei Di knows the location, which is a proper rich area.

After getting to know the target person, the two began to chat about the details of the specific actions.

" What time does Michael usually leave the house?"

" He would go out for a walk with the dog every morning between 6:30 and 7."

" Is there a security system at the entrance of the villa?"

" Yes, there are motion sensors and monitoring installed at home, but they are all security systems of small companies, and they will not directly call the police."


to Weedy 's question, and she was obviously well prepared.

It didn't take long for them to finalize all the procedures for this operation:

When it was 6 a.m. on the day of the operation, Dalia needed to go out to exercise as usual, and had to open the front door of the villa " smoothly".

Afterwards, Widi , who was hiding nearby, immediately started to act.

He wanted to quietly enter the villa through the front door, go up to the bedroom on the second floor to find Michael who was sleeping soundly, and shoot and kill him.

At the same time, Wei Di had to disguise the scene after the murder, so as to give the police the illusion of " robbing the house and shooting to kill him"...

At the end of the conversation, there was only one question left—time to act.

Da: " When do you want to do it?"

Wei: " That's up to you."

Da: " As soon as possible, preferably this week."

Wei: " Today and tomorrow will definitely not work, but next Wednesday ( August 5th) will it be okay?

Da: " Yes! No problem."

Dalia was very satisfied with this time, and handed over the $1,200 advance payment in the bag to Wei Di.

But at this moment, Wei Di felt chills on his back .

Because the beautiful woman in front of him was casual and relaxed in the conversation, she fiddled with her long hair from time to time, and there was no trace of pity on her smiling face, as if she ordered a " cheese sandwich".

If an outsider saw this scene, they would never guess that she was talking about a terrifying murder topic.

The plan was made, the money was collected, and Wei Di was about to drive away.

But just before leaving, he paused, turned his head and looked coldly at Dalia outside the car window, and confirmed to her for the last time.

" Are you really going to kill your husband? Are you sure?"

" I'm sure, 5000% sure."

After getting an affirmative answer, Wei Di closed the car window expressionlessly, hit the accelerator and walked away.

Since then, the two parted ways and waited for the gunshot.

( 2) beauty

So why did Dalia hire a murderer?

Dalia was born in New York in 1982.

Due to her parents' mixed-race genes, Dalia has been a " beauty" since she was a child. After graduating from college, Dalia became a real estate agent in Boynton Beach .

This is a world-famous resort with expensive housing prices, so almost all of Dalia's customers are wealthy, and they don't even bat an eye when they buy a million-dollar townhouse.

Seeing too much spending by the rich, Dalia gradually became impetuous, why can't she live such a luxurious life?

In order to achieve this goal, " compensated dating women " has become her new sideline.

" tricks" she learned when she was a real estate agent , Dalia quickly gained a lot of lovers .

Michael, who was later to be murdered, was one of them.

( 3) meet

In August 2008, Dalia and Michael met.

Before coming to the luxurious room, Dalia had a rough idea of Michael's worth from the middleman.

This " customer" not only runs an Internet marketing company, but also owns many properties in Boynton, and he is rich and handsome.

But it's nothing more than being married.

Dalia knew that her chance had finally come.

A few hours later, well-groomed, she rang the doorbell of fate.

That night, Dalia made Michael fall in love with her quickly by virtue of her beauty and seductive love words, and it was an overnight love affair.

months after the two met , Michael divorced his wife without any regrets.

Just 5 days later, he and Dalia got married again.

The speed of the divorce and remarriage left everyone dumbfounded.

But no matter what the outside world thinks, Dalia and Michael lived a happy and fulfilling married life. Michael can be called an " excellent husband" and he is obedient to Dalia.

Similarly, Dalia is also a good wife. She takes care of Michael's daily life every day, accompanies him to exercise and go on vacation, and is the envy of others.

Just imagine a woman who knows what to do, is it really because of love that you find a rich man?

The answer couldn't be more obvious.

It's just that when a beautiful woman is present, many men will think that their own charm has attracted the other party, and they will fall into the arms of this new love without hesitation.

less than half a year of marriage, Michael not only spent $200,000 on plastic surgery for his beautiful wife, but even transferred the ownership of the big villa on the edge of Boynton Beach to her name.

So far, Michael has never doubted Dalia's intentions in marrying him, and only thinks it is " because of love".

