Chapter 2 Entrance Exam

Soon the day had arrived. Hundreds of people were clambering outside the gate of the Myriad Sky Sect, whether it be parents coming along with their children, or said children hoping to be accepted into the Sect and begin their journey of cultivation.

Just past the gate a number of servants had formed a line which led to a small table, on top of which was a dull grey stone. At this moment Alfred was carefully inspecting the stone to ensure nothing would go wrong. 'I am surprised he managed to afford Qi Resonator even if it is of the lowest grade.' Alfred thought before nodding to a nearby servant.

"Attention! The Myriad Sky Sect's 1st Entrance Exam will be held shortly. Please form a line if you shall be participating. Now I shall remind you about the rules, as previously explained anyone who would like to take the exam must please donate 1 Gold Coin to the man dressed in black before passing the gate, no person older than 16 or younger than 10 may participate, only participants are allowed beyond the gate. Last but not least if you do not qualify there are no refunds and you will be asked to leave the premises."

With that announcement the crowd's excitement reached a boiling point. While 1 Gold Coin was a lot, being an entire family's expenses for a year, the chance to enter a sect and cultivate wasn't easily passed up. Especially when one considered the rumors that a Foundation Realm Expert resided in the sect.

One had to know that of Clear Sky City's 50,000 people, a few thousand were in the Body Tempering Realm, maybe 200 were in the Qi Gathering Realm but none were in the Foundation Realm. Even the Clear Sky City Lord was only at the peak of Qi Gathering which showed what a great opportunity this was to the people of the city.

Having formed the line, the participants then entered the gate paying their one Gold Coin fee as they did. The servants who had formed a line parallel to them inspected them insuring they were within the designated age range before being allowed to walk up to the table.

"So you're the first one?" Alfred muttered inspecting the boy in front of him. He then motioned for the boy to place his hand on the dull grey stone. "Place your palm on this stone, if it glows you pass while if there's no reaction you fail."

With that explanation out of the way the boy nervously place his hand on the stone. There was no reaction. "That's unfortunate, next." Alfred called monotonously. The boy then ran down the mountain in tears, his dream of cultivating would never come to fruition.

And thus this process repeated itself many times until finally someone was able to activate the stone. The stone glowed in a faint white light, indicating that the person who touched it had the potential to cultivate Qi.

Seeing this Alfred could barely stop himself from cracking a smile. "You've passed, please wait to the side over there." Alfred said motioning the boy to move. "I-I really passed!" He exclaimed in excitement before waiting to the side, if it weren't for the current setting he'd be jumping for joy.

Hope had reignited among the participants. They had begun having doubts, thinking that the Sect was scamming them but now that there seemed to be a slight chance of success they went forward touching the stone with renewed vigor. Sadly despite their enthusiasm this didn't change their results much and their hopes were swiftly dashed.

An hour soon went by, and over 300 participants had undergone the test. Out of the 300 or so, 28 qualified which was about the expected the result. Those who had failed were naturally disappointed but not much could be changed.

Alfred then carefully wrapped a cloth around the Qi Resonator before stowing it away in his light blue robes. Two servants then came forth and carried the table and chair up the mountain.

"The Entrance Exam has now officially concluded. Thank you all for your participation." Alfred declared before turning to those who had passed. "You may go and bid farewell to your families, you have exactly 5 minutes."

Immediately the 28 children rushed down and out of the gate having a brief conversation with their families before saying goodbye. It would be at least a few years before they'd be able to see them again so they cherished the moment as best they could.

Once the 5 minutes were up they hurriedly made their way back to their previous positions and Alfred then led them up the mountain. The servants who were still there then urged the people loitering to leave before they too headed up the mountain to complete their regular duties.

"Now that you've become disciples of the Myriad Sky Sect you will be expected to cultivate diligently and complete the tasks assigned to you. In return the Sect will provide you with resources and guidance. I am the Vice Sect Master and you will refer to me as such, if you have any questions feel free to ask them." Alfred explained his back towards them.

"Vice Sect Master, why were you conducting the Entrance Exam and not an Elder? From what I heard normally Elders take care of stuff like that." A boy who couldn't be more than 12 asked curiously.

"Good question, right now there are no Elders in the Sect, rather there is only the Sect Master and I if we don't include you all." Alfred explained matter of factly. This didn't sit very well with them though. Wasn't a Sect meant to be a big organisation with many Elders and such? And now they were being told there wasn't even a single Elder?

"I know what you're thinking. How will there be proper guidance without any Elders? Simply put the Sect Master and I will be teaching you personally, you can consider this your privilege as the Myriad Sky Sect's 1st generation of disciples."

Hearing this they sucked in a cold breath of air. Being taught personally by the Vice and actual Sect Master? Wasn't this a dream come true? If the rumors were true wouldn't that mean they'd be taught by a Foundation Realm expert?

Soon they arrived at the heart of the Sect. It was a well built square with many lavish buildings surrounding it and paths leading to various areas.

"In front of us is the Elder Hall, unless an urgent matter crops you are never to enter unless otherwise instructed. That is the Registration Hall, we'll be going there now for you all to register. Opposite it is the Mission Hall, and the three tiered pagoda beside it is Technique Hall. Each of these buildings are vital to the Sect, but are mostly empty right now."

He then took them to Registration Hall in which a servant had a number of scrolls ready in which he wrote down the necessary information. After he'd hand each disciple a set of dark blue robes along with a medallion with the words "Myriad Sky" engraved on them.

As soon as all 28 of them completed the process Alfred took them down one of the paths and a few minutes later they arrived at the Disciple Quarters. They were 10 huts each capable of housing 5 disciples. Naturally 5 huts were designated for the boys, and another 5 were designated for the girls. Of the 28 new disciples about 17 were boys and 11 were girls meaning they'd comfortably fit in the current accommodations.

"Now that I've explained the basics you may rest in your quarters until tomorrow. At dawn sharp breakfast will be provided at the Mess Hall." He said pointing at an inconspicuous building which was off to the side before continuing "And then I will come and take you all the training grounds where you will begin your cultivation."

Having said all he needed to say Alfred then disappeared from their vision, tomorrow was going to be an important day for them.