Chapter 1 The Myriad Sky Sect

"Whew, that should be it." A worker sighed as he wiped his brow. He along with his team had just finished their latest project. It was a large gate for a new Sect in the area, the Myriad Sky Sect. The Sect Master had paid them handsomely and asked them to do their best work and naturally they followed through.

"T-This is spectacular!" Out of no where a young man appeared. He was dressed in azure robes and was pleasantly surprised by the gate before him. In an instant he moved towards the gate and began inspecting it lovingly.

This was the Sect Master of the Myriad Sky Sect, Wang Tian.

"You guys are amazing! Worth every penny." The young man exclaimed before pulling out a pouch and handing it to the leader.

"It was nothing." The leader replied embarrassedly. In truth they had spent nearly a month making this gate, safe to say it was one of the best projects he and his team had ever worked on. From the design to quality of materials, everything was superb.

"No need to be modest, every detail is perfect." Shaking his head the young man motioned for them to leave before continuing. "Now go I know a lot of you haven't seen your family in days and I am not interested in paying overtime." Hearing this the team chuckled before bidding farewell and leaving the foot of the mountain.

"Finally the gate is finished, the Technique Hall was completed last week, all quarters have been completed some time ago, training grounds done.....what about the disciplinary hall, well I guess that isn't needed right now....." Rather than think, he tended to mumble, it was a bad habit of his but it helped him process information.

Wang Tian had a lot to think about, or well mumble, these days. After cultivating arduously and saving up as much money as he could, at the age of 37 he had founded his own Sect, the Myriad Sky Sect.

First he left his former Sect before finding a suitable place to found his own. He eventually settled on Clear Sky City in the Golden Bell Kingdom and took hold of the tallest mountain near the City. In Wang Tian's eyes it was the perfect location.

The mountain's Qi density was passable and Clear Sky City had no other Sects within it. While there were some Sects nearby they wouldn't be able to threaten Wang Tian. This meant that not only was there a demand for a Sect, but also his Sect would be safe for the foreseeable future.

But that was the easy part, then came construction. And lets just say Wang Tian wasn't very fond of it. Not only was it time consuming, but it was costly and required him to constantly run around making sure everything was going smoothly. Thus Wang Tian came up with an idea. That was to hire a Vice Sect Master.

"Alfred how's it going?" Wang Tian asked as he entered the Elder Hall. As the name implied, this was where the top figures of the Sect would hold meetings in the future, and the most well decorated building in the Sect, rather than a hall it looked more like a palace.

"We're right on schedule, Mission Hall, Training Grounds, Disciple Quarters, Technique Hall, Mess Hall, Elder Hall and Registration Hall have all been completed. Only the gate and Weapons Hall are incomplete." Alfred answered as he sifted through some documents.

Alfred and Wang Tian had met around 5 years ago when the latter was on a mission, he was a reliable man and they'd gone through life and death together so Wang Tian had decided to contact him when he needed a Vice Sect Master.

"Actually they just finished the gate, so all that's left is the Weapons Hall." Wang Tian replied with a smile on his face. Alfred then looked up, his messy brown hair hanging just above his eyes, he too couldn't help but smile.

"Sect Master, it seems we'll be able to accept disciples soon." Vice Sect Master Alfred declared in a serious tone.

"Indeed Vice Sect Master, announce far and wide that we'll be accepting disciples at the beginning of next month." Sect Master Wang Tian concurred barely holding back his laughter. After a bit of back and forth Alfred then left the Elder Hall to make the announcement leaving Wang Tian alone in the hall.

He then moved towards the largest seat in the hall, his throne, before sitting atop it a lofty aura surrounding him. While he'd already technically founded his Sect, it was only when a Sect had disciples could it truly be considered a Sect.

"Just a few more weeks." The young man muttered to himself. A large wind then surrounded him before he disappeared from his throne. 'I'll need to collect some resources for the disciples.' With that thought in mind he raced out of the Sect.

A few minutes later Alfred entered the Elder Hall. "Wang Tian...where did he run off to now." Alfred sighed before turning around. "Well I guess the colour of the door isn't really that important...hopefully he doesn't make a fuss about it later."

Unfortunately for Alfred he did.