But from the moment Dalia came into contact with Michael, all she saw was Michael's money.

For example, the cost of plastic surgery.

When the relationship between the two became stronger, Dalia proposed the idea of plastic surgery. After all, plastic surgery is also to make you more face.

Of course Michael agreed without saying a word, and he called Dalia without saying a word for the plastic surgery fee of up to 200,000 US dollars.

But actually?

Dalia only spent 100,000 of it, and the remaining 100,000 went into her own account.

In order not to be discovered by Michael that she was greedy for plastic surgery fees, Dalia deliberately contacted her ex-boyfriend Mike and asked him to pretend to be a plastic surgery doctor and issue some medical bills that had been photoshopped, so as to get away with it.

Contacting her ex-boyfriend to plot against her current husband, Dalia is a habit of playing with men in her hands.

As for the seaside villa that was transferred to Dalia, it was a big trap.

Michael is not a serious person, because he was arrested in 2002 for participating in financial fraud, he was sentenced to 2 years in prison and 28 years of probation.

After serving 2 years in prison, Michael has been on probation, and Michael's every move is under the surveillance of the police.

Although he has become a successful person by virtue of his flexible thinking and business operation ability, he can remit money to the families of the victims on a monthly basis and even set up an Internet marketing company.

However, under the surveillance of the police, Michael's business was still greatly restricted, so in the past two years, he has been trying to find a way to end the suspension early.

As a partner, Dalia naturally understands the limitations caused by Michael's identity, and knows Michael's needs even more.

After getting married, Dalia claimed that she helped to contact a lawyer who could find a way to get Michael to end his probation early, but he needed to transfer the most valuable seaside villa under his name to his wife in order to preserve his property first.

That's right, the lawyer is still her ex-boyfriend, Mike.

Facing the good news brought by his little wife, Michael blindly believed it.

The next day, he went through the transfer procedures without hesitation.

At this time, Dalia, Kari is rich and has a house under her name.

But she is still not satisfied, her desire keeps expanding like a balloon, she wants more.

So, she decided to kill Michael, because only in this way can she own all of Michael's property without any difficulty.

" Mike, I want to kill my husband."

Dalia, as usual, went to her ex-boyfriend to discuss countermeasures.

What she never expected was that Mike refused.

Obviously, this shrewd ex-boyfriend only wanted to make money and didn't want to kill him. After all, the two teamed up a few times before it was at most a fraud, and it was completely different from murder.

After Dalia coaxed left and right to no avail, she quickly turned her attention to her ex- boyfriend.

The man's name was Muhammad, a Boynton local vagrant.

When Dalia called him, he was very surprised. Why did his ex-girlfriend who hadn't contacted him for a long time suddenly call?

" Honey, I was abused by Michael, I'm having a hard time, you have to help me!"

Dalia was crying bitterly on the phone. She knew that tears could arouse a man's empathy and make him use her quickly.

" Dalia, calm down first." Muhammad said a few words of comfort.

Seeing that he had the desire to continue talking, Dalia cried louder and began to tell her tragic experience.

She then stated the main purpose of the call.

" Muhammad, can you kill him for me? I want him dead!"

Facing the woman he once loved deeply, Muhammad thought for a moment, and then nodded in agreement!

" I'll help you find a killer, wait for my call."

Thus, there was the scene where the killer and Dalia discussed countermeasures...

Time passed by, and the agreed " Wednesday" had arrived, and Dalia went out before dawn, with light steps.

Before leaving, she left the front door open as agreed.

The killer, Wei Di, has been waiting in a car in the corner for a long time.

( 4) Acting

Wednesday, August 5, 2009.

Dalia, who went out before dawn, was running in the gym at the moment, with her mobile phone in the locker.

Around 8 a.m., her cell phone rang.

Dalia answered the phone as expected, and the caller was a local policeman, who was quickly explaining the situation to her.

" Ma'am, something happened to your house."

" Please return to your residence immediately, please as soon as possible."

The gym is only 2 kilometers away from the villa. About five or six minutes later, Dalia drove back.

" Is Michael your husband?"

" Yes." Dalia trembled her hands and looked at a loss.

" Unfortunately, he was killed," the officer announced in a regretful tone.

