Chapter 5 Problems and Solutions

The disciples now found themselves in the canteen once again, and needless to say they were dead tired. So much so that a number of them could barely move their hands to eat their food. Upon taking a bite of it though, they were immediately reinvigorated.

"This is even better than breakfast!" Ye Chen roared out of nowhere, which once again annoyed Zion but he couldn't help but agree with him. It must have been the highest quality meat he'd ever consumed before.

"Don't get used to this, your lunch won't be like this every day." Wang Tian's voice resounded causing the disciples to savor every little piece of the meal. 'Seems I didn't hunt that Phantom Leopard for nothing.'

Half an hour later the disciples finished up and went back to the training grounds, at around sunset they were then led back to the canteen for dinner after which they were sent to their huts to get a good nights rest.

"That was a good first day, I've already spotted some good seedlings." Wang Tian discussed with Alfred within the Elder Hall.

"Mhm, we need to hope they can cultivate quickly though. The Golden Bell Kingdom provided us with a 10 year grace period, in that time we need at least 100 Qi Gathering Realm disciples otherwise we'll be easy pickings for the 10 Sects." Alfred replied, to which Wang Tian raised a brow.

"They only gave us 10 years!? Don't they normally provide a 30 year period?" Wang Tian was shocked by the revelation. Alfred merely shook his head before handing him a letter.

"I assume its because we're not natives of the Golden Bell Kingdom, so they're less inclined to give our Sect protections." Alfred theorised as Wang Tian scanned the document.

"Tsk, tsk, this is not good, while I think we can build up a force equal to the 10 Sects in 10 years, the 4 Powers will still be way out of our league." Wang Tian sighed handing the document back to Alfred.

Within the Golden Bell Kingdom there was naturally the Kingdom itself, then there were the 4 Powers, and lastly the 10 Sects. Each of these factions were a force to reckon with and could easily defeat the Myriad Sky Sect, at least for now.

"To be honest, our main issue is our lack of Elder level figures. While our strengths can be considered great within the Golden Bell Kingdom, we don't even have enough Elders to protect the Technique Hall let alone to battle other Sects with."

In reality this was the real problem, after all Wang Tian hadn't made that many connections due to his diligent cultivation, and the connections he did make had other commitments. Otherwise he wouldn't have founded the Sect with just Alfred and himself.

The two then sat there in silence, thinking about what they could do next. And in all honesty they had no clue. "We need to let time take its course, regardless I don't fear the 10 Sects, if they want to fuck with my Myriad Sky Sect they can taste my sword." Wang Tian declared.

"Well said, now we have some other matters to discuss. How are we going to make money." Alfred said, causing Wang Tian's expression to sour. Besides the whole grace period thing, this had been the biggest issue wracking his mind for a while.

They had already discussed this topic in length, and the most efficient idea they could come up with, was having Wang Tian hunt beasts and sell the carcasses. But there were a few problems.

Firstly there simply weren't enough beasts at his level of strength to kill around Clear Sky City, and if he went around wantonly killing beasts he could very well ruin the ecosystem of the area and cut off any future gains.

There was also the issue of Wang Tian being the Sect Master, needing to run it and guide the disciples and frankly Wang Tian simply didn't want to spend the majority of his time hunting. He had already gone on many hunts in his life, whether it be to pay off his debts to the Nine Clouds Sword Sect or accumulate enough funds to form the initial base of his Sect.

"All right how about we do this. Once a week I'll go and kill a Foundation Realm beast, we'll take enough of the meat to give the disciples one meal and then sell the rest to the nearby Clans. Then once a month you take their Beast Cores to Heaven's Bell City to sell them off at a good price." Wang Tian proposed to which Alfred nodded.

This was a plan which allowed them to make some money while still allowing Wang Tian to fulfill his duties and keep the ecosystem intact. "Hmm, okay and from Heaven's Bell City I could purchase some items which are rarer here and we can sell them to the Clans to make even more profit." Alfred added on.

With their plan now devised they discussed a few miscellaneous matters before both heading to cultivate. Their personal strength was still important after all and with their new money making strategy they felt more invigorated than ever.

Like this the days passed. The disciples would train with all their might, Alfred and Wang Tian would guide them while managing the Sect, and the servants would prepare the meals and keep the place looking tidy.


"Manifesting Sky Sword!" Wang Tian roared striking his sword out which was coated in a thick layer of white Qi. It seemed as though the sky moved with his sword as it slashed towards a Blackfurred Lion.


The lion wouldn't go down without a fight its claws slashing towards Wang Tian's descending sword. They then clashed, the surrounding tree shattering under the shockwave of their collision. "Severing Sun Sword!"

Wang Tian's sword slashed out once again, a sky behind it with enough ferocity to even sever the sun in two. In response the lion tried to fight back, but the sword was too swift, too strong.


Its neck was cleanly cut off leaving the corpse mostly intact. "This corpse alone should net a good 50 gold." Wang Tian mused before putting his sword, and the corpse alike into his Spatial Ring.