Chapter 591: Shocking the World—

[Muu: This guy, did he plan to use Summoning beast to use illusion from the beginning?]

[Onoki: I hope Second Mizukage can play a little better, and make Pakura serious so we can see what she got.]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Pakura has the power of Scorch Style, but Scorch Style's bloodline limit should not be able to compete with Wood Style. I don't know what kind of power Rifan bestow Pakura. ]

[ Senju Tobirama: Could it be a Forbidden Technique? ]

In Tobirama's view, it is possible to surpass the power of Wood Style, and it is only possible if it is a Forbidden Technique.

[Ai: The taijutsu used by Rifan just now is very powerful, maybe he taught Pakura some kind of powerful taijutsu. ]

[Senju Hashirama: I don't know, but Second Mizukage should not able to make Pakura show her skills. ]

At the level of Hashirama, if he wants to deal against a normal Kage ninja, he doesn't need to use all his strength.

In his opinion, if Pakura really has power beyond himself, then the Second Mizukage may not have enough power to allow Pakura to use her true abilities.

"Boring illusion." Pakura coldly glanced at Gengetsu Hozuki's figure.

With her current ability, even if she doesn't open her Rinne Sharingan, she can see that Gengetsu Hozuki  has used an illusion to change his position and create a phantom in the place before her.

"Although against you, I don't need to use the power Teacher Rifan gives me."

"But since Teacher Rifan said that my power is beyond the power he used just now."

"Then, as his disciple, I can't let my teacher lose his credibility."

Saying that, Pakura closed her eyes and slowly raised her right hand on her forehead.

"Oh? So you plan to show us your real skills?"

"This is really excit... Wait, why do you have an eye on your forehead?!"

"No, what the hell is going on with your eyes, why does it look like a Sharingan?!"

Looking at the eyes that suddenly opened on Pakura's forehead, Gengetsu Hozuki's eyes widened.

Meanwhile, inside the sealed moon.

"This eye, how could she have this eye?!"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was extremely shocked.

Even though she was sealed inside the moon, the golden list penetrated the seal and appeared in front of her.

Even though she is still as immobile as ever, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya knows that she can challenge the people on the [Ninja Ranking] list.

However, because there is no reward that can make her escape from the scheduled prizes, she has never challenged the top rankers.

"Does this woman, like me, eat the fruit of the divine tree?"

"No, she is not from the Ōtsutsuki clan, how could she possibly be able to eat the fruit of the divine tree?"

"Could it be that the man she called her teacher did something?"

At this moment, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya developed a strong interest in Pakura and Rifan, especially Pakura's teacher.

She didn't plan to take part in the challenge, but at this moment she came up with the idea of challenging Rifan or Pakura.

Like Kaguya and Gengetsu Hozuki, everyone who saw Pakura's Rinne Sharingan at this moment was extremely surprised.

"Nagato, that eye, looks a bit like your Rinnegan!"

"Can you sense something?"

Konan looked at Nagato beside her.

"Sorry Konan, I also don't know." Nagato shook his head. "That eye is similar to my Rinnegan, and the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan."

"It's just that I can't find any information across the golden list.

"Perhaps, that eye is simply similar to mine and the eyes of the Uchiha clan."

"Or just another bloodline limit."

Hearing Nagato's words, Konan nodded, "Maybe, that's it."

On the other side, Konoha Village.

"Father, is that Pakura a member of our Uchiha clan?"

Uchiha Itachi looked at his father Uchiha Fugaku curiously.

"Impossible." Uchiha Fugaku shook his head, "Pakura is from Sunagakure, and has nothing to do with us Uchiha clan."

"Furthermore, according to the records, the Uchiha family has never seen such a Sharingan."

"It should just be like our eyes."

"It turns out...that's it." The young Uchiha Itachi nodded.

It is not known that Sharingan can evolve into Rinnegan, so there is no way to connect Pakura's eyes with Sharingan.

On the other hand, Uchiha Madara from the underworld narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing Pakura's eyes.

"Tomoe? Is this also a manifestation of Rinnegan?"

"Did this woman get a Rinnegan different from me from the man named Rifan?"

"Just, why does it grow on the forehead?"