Chapter 592: Crushing Defeat—

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Um, Rifan, since you are Pakura's teacher, you should know about her eyes. Excuse me, is this her own bloodline limit, or the Sharingan she got from Uchiha?]

[Martial God Rifan: Third Hokage, are you asking me for information about my disciple?]

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: You misunderstood, Rifan. It's just that the eyes of your disciple are very similar to the eyes of the Uchiha clan in our village. Konoha Village and Sunagakure are allies. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, I want to find out the whole story. ]

[Martial God Rifan: Are you now concerned about the Uchiha clan? Your relationship with the Uchiha clan should not be very good, right? If you want to know the information of my disciple, go challenge her. As for whether it is a Sharingan, I have no comment on this matter. 

If you think that my disciple's eyes were stolen from the Uchiha clan, as his teacher, you can find me and we can 'talk' about it. 

Of course, you can also choose to challenge me. If you can beat me, I will naturally tell you everything. ]

For Sarutobi Hiruzen from Konoha Village, Rifan doesn't have a good impression, and his natural words are not too polite.

Konoha successive Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen can be said to be the darkest Hokage.

Not to mention when he was young, but when he was old, he did a lot of ugly things.

During his reign, it is unknown how many ninjas with potential have died for no reason under his leadership.

Konoha's White Fang is a prime example.

It can be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen is a darker Kage than the Fourth Kazekage Rosa who made Pakura a political victim.

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Let's forget about it, you can defeat First Hokage, how can I be your opponent?]

[Martial God Rifan: This is strange, aren't you the strongest Hokage in all generations, you should be stronger than Senju Hashirama, why are you saying that you are not as good as Senju Hashirama now?]

Seeing Rifan's message, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, who was in the Konoha Building, turned black.

After watching the battle between Rifan and the First Hokage, the children of Konoha have already begun to doubt his identity as the strongest Hokage in history.

After all, if Sarutobi Hiruzen is really as powerful as Senju Hashirama.

When Nine Tails broke out in Konoha, he should have the ability to easily suppress Nine Tails.

Since Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't do that, it's highly likely that he wasn't as strong as First Hokage.

Such an idea has spread in the hearts of Konoha people in a short period of time.

Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen tried to stop it, he was powerless.

Now Rifan said such words on the golden list again, if he hadn't been able to beat Rifan, Hiruzen really wanted to challenge Rifan and kill him to shut his mouth.

At the same time, the dialogue between Pakura and Gengetsu Hozuki continues in the golden list arena.

"Hey, you haven't told me what's wrong with your eyes."

"An eye on the forehead, don't tell me the ninja world now has a bloodline limit of a third eye?"

"But your eyes are a bit like the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan... No, it seems to be a bit like the Rinnegan of the legendary Sage of Six Paths."

"Hey, why don't you speak, at least nod your head ok."

Gengetsu Hozuki stroked his beard and kept asking Pakura.

But he didn't see Pakura's obviously impatient face.

"I wanted to give you a chance to attack first."

"But you have a runny mouth so it's getting annoying now so…die."

Pakura opened her eyes and looked at Gengetsu Hozuki, the Sharingan on her forehead began to emit a strange red light.


Suddenly, a huge vibration was transmitted throughout the arena.

"Hey, what is this, what's up with this Chakra mass?!"

Because of the huge Chakra that erupted from Pakura's body, Gengetsu Hozuki's illusion was directly cracked by violence.

His original body also appears and his face full of helplessness.

"By the way, if you have a choice, do you want magma to burn to death, or be frozen by ice? "

"Or by being eroded by wind and sand, or by being dissolved by sulfuric acid and dying?"

Following Pakura's words, the Chakra that permeated the entire arena became even bigger.

This kind of feeling makes Gengetsu Hozuki even feel that he may explode at any time.

"Don't say such terrible words, I don't want to be killed by these methods!"

Gengetsu Hozuki shouted, and quickly rushed towards Pakura.

Now that the illusion has been deciphered, this time he intends to use the method he used on Second Tsuchikage to deal with Pakura.

'Rifan's disciple, right? Then let's see if what Rifan said is true.'

Gengetsu Hozuki thought in his heart.

However, although the idea is good, he has no means to display it.

The next moment, Gengetsu Hozuki's foot was empty, the original foothold disappeared out of thin air, and his whole body began to fall quickly.

"This... What the hell is going on?!"

"How did this place become magma?!"

In a miserable cry, Gengetsu Hozuki's body fell straight down to the scalding lava below.

"Heavenly Governing Inside."

Looking at Gengetsu Hozuki's miserable expression, Pakura said softly.