Chapter 750: Victory

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Hey, this is too exaggerated, why even the battlefield has changed! What the hell happened?!]

[Onoki: Infinite sword? Are these swords real? How did she get these swords out? These precious swords, don't tell me each have the power of the spiral sword just now!?]

[ Terumi Mei: Is this the power that Teacher Rifan taught Guren? Wait a minute, why does Guren have so many swords?]

With surprise on her face, Terumi looked at the sword at the scene after she used the Unlimited Blade Works.

With her eyes, she can naturally see that among these swords, many of them have the power of the seven ninja swords of Mist Shinobi.

'No, these swords are much more powerful than those ninja swords! '

Terumi Mei thought.

[Pakura: These swords should not be real swords, but unique existences in this space. ]

Pakura narrowed her eyes slightly, concerned about the situation on the Golden List.

For Pakura, who can use ninjutsu like Heavenly Governing Inside, the moment she saw the space of this infinite sword.

She felt that the space of the sword was very similar to her Heavenly Governing Inside.

[Senju Hashirama: Really, what a terrible trick, if this space is the same as that of Pakura and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's time-space ninjutsu, Tobirama is in trouble. ]

[Namikaze Minato: Look, little Guren is going to take action, this… so many swords, how will Second Hokage-sama deal with it!? ]

At this moment, looking at this scene in the Golden List arena, everyone's eyes widened.

Because they saw Guren pointed to the sky with one hand, and all the swords rose up, completely surrounding Tobirama.

'Damn it, there is no gap, but I must break through as soon as possible or else I'll lose.'

Looking at the long sword with almost no dead ends left in the sky, Tobirama's eyes narrowed and he was about to charge towards Guren.

After a short period of analysis, he has roughly understood the characteristics of this space.

In this space, staying away from Guren has no effect.

No matter how far away, Guren might be able to perceive his presence and attack him with the sword stuck in the ground.

In this space, perhaps every sword is a clone of Guren.

The more you want to stay away from the Guren, the faster you will die.

The only way is before things get out of hand.

Defeat Guren!

However, although Tobirama's idea is good, the difficulty in implementing it makes it impossible.

He just started to move when Guren's hand slammed down.

Following her movement, the sword in the sky quickly charged toward Tobirama.

At the same time, it covers his current position, as well as the position marked by the Flying Thunder God where he just moves from.

At this time, whether Tobirama stays in place or uses Flying Thunder God Technique to move to the same place, the scene of being attacked by flying swords is inevitable.

Seeing this scene, Tobirama closed his eyes in despair...


Swords plowed the ground, causing a big explosion directly around Tobirama's body.

The next moment, the result of the fight between Guren and Senju Tobirama appeared on the golden list.

- Guren vs Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, the winner, Guren.

——Guren replaced Senju Tobirama as No. 10 on the Kage List.

—— Senju Tobirama has dropped out from the list for the second time, and will not have the possibility to challenge those on the ranking list again.

There was silence for a few seconds…

After everyone processed what happened,

There was an uproar.

Seeing the messages on the golden list, Konoha, Cloud Shinobi and other villages immediately exploded.

Some are sorry, and some are happy.

However, it doesn't matter how they feel about Senju Tobirama's defeat.

But one thing was certain, they were all surprised by the power of the Guren.

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: What a terrifying power. In the face of such an attack, apart from the Sage Mode of the First Hokage and the Sharingan of Uchiha Madara, it is difficult for anyone to escape this attack!]

[Senju Hashirama: Tobirama, you have worked hard, this time it can only be said that your opponent is too strong. ]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Hehe, strong? That's Rifan's disciple so of course, she is strong. Rifan is really powerful, even a little girl can become so powerful after his teaching and guidance.]

[Onoki: How old is this little girl? Her future is limitless. It would be great if Rifan could teach my granddaughter, so Iwagakure would have a successor that can keep up with the times.]