Chapter 751: Onoki wish~

Iwagakure, Tsuchikage Building.

Onoki looked at his lovely granddaughter Kurotsuchi next to him, and couldn't help but think of the picture of her becoming Rifan's disciple.

After her training with Rifan gaining strong power, punching Uchiha Madara and kicking Senju Hashirama.

Such a picture, just thinking about it, made Onoki feel excited with high blood pressure.

Once upon a time, he had seen the great power of Uchiha Madara with his own eyes.

Such power is unmatched by ordinary people.

Although Onoki's strength was strong enough at that time, it was not enough to face Uchiha Madara at all.

If it wasn't for Madara's not killing him at the time, Onoki knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to live to this day and become Iwagakure's Third Tsuchikage.

However, the imagination returns to the imagination.

Even though Onoki is expecting his granddaughter to become Rifan's disciple, he knows that this is not an easy thing to achieve.

'Cloud Shinobi Village has it, Kirigakure has it, Sunagakure has it. '

'Now only Iwagakure and Konoha Village don't have Rifan's disciples.'

'I really hope that Rifan will turn his attention to Iwagakure at some point.'

Onoki let out a long sigh.

Although Rifan doesn't seem to be very friendly to Konoha, his village has never had Rifan's disciples.

This made Onoki still unable to be happy.

"Old man, what are you thinking of, you sigh so much? "

Onoki's son, also Elite Jōnin of Iwagakure, a ninja named Kitsuchi, looked at Onoki strangely.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking of how to attract Rifan's attention to our Iwagakure."

"I see." Kitsuchi scratched the back of his head. "But, old man, I know that Rifan taught his disciples very well, but if people in our village become Rifan's disciples, will he/she be more loyal to our Iwagakure or more loyal to Rifan in the future?"

As for Terumi Mei of Kirigakure, Kitsuchi doesn't know if she is more loyal to the village or more loyal to Rifan.

But the one from Sunagakure is obviously more loyal to Rifan.

In the future, if Rifan also accepts Iwagakure's people as disciples, it will be fine if there is no conflict between Rifan and Iwagakure.

If there is a conflict, and Rifan gives an order, should this Iwagakure disciple help Iwagakure or Rifan?

Thinking of this, Kitsuchi couldn't help but feel a little tangled.

"What kind of problem is this?" Onoki glanced at Kitsuchi and said:

"If a powerhouse like Rifan wants to attack us, he doesn't need the help of his disciples at all."

"Don't think about the conflict between Rifan and Iwagakure, we just need to be careful not to offend him. If we offend him, Iwagakure will be done for."

In the face of Onoki's rebuke, Kitsuchi nodded and did not dare to argue with his father.

The young short-haired girl Kurotsuchi tilted her head, looked at her grandfather who reprimanded her father and then looked at the words that Guren defeated Senju Tobirama still remained in the sky.

In her mind, she couldn't help but look forward to being able to defeat strong people like Guren.

"The power of Unlimited Swords, I don't know how long this power can last."

"If the duration is indefinite, it will be difficult even with my Kamui to escape."

In a dark cave, Uchiha Obito with a spiral mask had a gloomy face.

Although he is confident in his Kamui's power to hide his body in another dimension.

But after seeing the infinite swords of Guren, he was still a little discouraged.

Originally, when the end of the ninja list was near, he was ready to try it out.

Even if he is lost, relying on the strength of his actions, he is confident that he can admit defeat in time.

But after seeing Guren start to act, he felt that he had to slow down his plan.

Who knows if, aside from Guren, Rifan's students are still waiting to challenge those on the ranking list?

[Senju Tobirama: Am I also kicked out of the challenge list? Well, according to the current time, I'm afraid I don't have time to continue the challenge. It's just a pity that I'm going to leave the scheduled rewards for Konoha. ]

Although it is only the tenth place reward, it is still a good reward.

Tobirama believes that getting this thing can more or less increase the power of Konoha.

Especially when Konoha's prestige is low now, getting some rewards can at least make other villages dare not underestimate Konoha Village.