As soon as the words fell, Dalia immediately began to cry bitterly, and the tears flowed drop by drop, almost unable to stand still in pain.

" Is he in there?" Dalia asked with a choked voice as she glanced in the direction of the villa.

" Yes." The officer replied.

" Let me see him, please." Dalia begged through tears.

" Not now, ma'am, the scene needs protection. Your cooperation will allow us to catch the murderer earlier." Although the police officer sympathized with Dalia, he firmly refused her.

Dahlia was then taken to the car by the police, but she kept asking to go to the scene to see her husband's remains.

There was no other reason, Dalia just wanted to confirm the circumstances of Michael's death and the scene of the killer's disguise, so as to avoid leaving any clues that could involve her .

But no matter how much she begged, the policeman just shook his head helplessly.

Up to this moment, Dalia has vividly interpreted a tragic wife who lost her husband.

But after a few minutes, she started to give away.

( 5) Interrogation

Boynton Police Department interrogation room.

Dalia sat across from an old detective, weeping.

" They won't let me see my husband! Why won't they let me go!"

At the very beginning of the interrogation, Dalia was very agitated, accusing the police of not allowing her to see her husband's body.

After the old detective persuaded her well, she gradually calmed down.

But what was unexpected was that Dalia seemed to be " too calm " afterward.

" Daria, who do you think will kill your husband?"

Seeing that Dalia's mood gradually calmed down, the old detective tried to ask questions.

" There are many, and Michael is coming off probation soon, which is particularly noticeable among his friends."

Dahlia took a deep breath and dropped a bombshell at the old detective —Michael wanted to end his probation.

Obviously, this caught the attention of the old detective.

" What does that mean?"

The old detective straightened himself up on the chair, and continued to ask her seriously.

" A lot of people don't want Michael to end his probation, especially his fellow scammers with whom Michael has financial entanglements."

Dalia replied calmly, bringing up another key topic by the way.

" What's the matter?" the old detective asked patiently.

" When they participated in the fraud together, they defrauded 191,000 US dollars, Michael was arrested, many of his accomplices escaped, and even went abroad, so Michael used the money to bail himself out, and these people later returned to the United States, Start asking Michael for the money."

At this time, Dalia spoke without the slightest pause or hesitation, and could even accurately calculate the arrears of 191,000 to thousands.

However, the old detective didn't pay attention to these details, and continued to ask the woman opposite, " These do you know these people?"

" I don't know most of them, but I met one a few days ago, and I have an impression of him." Dalia said softly.

" Okay, we can investigate."

Receiving this response from the old detective, Dalia's mood was obviously more relaxed.

You must know that Michael's status as a " probationer" and those unclear financial entanglements before are enough to make the police think that he was killed because of his unbearable past.

The focus of the investigation naturally became Michael's social circle.

It has to be said that the shrewd Dalia successfully used " causing misfortune to the east " during the interrogation to remove her suspicion.

Everyone inside and outside the interrogation room, except Dalia, found something wrong with her conversation.

Dalia was calm and rational, without the slightest emotion involved. This is the behavior that a wife who has just lost her husband should behave.

Having just been married for six months, she didn't care about exposing her husband's personal problems at all, and she didn't urge the police to solve the case as soon as possible. Instead, she acted like a rational policeman and analyzed the suspect in a logical manner.

From the beginning to the end of this dialogue, the logic is rigorous and step by step.

However, just as Dalia was complacent, the old detective on the opposite side suddenly stood up and snapped his fingers outward.

" Daria, I won't play around with you anymore."

As soon as the words fell, a " big gift" that Dalia didn't expect suddenly appeared...

( 6) Designation

The killer, Wei Di, was brought into the interrogation room.

shoved in by a policeman , his hands in handcuffs and his head downcast.

Dalia was shocked by the appearance of Wei Di.

She glanced lightly at Weddy and didn't look up again, sitting motionless in the corner.

But soon, Dalia regained her composure.

" Do you know him?"

" I don't know."

" Have you never seen him?"

" Never seen, never seen."

The old detective asked a quick question, and Dalia answered without hesitation, trying to separate herself from the killer.

Afterwards, the old detective quickly turned his head to interrogate Wei Di, who had kept his head down, " Do you know her?"

Wei Di nodded lightly.

After seeing Widi nodding, the old detective turned to Dalia and said formally:

" Okay, Dalia, you are now officially under arrest for abetting homicide and first-degree murder."

Dalia froze.

Widdy betrayed himself?

Why didn't the police listen to their own explanations at all, and only listened to the words of a killer with many crimes?

She looked at the old detective in disbelief, and kept muttering, " I didn't do anything, why are you arresting me!"

( 7) Resurrection

Dalia wiped her face vigorously with her hands, trying to calm herself down immediately.

But the old detective snapped his fingers again, and a policeman walked in, still holding a pair of handcuffs, and snapped Dalia on .

" I didn't do anything..."

whose hands were handcuffed behind her back , was still defending myself.

Dalia in the corner suddenly exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the door of the interrogation room.

A tall and familiar figure appeared in front of her, only three or four meters away from her.

This person turned out to be the " dead" Michael!

He stood unharmed at the door of the interrogation room, his eyes were full of indifference and resentment, and he no longer had the love and pity he had for himself in the past.

Dalia couldn't believe her eyes at all, and was too shocked to speak.

But within a few seconds, she suddenly changed her face again, and began to call out to Michael helplessly in a soft crying voice .

" Honey, honey, come to me."

Standing at the door, Michael folded his arms and said a word indifferently.

" No, Dalia, I can't save you this time."

( 8) Reversal

" Daria, we recorded all those conversations you had in the car a few days ago."

Hearing this, Dalia paused.

" And that killer is actually our undercover agent."

That's right, Wei Di's real identity is a policeman in the local police station.

Widdy's main task this time is to play the role of a killer and confirm whether Dalia really has murderous intentions.

Obviously, Dalia did not pass this test.

At this moment, Dalia, who learned the truth, could no longer hold back.

But how did the police know that Dalia wanted to kill?

It all started with her ex- boyfriend Muhammad ( the one who helped contact the killer later).

After Muhammad hung up on Dalia's phone that night, all he could think about was getting rid of the relationship. If he really helped this ex-girlfriend this time, then he would be her accomplice. If he was caught, he would be jailed Certainly cannot be avoided.

After thinking about it, he called the police, saying that his friend Dalia might want to kill someone.

Just imagine, what kind of reaction will the police generally have after receiving this news?

Bring Dalia back to the police station immediately? Or notify Michael who is in danger?

Actually, neither.

Instead of calling the police quickly, the Boynton Police Department held a small meeting internally.

The lights of the Boynton Police Department were on all night.

In the conference room, the old detective sat among many policemen, closely deploying this special secret operation.

" First, we need Muhammad to tell Dalia that he has found the killer."

" This killer mission is carried out by Wei Di."

" After Widi made an appointment with Dalia, we will start the follow-up action..."

As a result, Widi turned from a policeman into a killer overnight, and got in touch with his " employer" through Muhammad.

From this moment on, a well-designed " game" has been set up for Dalia.

( 9) transfer

Originally, the police believed that they had sufficient time to prepare for the operation.

But she never expected that Dalia would be so impatient, and she quickly contacted Widi the night she received Muhammad's reply.

So there was the phone call at the beginning of the article.

However, to Dalia's surprise, her secret conversation with Weedy had long been recorded by the pinhole camera in the rear seat.

" Are you really going to kill your husband? Are you sure?" Weedy confirmed to Dalia one last time.

" I'm sure, 5000% sure."

It was this sentence that allowed the police to clarify Dalia's murderous intent.

Since the fish insisted on swimming into the net, the police followed suit and " fulfilled" Dalia who was plotting evil.

August 5th, the day promised to murder.

At around 6:00 in the morning, Dalia went out to go to the gym, and the police woke up the sleeping Michael.

Michael opened the door sleepily, looked at the anxious policeman outside the door, and was stunned.

Faced with the sudden visit of the police, Michael was very nervous. After all, his status as a " probationer" was extremely embarrassing and sensitive.

Just when Michael was extremely disturbed, the old detective who took the lead spoke first.

" Michael, first let me tell you that you did not break the law."

" It was your wife who wanted to kill you, now you have to go back to the police station with us."

Hearing this, Michael was extremely shocked. He was so frightened that his legs became weak and he collapsed to the ground. When he was helped up by the police, he was already incoherent.

He looked at the policeman in front of him blankly and suspiciously, " What the hell happened? This is so weird!"

Subsequently, the old detective took Michael back to the police station.

The rest of the police began to disguise the scene of the crime, cordoned off the outside of the villa, and at the same time called Dalia who had gone out for " fitness" a long time ago...

( 10) Truth

In the interrogation room here, Michael was shocked when he learned the truth.

He's been taking deep breaths to keep himself calm.

" Michael, have you noticed Dalia's anomaly recently?"

Faced with the old detective's questioning, Michael sighed helplessly, and began to talk about his " sweet" marriage.

" Actually, I already felt something was wrong with Dalia."

It turned out that since he married Dahlia, Michael has always been targeted by the police from time to time.

On March 12 of this year, just one month after they got married, Michael was suddenly approached by the police, who reported anonymously that he was making drugs at home.

Michael felt baffled, he had already returned to the right path, and he avoided drugs even more.

How can it be possible to make drugs at home?

Constrained by his status as a probationer, Michael must be searched by the police at any time.

He confidently opened the door of the villa and let the police search at will.

As expected, the police found nothing.

When the police left, Michael breathed a sigh of relief, but Dalia's face was not so pretty.

He didn't care at the time, thinking it was just an oolong.

Unexpectedly, a week later, on March 19, the police suddenly found Michael and stopped his car.

At this time the couple are preparing to go to the famous Palm Beach vacation.

Michael was searched for the same reason as before, someone anonymously reported him hiding drugs in the car.

The figure is not afraid of the shadow crooked, this time the police still returned empty-handed.

Watching the police car leave, Michael began to feel uneasy. He understood that someone was stalking him behind his back.

There was a first time, a second time, and maybe a third time.

Sure enough, as Michael expected, one day in early April, he was reported again.

This time it was in a high-end restaurant. Michael was having dinner with Dalia. A group of policemen suddenly came to his table, claiming to have received an anonymous report that there were drugs hidden in his car.

But Michael today was not so " lucky".

The police found a small package of cocaine in the gas tank gap of his car.

Seeing this, Michael immediately shouted for injustice.

But what is unexpected is that the police let Michael go for the first time and believed his words.

The officer later testified in court that Michael was not arrested at the time for two reasons.

a small package of cocaine , which is not enough for trafficking.

The second is that the location where the drug is hidden is at the mouth of the fuel tank. Although it is very secretive, it is somewhat unreasonable based on his experience.

In addition, Michael's expression was very sincere when he defended himself, and he didn't seem to be lying, so he was released.

" However, it's very strange that his wife Dahlia has nothing to do with him."

I have to say that the policeman's sensitivity is really amazing.

The person who reported Michael three times in a row in a month was the newly married Dalia.

She knew that Michael was on probation, and if he made another mistake, he would face long-term imprisonment, and the property naturally became hers.

" poisoning" Michael several times .

The reason why the police failed to find drugs in the previous two times was because Dalia hid the drugs so well that the police failed to find them.

For the third time, although Michael was investigated, he was lucky enough to escape.

The continuous reporting failures made Dalia extremely impatient.

Since the plan to put Michael in prison again doesn't work, it's better to kill him directly.

Therefore, " hire a murderer" has become her new plan.

On the evening of August 5, 2009, Dalia was formally arrested and charged with abetting homicide and first-degree murder.

Do you think Dalia will let it go and start a new life?

Never underestimate her.

( 11) Judgment

The trial of Dalia lasted three times and lasted eight years.

trial scene was full of gunpowder, and the prosecution and the defense were " talking about each other", and there was even a rare scene where the jury was tied 3-3.

In 2010, the first trial.

" It's just a slightly overdone reality show, it's not a big deal, she didn't intend to kill Michael at all."

At the very beginning of the trial, Dalia's lawyer made an astonishing point.

reality show?

What does this have to do with reality TV?

It turned out that since the video of the hired murderer was ironclad evidence, Dalia's lawyer decided to take a slant and turn it into a " pseudo-criminal reality show."

And the instigator of this reality show is Michael.

Dalia's lawyer told the court, " It was Michael who proposed to record this reality show because he wanted to make it famous."

As a wife, Dalia only participated in the performance according to Michael's request. It would be ridiculous to be imprisoned for this.

This rebuttal sounds absurd, but it is not completely out of thin air.

" COPS" is a program with high ratings in the United States. It has been broadcast for 33 seasons. It mainly records the whole process of police law enforcement and case handling.

When the incident occurred on August 15th, the " COPS" program team was cooperating with Boynton police to film, so the incident was fully documented.

Dalia's lawyer pinpointed this point and wanted to put all the responsibility on Michael.

Immediately afterwards, he made full use of the " victim guilt theory" and talked about Michael's criminal record.

There is only one purpose in doing this: to lower the jury's good impression of Michael and tell everyone that he is an out-and-out liar.

What about Dalia at this time?

Sitting on the judgment seat with an innocent face, his big eyes are filled with tears of grievance at any time, so pitiful.

Others might fall for it, but Michael never again.

Michael on the witness stand now has the " outstanding demeanor" of a fraudster back then, with shrewdness and reason in his eyes.

In the face of aggressive opposing lawyers, he performed with ease.

" You look like a parrot when you bring up old things." Michael shrugged easily, causing the audience to burst into laughter.

Obviously, the point of view raised by Lawyer Dalia is totally untenable .

Because they couldn't produce any evidence to prove that Michael was related to the reality show, and there were no contracts, scripts, transaction records, etc. for recording the reality show.

If one plan fails, another plan will be born.

Dalia's lawyer turned to play the " family card" and invited Dalia's whole family to the court, praising Dalia's excellence and difficulty, " She is my good sister and has been helping others as much as she can. I don't know what to do without her," Dalia's sister, a sweet-looking 16-year-old, said on the witness stand.

She stated affectionately about the beautiful past between herself and her sister Dalia, and at the end, she started to choke up with pear blossoms and rain.

Dalia was wearing a prison uniform, and she was also in tears at this time, cooperating with her sister to stage " Sisters Love".

Looking at this scene, all the jury members moistened their eyes and looked at the poor pair of sisters with sympathy.

Seeing that the situation took a turn for the worse, Michael immediately became serious and stepped forward to turn the tide.

" When I married her, I also thought she was a good person and we would be very happy."

" Everything that Dalia did later made me feel like a fool. Yes, I was a fraudster and was sentenced to 30 years. But all this time, I have been working hard to pay back the money, and I plan to end my probation period as soon as possible, go to To visit my father in a different place."

"The biggest difference between me and Dalia is that I have taken the blame, but she has harmed everyone, but she still refuses to plead guilty."

Michael talked eloquently, the expression on his face couldn't be more sincere, and his eyes were moist at the end.

Not far away, Dalia had long since lost the tenderness she had a few minutes ago, staring at McMichael with gloomy eyes.

At the end of the first trial, Dalia was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

But shortly after the verdict was pronounced, Dalia appealed to " reverse the verdict."

January 2016, second trial.

This time, Dalia hired a stronger lawyer, Claypool .

Claypool was smart enough to take the blame off Michael and instead target the Boynton Beach Police Department, which was in charge of the case.

He declared in court that if the police hadn't " falsified to induce a crime", such an outstanding young woman as Dalia would never have sat in court.

Because it involved " illegal handling of the case by the police," the case ignited social media instantly after it was exposed, and the degree of discussion skyrocketed, with frequent topics.

Seeing this, Claypool took advantage of the situation and publicly interviewed reporters several times, claiming that he must seek justice for Dalia.

" We are fighting with the whole world. We want to tell people through this case that law enforcement officers must abide by the rules and protect the people!"

" victim" of being phished by the police for law enforcement , and her support soared overnight.

Because it involved " illegal handling of the case by the police," the case ignited social media instantly after it was exposed, and the degree of discussion skyrocketed, with frequent topics.

Seeing this, Claypool took advantage of the situation and publicly interviewed reporters several times, claiming that he must seek justice for Dalia.

" We are fighting with the whole world. We want to tell people through this case that law enforcement officers must abide by the rules and protect the people!"

" victim" of being phished by the police for law enforcement , and her support soared overnight.

Maybe it was too impatient, maybe it was affected by the surveillance video, Dalia was obviously " in a hurry" in the second half of the interrogation.

When the old detective asked about the suspicious person, Dalia's calmness made people angry.

Perhaps because of this, the old detective no longer wanted to continue talking with this terrifying woman, and directly ordered the arrest.

Although sentenced to 16 years in prison, Dalia is by no means a person waiting to die.

After the first trial was overturned, Dalia was placed under house arrest in her mother's home, during which time she not only found another boyfriend, but also became pregnant and had a child.

Everyone is guessing that she is trying to escape imprisonment in this way.

2. Demagogy

Many people will wonder, Michael is obviously a shrewd fraudster, why did he lose his sanity when he met Dalia ?

In fact, we can see Dalia's " way to control her husband" through a phone call.

After Dalia was arrested, she had the right to make a phone call to the outside world.

Just when everyone thought that this cruel woman was going to contact the lawyer immediately, something unexpected happened.

Dalia actually called Michael.

The police present were all shocked. This was the first time they saw the murderer arrested and asked to call the victim.

I briefly recorded the content of this call, which can be roughly divided into four stages.

Stage 1 : Denying the Facts

Da: " Michael, what they say is not true. Come here and I'll explain it to you."

Mai: " I have seen those videos and recordings. Iron evidence, what else can I say?"

Da: " Yes, I read it too, but don't believe it, it's not true."

Mai: " Dahlia, I can't help you right now anyway."

Phase Two: Gain Sympathy

Da: " Please Michael, I need a lawyer right now, you have to help me."

Mai: " I have already contacted your family members, your brother and mother will help you solve it, and now we all know that you are in prison."

Da: " Michael, you know me better than anyone. I've been so good to you."

Mai: " Then what do I see and hear?"

Stage Three: Emotional Aggression

Da: " I treat you so well, why do you treat me like this?"

Mai: " I heard your voice and saw you in the video!"

Da: " Michael, how can you believe this stuff?"

Mai: " Then why are you going to meet that killer?"

Da: " That's not true, come to me and I'll explain it to you."

Phase Four: Returning to the Underdog

Da: " Please Michael, can you come to my place?"

Mai: " Okay, Dalia, stop explaining."

Da: " I am with you every day, every time you need me, I will appear immediately, every time!"


From the above dialogue, we can find that Dalia is tactical when communicating with Michael.

To sum it up: play hard and soft.

First, he firmly denies the facts, so firmly that the other party doubts his own cognition, and then uses all kinds of sweet details in life to win sympathy and remind the other party of his goodness.

Seeing that Michael didn't take the bait, Dalia quickly switched tactics again, asking Michael sharply why he didn't trust her and why he was so cruel, and then returned to the underdog posture, revisiting the beautiful moments of the past again.

I have to say that if Dalia's behavior did not involve " human life", if it was just a small quarrel on weekdays, Michael might have lost in the first round.

Dalia's behavior reminds me of one word: mental abuse.

Why did Michael fall in love with Dalia at first sight and indulge in every possible way?

Why do ex-boyfriends obsess over Dalia and respond to every request?

In addition to her outstanding beauty, Dalia has a purpose in every gesture. She knows how to use words and actions to control the " heart" and " spirit ". her cash machine.

Fortunately, Muhammad is a relatively righteous ex-boyfriend, and Michael quickly sobered up, not letting this femme fatale get away easily.

2. Police " Fishing Law Enforcement"

In addition to the high-profile protagonist Dalia in this case, the Boynton Police Department has also been pushed to the forefront.

" Did the police involved in the case prevent Dalia from committing a crime, or did she help her commit a crime?"

This is the most discussed topic after the case was exposed.

" killer" for Dalia , arranged the " scene", and guided her step by step to the predetermined ending.

Let's imagine that if the police station was not involved in the murder, there are only two possible outcomes: first, Dahlia did not use her words, eliminating the intention to kill; second, Dahlia found the real killer herself and killed Michael.

But judging from Dalia's various " little moves" before, the latter is more likely.

Remember the conversation between Killer Widdie and Dalia when he got off the car?

" Are you really going to kill your husband? Are you sure?"

" I'm sure, 5000% sure."

So in my opinion, the judge's point of view in the third trial can be accepted.

" If I had to nitpick, the Boynton Police Department did have irregularities in this case, but it's undeniable that they saved a life."

If the ex -boyfriend Mohammed hadn't called the police, and if the Boynton Police Department had ignored it, then the " idiot" Michael would have died in the villa long ago.

In this big game, there is no winner.